
"Lord Golovy": history of publication, analysis, value of the novel. "The analysis of the novel of the Lord" Golovy "- artistic analysis of the value of the novel" Lord Golovy "

1880g.-Roman As the result of destruction, thinking about what was with the nobility as a class and what is Russia after serfdom. (20 years since the end)

Many critics argue that the novel is dedicated to past serfdom. Yes, it is so, but the address of the Shchedrian satire is not narrow. The subject of satire is the general system in general, which distorts and ulods everyone.

E.I. Pokusayev, Saratov Professor, noted that this is a novel chronicle, telling about the history of one family. The name of the novel is simple, but multi-valued, t to the grocery are landlords. Belonging to a certain system, the society obliges to say whether the landowners are the gentlemen?

Mr. (Dalya) -

The main thing about what Shchedrin is noteworthy is Russian life, its processes and the Russian family. But the novel is not limited to the family framework, it was necessary to show what the Russian family in the 70s-80s of the 19th century.


1) The Saltykov-Shchedrian family ceases to be holy, it is destroyed from the inside. Golublove is a head, this is not a center of culture of Russian society, not a center of home culture, this is dead burned place. That is why the author's main task is to disclose, talk about the internal mechanism for the destruction of this family. This design is the composition and plot of the novel. The composition is very slim. We understand the main problems of the family, we see the struggle for the property, the inevitability of the death of the family.

2) One of the important discoveries is the recognition that all members of the family are responsible for the death. Through all the novel, we hear Shchedrian subtext.

3) Through the entire novel passes the motive of death: in each it is most importantly, a member of the family dies.

(The death of Anna Vladimirovna, daughters Arina Petrovna, Stepan Vladimirovich, Elder Son Arina Petrovna, husband Arina Petrovna -Vladimir Mikhailovich and others)

One of the main features, with the help of which the decomposition process is manifested - trigger. Shchedrian realism is manifested in showing not "individual in man", and "Gurtova", herd start. Weaving wondered not that otherwise as the main characteristic of Porphyria Golovleva (Jewish). The deducer (one who suffers).

4) Psychological Reception of Shchedrian skills - to reveal the essence of the hero through his speech beginning.

5) the genius and innovation is that he takes a small soul and reveals its history as much as possible.

In the image of Judek there is a contradiction of comic and tragic started. Evgraf Ivanovich Pokusayev wrote about three moments, speaking of the "Word" Judishka:

1) no material in the word (the word loses its value)

2) He does not have a flibbies of conscience (there are stamps in speech on all situations)

3) "Biryulki's words" (a person is not responsible for his missions)

Goncharov understood the logic of the hero, saying that at the end of his life in him wakes up conscience, but this position could not be completely correct to Jewish himself he does not know what to do next, because he was destructed himself from people all his life. The conscience woke up, but fruitlessly. The outcome is one - death.

The hero must be punished, which is why he dies not in a gonut, and on the street with early cold in the morning at the crossroads of roads.

So, in the novel 3 of the layer of degradation:

1. margin of celebrations (visible hospitality)

2. margin celebration (termination of communication with people)

3. Location drunk (all drinks)

Roman genre:

We have a socio-philosophical novel, a social and psychological novel, a novel warning.


The most terrible flour of a person is the flour of conscience when nothing can be corrected. Each reading this work should understand that any evil turns around against the person himself.

(* 84) In one of the letters Saltykov-Shchedrin noticed: "All the great writers and thinkers were made great that they were talking about the basics."

Generin himself also wrote about the basics of the modern society.

What exactly?

In 1869, B. Chicherin - a scientist, a publicist of a liberal camp - released a book that was called the "History of Political Exercises". At the very beginning, her author reminded of those "whales", on which society holds: "The first union is a family. It is based on the full internal consent of the members, on mutual love that makes up the life of the family ... This is a solid, organic union created by Samoa Nature; This is how the ideal of human society ... The Second Union, civil society, concludes a totality of all private relations between people. Here the main beginning is a free face with his rights and interests. It is dominated by private or civil law with various Forms: Ownership, (* 85) Property, Treaty. Third Union, Church, embodies the beginning of moral and religious; It is dominated by the element of moral law. Finally, the fourth alliance, the state prevails over all the others. He represents it mainly , as a result, he owns the Supreme Power on Earth. "

Shchedrin, in his satirical works, showed deep internal inconsistency, the comicness of the same "unions", on which the modern life writer was expressed.

Family, property, church, the state - with these public institutions of Saltykov first got in touch in childhood and adolescence. He, of course, could not then realize their true essence, but understood very well that these institutions were not virtue.

All subsequent life satiri was constantly faced with the same "cornerstone". He had the opportunity to observe them in a wide variety of manifestations. He finally made sure that the main foundations of the modern society had long heard himself and were a flagrant contradiction to the ideals of humanism, social justice, free human development.

These outdated, who have existed themselves, but continuing to dominate the form of the form, the writer called the ghosts. "What is a ghost?" He asked in the Article "Modern Ghosts" and answered: "Correcting theoretically, this is a form of life that is being strengthened to conclude something significant, vital, trembling, and in fact concludes only emptiness." And further: "Do not forget that although the ghost, by the very nature itself, is only a mechanical obstacle for life, but it has a whole story that has managed to root the bad habits in society, which has managed to group the whole life of society and, According to this, it arranged its external and internal details. "

In his works, Shchedrin brilliantly demonstrated the fear of the rule of ghosts, their frightening effect on the lives of people. His satire was aimed at freeing a society from superstitious fear of ghosts, debunk ideals, "the insignificance of which is silent recognized by everyone."

The ghost is a giant, ominous, constantly threatening people with various repression and at the same time (* 86) internally insolvent, comical - appears in the "history of one city" an autocratic state. All his life, people are unquestioned by the state, bring him numerous sacrifices, considering it as something higher and sacred. It, however, has long been turned into a blind way, the soulless strength, which makes only new troubles and karas on the people.

The ghost, suiling people joy and well-being, but rather the mountain and misfortune, appears in the "gentlemen of the grank" noble-land family. The writer shows that this family is only an outer shell that there are only the visibility of family happiness, care, mutual understanding. In fact, the gingerbread - people are not just indifferent each otherBut deep alien, warring.

At the end of his life, Arina Petrovna - a generally accepted chapter golovye family - With bitterness, it is realized that: "She sat down something like that, she was killed over something, and it turns out that he was killed over the ghost. All his life, the word" family "did not go with her language; in the family name, she is alone I executed, others awarded; in the name of the family, she subjected themselves to the deprivation, tied themselves, dismissed his whole life - and suddenly it turns out that the family is exactly from her! "

The ghost is a monstrous, all-consuming, crumpled people - Property property in the "gentlemen" and landowners. It would seem, having freeing a person from worries about the "fucking bread", property should have contributed to more versatile personal development, the disclosure of all its spiritual and moral possibilities. In fact, she freed many of the people in general, from any activity, and turned into creatures inert, lazy. Creatures, absolutely not adapted to life, devoid of internal life stimuli and doomed to dying.

(* 87) It is easy to see that this is the same topic that lay on the basis of " Dead souls"Gogol. Already on the pages of the famous satirical epic appeared strikingly bright gallery of landowners, Oaken in their sinks-estates, deprived of spiritual life, "dead souls".

If Gogol captured the process of mental, spiritual, moral osenation of landowners, the process of death of human souls, then generin painted an equally bright picture of the further degradation of the landlord, the picture of its complete decomposition ending with physical extinction.

The gorgeous family is the social cell in which the basic patterns of such decomposition manifested themselves most clearly.

Already at the very beginning of the book, we get acquainted with the characteristic representative of the extinction of the kind - Stepan Golovye, nicknamed steplain-ballback. This is a completely lowered person, a pitiful propoix, " prodigal son", Forced to return home, in the" native "estate. Stepan understands that death is waiting for him. And nevertheless returns there, for he does not have another exit.

So the reader immediately faces the motive of the decomposition of life, fastenurity, death. The motive that will sound in the novel at all of its length and which is already here, in the first chapter, acquires all the features not only threats, but also reality, which accomplished the fact.

Keeping, lonely existence in a dark, clutched room quickly picks up the last signs of life from Stepan, and it turns into an apathetic creature devoid of the slightest glimpses of feelings and thoughts.

After his unsuccessful escape from Golovleva, Arina Petrovna is trying to deviate the Son, but "the ballbes as if petrified."

There were all the flattest words of Arina Petrovna. Nothing helped. Stepan "unconditionally silent." For all day, he walked around the room, "molding sullenly forehead, shehel lips and not feeling fatigue. At times he stopped, as if wishing to argue something, but did not find words."

(* 88) Stepana's silence was disturbed by Arina Petrovna. But a very peculiar way was disturbed. "It's silent all day!" She said, "after all he thinks, the ballobs, about something, as long as he is silent! To remember my word, if he does not sleep in the manor!"

However, the concerns of Arina Petrovna were in vain: "... the balls just did not think at all. It seemed that he was all plunged into the renewable mist, in which there is no place not only for reality, but also for fantasy."

Alone, Arina Petrovna seems to be opposed to the rest of the golly, representing an active, "active" beginning. But her activity is nothing more than fiction. She sought all his life to acquirement, to an increase in property. But property turned out ultimately against her and against her children.

Property has turned Stepan in a haired, pliable, nothing to do with the beggar: "The most important of people can do something for himself, can get a bread for himself - he can't do anything."

Property made from Paul apathetic, sullen "man deprived of actions."

The property of the curse was hung on the other siblings of the gorgeous family, condemning them on aimlessly, worthless existence.

All of them, like Stepan, loved to draw in the imagination of all kinds of tempting perspectives, "but these were always the prospects for giving content and never prospects for labor."

The personification of the terrible, anti-leather essence of the gorgeous, except Arina Petrovna, performs in Roman Porphiri Vladimirovich Zholev. It is he - the main character Works, with the greatest relief embodying the most characteristic features of the "reservoir". It is about him that should be told in more detail.

(* 89) In the first chapter of the novel, we meet with the characteristic of Porphyry Vladimirovich. The characteristic is quite defined and at the same time containing a certain dose of mysteriousness.

"Porfiri Vladimirch, - Shchedrin writes, - he was known in the family under the three names: Jewish, bloodworms and a frank boy, which nicknames were given to him a steamed ballbins. From infant years, he loved to stick to a pretty friend Mama, a kiss to kiss her In the shouldchiko, and sometimes it is lightly visible. I'll take a little, the door of the mamienenikina room, sneaks into the corner, will sit down and, as if fascinated, does not drive his eyes with Mama, as long as she writes either with accounts. But Arina Petrovna is already with Some suspicion was suspicious to these sone enclosure. And then this gaze looks intently at her seemed to her mysterious, and then she could not determine what it was he who exudes himself: poison or sown respect.

And I myself can not understand what's the eye for his eyes, "she sometimes argued with himself," look, "well, as if the loop throws. So it wipes poison, and lists it! "

As you can see, Porfiry, Vladimirovich, from the very beginning, is certified very expressive: Judah, bloodworm, a frank boy. These nicknames immediately reveal the essence of the hero that appeared before us. Pay attention to the "endings" of these nicknames: not Judas, but the Jewish; Not a bloodstone, but bloodworm. The suffixes that are unusual for these words, reaching against those concepts that are denoted by these words. Strange, unusual "endings" these are a wonderful find of a generous artist. Thanks to them, terrible, sinister words (Judas, blood consumers) unexpectedly acquired some kind of complacent, almost gentle shade. Unusual suffixes helped the sinister words - the concepts of disguise, gave them more "decent", a fractional appearance.

The word "Judushka" seems to combine two concepts - "Judas" and "Dushka", of which the second indicates that which hero is pretending, and the first one, who he really is.

(* 90) Characteristics of a small Porphy, which goes after the words "Jewish" and "blood flow", develops the motive contained in their "endings". The hero appears here by the "silent", Painky-boy.

True, it also begins to sound another motive - a motive that develops the topic contained in the roots of such unusual words. It turns out that from infant years, this beneficial boy loved not only to stick to Mama, but also "slightly inappropriate" (so arises in the novel theme of betrayal, Motive Judah).

Here is this duality, the biscuit of the hero and makes up its inner rod. In the same its "mysteriousness" for the author, for the reader and even for Arina Petrovna.

Which of these two plans expresses the genuine Nutro Porphyry Vladimirovich?

Obedience, devotion, meekness - these qualities of the hero strongly demonstrates, exposes the appearance. His well-being is the current and future - depends on the mother, and the Mother requires devotion and obedience. Here he is with all his might and seeks to look like a devotee and obedient, gentle and meek.

But the contradiction between the visible, "Kazova" side of the hero and his essence is already scheduled.

Years will be held. Porfish will grow, turn into Porfiriya Vladimirovich. But still will make all the forces to seem not to those who are in fact. And it will become even more prosperous and virtuous. He will depict a person of a pious, high moral, taking the truth. He will play the role of not only an obedient son, but also a disinterested, a fair brother, a caring, capping father, good, attentive uncle, sincerely worried about the orphan-niece.

And for this visible side, the tricky, calculating, ruthless "blood consumers" will fit and acquires the force, for the sake of increasing his property ready for WCE.

How does the generous essence of his hero reveals? What artistic means is the exposure of the Jewish?

One of them is "zoological" comparisons and comparisons.

Having arrived at the house to the dying pavel, Judushka talks with relatives and even trying to joke. "Everything is smile (* 91)," Shchedrin writes, "but the sour somehow, as if he said to himself: Well, I went now the spider web weave!"

But other comparisons, no less expressive.

At first, Arina Petrovna in the hearts says to his son: "And for me, it is better to tell the mother to say that she is in suspicion, rather than a snake, because of someone else's back hiss." And then, describing the arrival of Judushki to the dying Arine Petrovna, whisherly notes from his own name: "Porfiri Vladimirovich, in the Valya boots, as if snakes, slipped to the bed of the mother ..."

The comparison of the Jewish with spider and the snake is extremely important for understanding the true essence of the hero and the characteristic features of the generin poetics.

In the "gentlemen of the greek" such "zoological" comparisons are rare, because other structural elements are the main means of creating a satirical image. Nevertheless, it would be wrong to underestimate their importance in the system of artistic techniques, with the help of the image of Porphyry Vladimirovich. In a complex set of elements, of which the Skolkin, the figure of the Jewish, Zoological comparable compares the role of critical landmarks that help the reader grab the genuine, the intended essence of the hero.

Moreover, throughout the entire narrative, they seem to "highlight" the figure of the Jews, all the time recalling themselves.

Porphyry Vladimirovich constantly rings a web, in which others get on. First of all, of course, men. "He knows - he writes Shchedrin, - that the man always needs, always looking for a borrow and always gives it without deception, with interest. In particular, the generous man on his work, which" is worthless "and on this basis always, in the calculations, It is accepted in anything, in the sign of love. Much in Russia in Russia's Russia, ah, how much! Many people who can not define today, which is waiting for them tomorrow, many people who, wherever the dreary eyes turn - everywhere they see only A hopeless emptiness, only one word is heard everywhere: Give! Give it! And now, around these is hopeless people, near this rolling alone, Stell Jewish is an endless web ... "

Porphyria Vladimirovich behaves in a similar way and in relation to relatives; He skillfully spreads the network, pods the next sacrifice and then drinks (* 92) her blood. At first, the brother Stepan gets into this network, then "Mama cute friend", then - Paul's brother, and after him - and everyone else.

The latter in the web of the Giang owner is fucked by the niece of Anninkha, which, as Shchedrin writes, Porfiri Vladimirovich met "with the usual favor, in which it was impossible to distinguish himself - whether he wants to adhere to a person or intends to suck blood out of him."

Sometimes you can meet with the statement, as if Satire is alien to psychologism in its very nature. In fact, it is not.

In the writings of the great Russian writers-Satirikov - Gogol and Saltykov-Shchedrin - we meet with brilliant samples of psychological analysis.

Only this analysis, of course, has its own characteristics, differs from psychological analysis of Turgenev, Dostoevsky and L. Tolstoy.

More N.G. Chernyshevsky at one time rightly emphasized that "a psychological analysis can take various directions: One poet occupies all the more outlines of characters; another - the influence of social relations and everyday clashes on characters; the third is the connection of senses with actions; Fourth - analysis of passions "1.

Shchedrin as Satirik writer was interested in public psychology, the psychology of various social layers of the modern society. Its he explores in most of his works.

As for the "Lord Golovye", here the writer was not less difficult to study the individual psychology of heroes, and above all the psychology of Judish. However, it is necessary to immediately specify that "individual psychology" in this case is the same "public psychology", only taken in an individual refraction.

(* 93) But in each of them, these features are manifested in their own way, in accordance with individual inclinations, with character.

In the Jewish Quality, characteristic of the whole class, was manifested with the greatest force and intensity. That is why the writer and sought to reveal his psychology as deeper and more thorough.

On July 9, 1876, Saltykov wrote Nekrasov: "I'm afraid of one thing: how wouldn't I squeeze the Jewish. Half I have already depicted, but in a shot down form, it is necessary to reform and rewrite. This half is difficult, because its content is almost all psychological."

The statement is extremely curious; It suggests that the writer of his main task put the study of the hero's psychology and at the same time clearly aware of the difficulty of solving this problem.

If L. Tolstoy, according to the definition of Chernyshevsky, examined the "soul dialectics", then the psychological analysis of Shchedrin is aimed at studying the dialectic of silent.

Here, on the path of comprehending the psychology of the silent, and there are special difficulties in front of the writer. How much easier to trace overflows and shades of the human soul spiritually rich, intellectually developed, versatile! As for the inner world of socio-psychological types, which are the object of a satirical image, then it is usually extremely poor and poor. It would seem that here you can explore? Explore what is not?

The novel "Lord Golovy", and in particular the image of Judishki, indicates that this poor, primitive inner world can be studied no less thorough than the intensive spiritual life of an intellectually developed person.

It turns out that spiritual primitivism possesses its "complexity", and moral deformity with its faces and shades.

It turns out that the inner poverty of a person can be expressed as versatile as the inner wealth.

It turns out that human conservation has as many properties as its humanity.

It turns out that the primitive internal (* 94) world is subject to certain psychological laws.

The spiritually wretched man has her aspirations, his joys and grief, their cherished desires and dreams. The complete "moral uroda" has its ideas about moral disgrace, moral beauty and even its "moral code". And this urbean has some major incentives that impose a press on his mental world, determine his appearance, psychology, his behavior.

Jewish has such an incentive as already mentioned, property was. It was she who awakened in him some addictions and features and killed others.

Judishka, like Arina Petrovna serves the ghost of property. All his life, all his aspirations are subordinated to one - enrichment.

Whatever Porphira Vladimirovich, whatever telling, the true goal of him is always a compassion. Acquirement that was once entallped by Paul Ivanovich Chichikov for desperate scams. Jewish pushes on the act even more terrible, although criminal and not punishable. If Gogol's hero took the action fraudulent, illegal, then the hero of generris acts "on the legitimate basis."

The writer repeatedly with the mouth of the Jewish himself that he enters the law.

Here Paul throws Prafiria Vladimirovich a sharp question, reproach: "Robbed ... a man? .." Judishness answers: "Who? I mean! No, my friend, I am not robbed; these are robbers on big roads rob, and I am in law I act. His horse in his meadow caught - Well, they go, the darling, to the world! If the world will tell the world that it is not allowed to stretch the meadow meadows, - and God is with him! And says that it is not allowed to rod, - nothing to do! Fine happy! Law I, Blowjob, by law! "

This Judushka tends to bring out from the dying Paul, did the order regarding the inheritance.

"I didn't?" Well, and the better, my friend! By law, it is even more fair. After all, it's not a stranger, but I will get it with my own. "I'm herself on what I was alive - I stand in the grave! And still I think: Why do I need to do the order, since the law can be ordered for me. And after all, it's good, a dove! Neither a Swarre, nor envy, nor a blossom ... law! "

(* 95) It is the fact that all his nasty acts Porfiry Vladimirovich makes "on the legitimate basis", makes such an important exposion of his inner world, his sub-hand, dirty dubble.

Psychological analysis of generous and is aimed primarily to reveal the psychology of the compassion. Throughout the novel, he examines the depths of the soul, affected by the compliance, and shows that the ministry of the Ghost of Property will inevitably entail the loss of truly human qualities, spiritual and moral mothfulness.

However, psychological analysis solves in this case another, a wider artistic task.

The originality of the image of the Jewish is that this desireless person seeks to give himself for a person. Porphyry Vladimirovich tries to look better than he really is. The characteristic feature of his appearance is hypocrisy. It becomes the subject of research of the Shchedrian psychologist.

One of the prototypes of the image of Porphyria Vladimirovich, as was known, was the elder brother of the writer - Dmitry Evgrafovich. In a letter to Mother of April 22, 1873, Saltykov characterized it: "... I find that the best and even the only remedy does not quarrel with him - it's not to see him at all ... This person cannot say reasonably, but also leads Only one inclination to the blues. Any point, which could be solved in a nutshell, he, as if deliberately trying to spread to infinity ... Not one I - everyone knows that it is unknown to contact him, and everyone avoids it. "

And somewhat below Saltykov says that Dmitry Evgrafovich "One System: Making Small Differences". And adds: "Finally, it's not disgusting, this is a hypocrisy, this eternal mask, that this person is praying for the one hand to God praises, and another makes all sorts of bliss?"

It must be said that hypocrisy for a long time - and not by chance! - Attracted the attention of Satyricis writers. The fact is that it is strikingly multico.

"Mask of the hypocrisy," wrote critic N. K. Mikhailovsky, - they are able to wear and malice, and debauchery, and betrayal, and sales, and slandering, and violence, every reason and vigility, while enjoying those forms of respective virtues, which Words on the extreme (* 96) measure, especially appreciated in this society. Therefore, focusing even solely on hypocrisy, satirika can present a very complete picture of the modern morals to him, holding the soil of fine psychological analysis at the same time. Such multilateral temptation task is always Large satirical forces attracted to this item, and every newly speaking satir risks fall into imitation or create something very weak compared to high samples, previously embedded in the treasury of world literature. Saltykov came out of this difficulty. His collection of hypocrites is quite original and not pale from comparison with best works This kind of European writers "2.

It is impossible to disagree with the words given by the words. A collection of hypocrites created by generous, truly unique. And the first place in it is undoubtedly occupied by Jewish Heads.

The writer brilliantly demonstrated the "multi-facetedness" of hypocrisy. Jewish has many low, vile qualities, and each of them seeks to give out for virtue.

He is constantly wearing a mask. More precisely - many masks.

A mask of the Raduishi, plenty of dignification, which is hoping for his present person.

The mask of related feelings, openness, love, which masks his genuine selfish nutro.

A mask woven from the "right", "fair" reasoning, which hides its true thoughts and intentions.

The mask of high morality and morality, followed by the complete moral miscomputeity, immoralism.

The mask of a person is highly religious, God-fearing, which is hidden disregard for the most important Christian commandments.

The mask of the eternal, tireless worker, followed by a loaf and emptiness.

All these masks of the writer from his hero breaks. Throughout the whole novel, Shchedrin exposes doubles, borders of Jews.

(* 97) This is achieved primarily by exposing the contrast between speeches, the reasoning of Porfiriyry Vladimirovich and his affairs, actions, true thoughts and feelings.

In words, he acts as a decisive supporter of the truth: "... I, brother, straight! I don't like it, and I will give the truth and others, and I will hear himself! Although not on the wool, even though Gorkonka - and all of them will listen! And Must listen, because it is true. "

In fact, the Jewish is lying all the time. Lies, trying to look better, noble, capping. Lies even when there seems to be no "need."

In the words, Judushka is constantly tilted for high morality, for truly Christian morality.

But in fact, it has long been feeling free "from any moral restrictions ...".

Apparently, the Jewish is extremely diveged. The word "God" is constantly on his lips. A few hours a day he devotes prayer.

"But," Shchedrin clarifies, "he prayed because he loved God and hoped through prayer to enter into communication with him, but because he was afraid of the trait and hoped that God would save him from the evil."

And what are the "related feelings", which Judushka constantly declares?

Shchedrin shows that Porfiry Vladimirovich is pretended all the time. That he plays an obedient, well-spanging son. It depicts a caring, loving brother. It is pretending to be a kind, chadobilic father.

And at the same time, it kicks out the "sweet friend Mama" from the estate, having entered it. Takes to the hands of the property of their "favorite" brothers. Circles on the death of his sons.

There is such a scene in the novel. After the funeral of Paul, a memorial lunch is arranged. That's how the generin draws its beginning.

"Following the snack, Porfiri Vladimirovich asked the Father of the Father to bless the reaction and beide, then poured himself and the spiritual fathers on a glass of vodka, lost and said:

New-promoted! everlasting memory! Ah, brother, brother! You left us! And who would seem to and live like you. Bad you, brother! bad!

Said, crossed and drank. Then again the crossing (* 98) stood and swallowed a piece of caviar, repeatedly crossed - and the bald battlefield. "

Before us is the model of the contradictions between the visibility and the essence of the Jewish, which will be disclosed throughout the novel.

And in the future, Porphyry Vladimirovich crosses - and send the Son to the next world. Then repel again - and send another son to the booth, and in fact, too, to that light. Repeat again - and send the Third Son, just born, in an educational house.

So, the hypocrisy of Judah is not unintended, but a versatile, many-sided. That is why we are not the "single-line" satirical character, but a multifaceted, complex satirical character. Porfiry Vladimirovich "Woven" from a variety of various and conflicting qualities, thanks to which the image has acquired an amazing relief and artistic full-scale.

What is the inner rod of this complex, multifaceted, psychologically developed satirical image? What is the basis of his poetics?

We only have to be surprised at how closely, organically, the image of Judishki is associated with Shchedrian understanding of the fact of the fact that the world of ghosts.

Ha During the whole novel, the writer consistently demonstrates the devastation of the Jewish. Moreover, it is not limited to mediated disclosure, and formulates directly, frankly, which is expressed in a repeated use of different types of derivatives with the root of "emptiness".

For the first time, these words-rose words, words-beat appear when it comes to the attitude towards Judek Paul. The writer emphasizes that Paul hated Prafishka; hated "all the thoughts, all the insides, hated indifferent, every minute. Like a living, this Pascudic image was rushing before him, and in the ears there was a tear-bearing tribulation of Judishka, the tricky, in which some kind of dry, almost distracted malice sounded to everything Code, created by the tradition of hypocrisy.

(* 99) Tears of a tear-beaker. ".." Employment ", full of" malice to the whole living "... qualifications are very defined, sharp. Shchedrin introduces into the text what was previously understood, it was in subtext. And this trend is further will enhance, grow.

Subsequently, the word "bawlock" and the Shchedrin's similar to him will be used already in the author's speech: "Jewish as seized in his childbirth, it does not move from there. He has not been moving away from there. He hosted much, threw and swell, but shine, lies and wipes even the former still .. . "And below:" He was ignorant without borders, soutaaga, liar, void and, to top it all, was afraid of the trait. "

Shchedrin and will continue to repeatedly emphasize the wiping of his hero: Jewish remained "face to face with one bakingbear"; "Before such an accidental tribulation remained only to submit." Then, this motive will complicate even more sinister tint: "Not a simple idleness it was, but a fading ulcer, which grunted with a pus." And finally, it will be not only about the wipband of Judah, but also about his "emptyness" and "empty". The novel says many times about his "empty and spent morning", about the "all his empty womb", about his "emptiness" and "extortation".

The writer shows that the activities of Judushki are an infinite "transfusion from empty to empty."

It would be wrong to say that Porphyry Vladimirovich Golovut is an elementary slacker. Apparently, this is not the case, for the hero is our almost constantly busy. However, its intense activity is a special form of belling.

"After spending more than thirty years in the dim atmosphere of the Department, - Shchedrin writes about Judishke, - he acquired all the habits and lust of a short-range official, not allowing that although one minute of his life remained free from transfusion from empty to empty. But, peering into the case. It's steadfast, he easily came to the conviction that the world of business idleness is so moving so much that there is not the slightest work to postpone him anywhere, in which the sphere. And indeed, as soon as he settled in a ghost, he immediately created such a lot of trifles and little things which could not cease to turn over, without any concern someday exhausting it. " The ministry of the Ghost briefly brings Porphyry (* 100) Vladimirovich before and he is already starting to live, but an imaginary, ghostly. Jewish life is a ghostly existence, in contact with the actual life trying to put pressure on it, but ultimately climbing in itself and the acquisition of the scope only in the world of fictions and illusions. That is why the "omnipote" Porphyry Vladimirovich, however, is accompanied by his striking powerlessness to take something in everyday life, living life: "His thought is used to jump from one fantastic subject to another, without meeting the difficulty that the easiest fact of everyday reality found His surprise. He barely began to "figure out", as a whole mass of trifles, hesitated him from all sides and closed for thought every lumen on a real life. Lying some kind of heded him, general mental and moral anemia. So it pulled him away from the actual life On the soft bed of the ghosts, which he could rearrange from place to place, some pass, others to put forward, "in the word, manage, as he wants."

The same image of ghosts like a leitmotif, again appears slightly below. Destering the fantastic mental buildings of his hero, generin further gives a final summary picture of the state in which Judushka was located: "fantasizing in this way, he imperceptibly reached into intoxication; the earth disappeared from him from under his feet, as if the wings grew up. Eyes glittered, lips They were shaking and covered with foam, the face was pale and took a threatening expression. And as the fantasy grew, all the air around him was inhabited by the ghosts with which he entered the imaginary struggle. "

And the same image becomes a structural basis when describing the atmosphere reigning in the Golovsky House: "From everywhere, from all the corners of this post-handed house, it seemed to crash" killi ". Wherever you go, in which direction you turn, everywhere there are gray ghosts. So Papyka Vladimir Mikhailovich, in a white cap, teasing by the tongue and quoting Barkov; Here is a brother Stepka-Balbes and next to him brother Pashka-Tikhona; here is a favorite, but also the last siblings of the Golovsky kind; Volodya and Petka ... and all this cross, prodigal , exhausted, bleeding ... and above all these ghosts vitals a living ghost, and this living ghost is not anyone else, as (* 101) he himself, Porfiry Vladimirch Golovlev, the last representative of the frauduor ... "

If those who have already moved to the kingdom of death, are characterized here generous as "gray ghosts", then Judish himself is certified as a "live ghost." The image of this crown is a narrative.

Throughout the novel, Judushka is trying to pretend to be a man.

In fact, he is only a ghost. So in the artistic structure of one of the best satirical images, His concept of "ghostly" reality was shown.

As a rule, a satirical image appears in front of the reader quite definite in its essence. In the narration, it is usually revealed, but does not develop, because Satir's writer shows us the characters digestly surrendered, established, as if "frozen", "stopped" in their development. Recall at least the landowners from the "dead souls" of Gogol. Each of them is a certain, embossed satirical character. Moreover, the character formed, finished and in our eyes only dropped, but not changing.

Judushka is one of the few in the literature of satirical characters, which is not only revealed, but also develops. Development This is that Porphyry Vladimirovich is increasingly discouraged, degenerates.

If at the beginning of the novel, he appears internally disassembled, morally ugly, but externally quite unsuitable and active, then over time, the process of degeneration covers all its being. "Moral ossification" is completed with an ossification of mental, and then physical.

6 (18) April 1876 Saltykov wrote from Paris: "I still have a good one and myself did not make a development moments, and the topic is in that it is that all the circle of Jews died, and no one wants to live with him, because terrible dura, who is his Fills. Thus, it is done by the fraudulent person. "

(* 102) The process is the increasing and greater degeneracy of the Jewish, which leads it to the fatigue, death, and shows generin.

Already in the second chapter of the novel, the writer, as if by the passion, noticed that in the porphyria of the Porphyria Vladimirovich, "some kind of dry, almost distracted malice for everything else ...".

And this motive "malice to the whole living" will be far from random. He characterizes the hostility of Judah to life, to any manifestations and testifies to his belonging to the world of people, death.

Next, this motive will go up, grow. Drawing the stage of the death of Arina Petrovna, Shchedrin deems necessary to emphasize: Judushka "did not understand that the grave opened before his eyes carried him the last connection with his living world, the last living being he could share the dust that filling it. And that from now on this dust, Without finding the source, it will be accumulated in it until it finally strangles it. "

Porfiry Vladimirovich continues to move and make usual actions. But in essence it is no longer only a "live ghost", but also a "live corpse." Being among the living people, he at the same time is separated from them an invisible wall, on one side of which - life, on the other - death.

Characterizing the type of people to whom Judushki belongs, Saltykov emphasizes: "They do not have friendly connections, because for the friendships it is necessary to exist common interests; there are no business connections, because even in the dead matter of the bureaucracy they show some very completely unbearable death ".

From now on, the motive of the scenario of Judishka goes to the fore, becomes dominant in the narration.

"Something frantorant felt, - Shchedrin writes, - and in this house, and in this person, something that brings an invalid and superstitious fear. Twilight, who has already enveloped the Jewor, was to thicken every day more and more and more. "

As you can see, the "fastening" of Judah and Twilight, surrounding it, turn out to be conjugate.

The last stage of credit is coming: the extorturbation leads to fastening, to slow dying.

Jewish is locked in his office and whole days (* 103) is "full of loneliness." The result could be only one thing: "In a short time, Porphyry Vladimirych completely wildly ... He did not demand anything from life, in addition, so that he was not disturbed in his last refuge - in the office. As far as he was first picky and annoying The same now became afraid and sullenly-conquered. It seemed that all communication with the actual life was stopped for him. Nothing to hear anything to see anyone - that's what he wanted. "

So new features appear in the nature of the Jewish and - respectively - new paints on the Saltykov-artist's palette.

In an effort to convince the reader that his hero, and in fact, "very wild", Shchedrin writes that in the evening, drinking tea, "Judushka finally crawled into his hole."

In another place it is said that the languages \u200b\u200bof Judish and Anninki "were confused, the eyes closed, the television of the kinonel. And uncle, and the niece was hardly climbed from the places and, perepping, diverged by their marks."

Uses in relation to their heroes, a vocabulary, which usually belongs to the animals ("Nora", "Lair"), the writer thereby shows the degree of their conservation, their "wild".

But this stage of "development" of Judishka was not the very last. Completes the process of moral and physical decomposition of the hero - blind.

For a long time, Porfiri Vladimirovich "was attached". "Maybe - Shchedrin writes, - he deliberately defeated drunkenness, because of the former examples, but maybe his aspiration still satisfied the filthyry. However, the surrounding Solve found the Jewish of the Zaradani, the" drunk "rustle. Yes, he himself at times. History that in the existence there is some kind of space; that the potholence gives a lot, but not everything. Namely: it lacking something stunning, sharp, which would finally abolish the idea of \u200b\u200blife and once would have thrown him into the emptiness. " .

There is a certain pattern that the person is empty, the empty, void and void is no longer satisfied with the pupils, but seeks to the state, "which would finally abolish the idea of \u200b\u200blife and once would have thrown it into emptiness."

(* 104) 3Dell "emptiness" means no life, non-existence. She becomes synonymous with a complete rejection from all living, from reality at all.

In this "dull" emptiness and turns out to be thrown out of the Jewish. "The deeper, the night came out over the interlocutors, the incognizes became speeches and hate them powerlessly." At the end, not only pain was not felt, but the whole pressing situation disappeared from the eye and was replaced with luminous emptiness. "

"Lord Golovy" is not a very funny book, although Saltykov-Shchedrin was, according to the correct definition of A. V. Lunacharsky, "a man of inexhaustible greeliness, brilliant wit", "the master of such laughter, laughing with whom the person becomes wise" 3.

Why rather sadly, what did the novel, dedicated to the family of grooves, turned out? Why are you almost not laughing, we sincerely ring laugh when we read this wonderful work, but only minimize yourself, and these smiles are given in the heart of some kind of tight pain?

Similar questions have been critics and literary critics who appealed to the genius of Saltykov's brilliant novel.

Some believed that the work was not at all satirical before us, that the "Lord Golovy" - ordinary family RomanThat here Saltykov acts as an artist-a life-being, and not at all satiries.

Others, counting Roman Satiric, sought to use it to prove that thesis that satire would not necessarily need to be funny that it could well do without laughter.

Both of these opinions are unreasonable.

Roman "Lord Golovyov" - a book is less funny than many other satirical works of Shchedrin. But it is not necessary to assume that there is nothing comic in it, incorrectly.

The subject of mapping in the novel on the family of gorgeous, as in other satirical writings generous, is the socio-comic world of ghosts.

There is less than that external comment, which in many other books of the writer accompanies the comic of internal and largely serves as a means of detection.

However, if you look more closely in a picture drawn by satyrik, it is easy to understand that throughout the novel, Shchedrin depicts something by nature is clearly comic.

From the first chapter of the book and until the last he recreates comedy ... Comedy compassionage. Comedy hypocrisy. Comedy bastard. Comedy Oaken life. Comedy dying.

And it considers it necessary to emphasize it directly, without glacier. The writer consumes this word several times - "comedy".

Here Arina Petrovna, by producing a section, allocated the best part of the best part - Gollyovo. She herself, "Shchedrin writes," remained, still, in a grocery, and, of course, it did not cost without a family comedy. Judishly shed tears and dismissed a good friend to Mama to manage his estate without income from him "And what are you to me, a balloker, share from the income, I will be happy with everyone, I will be satisfied."

Here Judishka comes to the dying Paul and begins to displays it with his "concerns." He boiled, called the uninvited guest "Juda, a traitor." Growing the dying before he carried the Jewish, that even his lips were twisted and coarse. "Nevertheless," continues Shchedrin, "the hypocrisy was to such an extent the need of his nature that he could not interrupt once the comedy."

But Porfiri is ranting, after the funeral of Paul, on the commemoration. Its speech is full of hypocritical condolences and fake frills. Arina Petrovna at the same time "as if some light shed ... before his eyes, and all this comedy, to the repetition of which she from the youngsters got used to, in which herself always participated, suddenly it seemed to her very new, invisible."

Of the same "new", "unprecedented" all this comedy in the eyes of German itself turns out, and therefore in our heads (* 106). She looks terrible, terrible, nightmarish. She turns around the tragedy.

Throughout the novel, the main character breaks his comedy, and "death" is "result". In each chapter of the book, someone dies. And Judushka is enriched, swelling, sucks blood from new victims.

From episode to episode, from the head for the head of Porfiry, Vladimirovich is becoming more and more rich and most powerful. Its power extends not only to Gollyovo, but also on all others. No in the district of the landowner is stronger than him! And laughter freezes on our litters. We do not laugh. We are bitterly grinning. Yes, and that about yourself.

Dostoevsky somehow noticed that "in the satire lining" often the tragic. This is true. After all, exposing and ridicuing his comic characters, Satir's writer all the time thinks about what the impact of these "heroes" on life, on others, often subject to them people.

That is why tragic motifs sound "in the subtext" of many truly satirical works, including the works of Saltykov-Shchedrin.

But there are such satirical writings in which the tragic from the "subtext" rushes into the text and the most closely intertwined with comic. To their number and belongs to the novel "Lord Golovy".

Scenes and situations Comic are interspersed here with the episodes of dramatic and tragic. And these latter are growing and growing and growing.

Similarly, mixed comic and tragic and in the figure of the main character. On the. This feature of the character policy created by generous, noticed even at the time when the novel was printed in the magazine. "I will tell you that I am delighted with your Judishka," said Saltykov poet A. M. Pearzhnikov and continued: - He, in my opinion, one of the best of your creatures. This face is a smoothly alive. It is intended very thin. and expressed large and relief. The person was unusually typical ... There is a remarkably artistic connection of almost ridiculous comiasis with deep tragedy. And these two, apparently, the opposite, element in it inseparable. I would like to continue to laugh, yes No, it is impossible; Even it will be terribly: it is terrible. Treat it with internicious indignation and maliciously, because (* 107) He is undoubtedly comic, especially when it works, in his opinion, an important thing in moral terms: When he is judging about God or prays him with the rope of hands "4.

The words of the pearlovenikov helps us better understand not only the features of the image of the Jewish, but also a whole novel as a whole.

"Lord Golovy" is one of the best creation of the great Russian writer - Satirik. The romance "Very subtle" was conceived, and all his characters were wung "large and relief." It has "a remarkably artistic connection of an almost ridiculous comiumism with a deep tragedy." And these two opposite elements are so inseparable that we laugh, and terrify at the same time.

And maybe even more terrifying than laugh ... After all, he is really a terrible, this objective and comedy ghost world, which reigns the crucification and extorturbation.

1 N. G. Chernyshevsky. Poly. Cathedral op. in 15 volumes, t. 3. Goslitisdat, 1947, p. 422-423.

2 N. K. Mikhailovsky. Literary and critical articles. M., Goslitizdat, 1957, p. 493.

3 "M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin in Russian criticism." M., Goslitisdat, 1959, p. 570.

4 "M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin in Russian criticism", p. 585.

Original Saltykov-Shchedrin wanted to write several stories from "Life noble nest"And include them in the cycle of satirical essays" Refinite Speech ". ("Well-dimensional" - trusty; a significant sign of wellness - hatred for people of an independent way of thoughts, "nihilists".)

Nekrasov's good reviews about the chapter "Family Court", Satiri writer continued to write a golish chronicle. Roman "Lord Golovy" (1880), according to critics, is one of the most gloomy works of Saltykov-Shchedrin.

Theme of the novel - The life of the landowner family in the conditions of pre-reform and patterns of Russia. The theme of the collapse of the "noble nest", its physical and moral decomposition determined the plot and composition of the work. One by one go away from the life of the Ranger landowners ... in their fate is revealed the main idea novel. What is the reason for the extinction of gorgeous? They are destroyed by idleness, the lack of habit of living their own work, filing, predation, void. In such an atmosphere, a full-fledged person cannot be formed. The people with the Lord will produce a harsh and fair "calculation".

II. Conversation with students in the content of the novel.

1. Tell us how the fate of Golovna - Arina Petrovna and her husband, sons, daughters, nieces, sons of Porphyria Golovlev.

2. Explain the meaning of the word "gentlemen", pick up one-sized words. (Mr. - Position owner.)

3. Which of the heroes of the novel can be attributed to the gentlemen?

4. How do you understand the meaning of the title of "Lord Golovy"? (The title of the novel is not perceived literally. These are the Lord, gradually cease to be the owners of the situation.)

5. Find and read the description of nature. What tones in the image of nature prevail?

6. What mood creates a "Shchedrian landscape"?

7. How does Nature description understand the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work?

The writer on the example of the degeneration of the gorgeous family shows the patterns of the death of the exploitative class. The disclosure of ideological content helps the composition of the novel. ("Family Court" - Stepan, "Related" - Pavel Vladimirovich and Vladimir Mikhailovich dying, "Family results" - Suicide Volodya, Son Porphyry Golovyev, "Night" - Arina Petrovna and Peter, "Calculation" - Judushka dies The heads, cums the life of the suicide of the favorer, agonates the latter in the genus Golovna - Anninka.)

Surov and gloomy Shchedrian landscape. The overall character of the landscape was captured in words: "Everything looked at the gloomy, sleepily, everything spoke about oppression." The author leads the reader to the idea of \u200b\u200bterrible injustice reigning in life. The image of the disadvantaged Russian village is guessed by the paintings of the sad nature, where "everything speaks about oppression", about the difficult position of the people ... Saltykov-Shchedrin wanted to say "On the irreversible consequences, to which a person's deep moral flaws lead."


1. Answer questions:

1) For what purpose, Shchedrin chose the genre of the family chronicle?

2) The role of the composition in the disclosure of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel.

3. Work in groups.

Sample topics:

1) The image of Arina Petrovna, its attitude towards sons.

2) the formation of the nature of the Jewish. What is the main life stimulus of Jewish Golovyev? How does it determine his behavior in various life situations?

Lessons 101-102.
"True blood pressure"
(Image of Jewish Golovleva)

Objectives: To trace how Saltykov-Shchedrin shows the process of death of the shower of serfs-landlords, as the psyche of the hypocrite-chaser of Jewish Golovleva is formed; To find out what role Judushka is played in the fate of the Golovsky family; What is the point of the finals of the Shchedrian novel.

Stroke lesson

I. Conversation with students on issues:

1. What is the purpose of Saltykov-Shchedrin chose a family chronicle genre?

2. Show the role of the product composition and its value in the disclosure of ideological content.

3. What are important historical events We invade the life of the gorgeous, what kindprint do they impose on the fate of each family member?

4. What is the meaning of the life of Arina Petrovna?

M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin shows how the gradual decomposition and extinction of the landlord occurs. This contributes to the elected writer the genre of the family chronicle. The author turns the family chronicle of the gorgeous in a social and psychological novel.

Composition The novel is subordinate to the author's plan - to show the death of destroyers. Each chapter ends with the death of one of the gangbie. Gradually, all power and wealth turn out to be in the hands of a deft, cruel and calculating Jewish. The process of capitalization of Russia accelerates the collapse of the "noble nest" of the groom.

M. Gorky, founder of socialist realism, highly appreciated the socio-political content of Satira Shchedrin, its artistic skill. Back in 1910, he said: "The meaning of his satire is huge, both by the truthfulness of it and, by the feeling of almost the prophetic foresight of those paths, according to, it was supposed to go and went to the Russian society during the 60s up to the present day" . Among the works of Shchedrin, an outstanding place belongs to the socio-psychological novel "Lord Golovy" (1875-1880).

The basis of the plot of this novel is the tragic history of the landlord Golovsky. The novel tells about the life of the Russian landlord family in the conditions of the clan bourgeois development of Russia. But generous, as a truly large writer, a realist and an advanced thinker, has such an amazing force of artistic typing that his specific picture of individual destinies acquires an universal sense. (This material will help competently write on the topic of the analysis of the novel of the Lord Golovy. Summary It does not allow to understand the entire meaning of the work, so this material will be useful for a deep understanding of creativity of writers and poets, as well as their novels, stories, stories, plays, poems.) Ingenious writer created such a prophetic artistic chronicle, in which historical doomes are easily guessed Only Russian landowners, but in general, all exploitative classes. Shchedrin saw the decomposition of these classes and premeditated their inevitable death. The family chronicle of the groom turns into a socio-psychological novel who has a deep political and philosophical meaning.

In front of the reader of the Shchedrian novel pass three generations of grooms. In the life of each of them, like their more distant ancestors, Shchedrin sees the "three characteristic features" ":" idleness, unsuitable to whatever the cause and stuff. The first two were given a void, tightness and emptytobia, the latter was a mandatory conclusion of a common vitality of turmoil. "

Very slender, harmonious composition of the novel and serves the tasks of the consistent image of this process of gradual degeneration, moral and physical dying of the Golovskaya family.

Opened Roman Growling "Family Court". In it - the tie of the whole novel. Life, live passions and aspirations, energy are still noticeable here. But the basis of all this is zoological egoism, the korestolubie of owners, animal morals, soulless individualism.

The center of this chapter is Grozny for all surrounding Arina Petrovna Golovleva, a smart serve-serpentine, autocrats in the family and in the farm, physically and morally absorbed by energetic; persistent struggle for the increase in wealth. Porfiry here is not yet "fastening" man. His hypocrisy and void covers a certain practical purpose - to deprive the brother Stepan right to share inheritance. All this being a landlord nest is unnatural and meaningless from the point of view of genuine human interests, hostile creative life, creative work, humanity; Something gloomy and disastrous lifting in the depths of this empty life. Here and the husband of Arina Petrovna with all the signs of embittered wild and degradation.

A strong reproach is Stepan, his dramatic death, which is completed by the first head of the novel. From the young gorgeous, he is the most grather, an impressionable and clever person who received university education. But he has experienced a constant oppression of the mother, he heard the sleepy son-jester, "Steppe-Balbes". As a result, a person with a slave character, able to be anyone: Raunt and even a criminal.

Gravy was the student of Stepan. Lack of labor life, voluntary jokes of rich students, and then an empty departure service in St. Petersburg, the resignation, rampant, finally an unsuccessful attempt to escape in the militias physically and morally trembled Stepan, made a man who lives the feeling that he, as a worm, Here "comes up with the hunger."

And in front of him there was a single rock road - to his native, but Picky Gollyovo, where there is a complete loneliness, despair, filing, death. Of all the gorgeous second generation, Stepan turned out to be the most unstable, inevitable. And this is understandable - nothing has connected him with the interests of the surrounding life. And as surprisingly harmonizes the landscape, the whole setting with this dramatic story of Stepan is a paria in a granny family.

In the next chapter "in relation to" the action takes ten years after the events described in the first chapter. But how messing faces and relationship between them! The power chapter of the family, Arina Petrovna, turned into a modest uniform survival in the house of the younger son Pavel Vladimirovich in Dubrovinki. Golovsky estate was convinced by Judish Porfiry. He becomes almost the main figure narration. As in the chapter of the first, here, too, we are talking about the death of another representative of young gorgeous - Paul Vladimirovich.

Shchedrin shows that the initial reason for his premature death is native, but a disastrous golly. He was not a short son, but they were forgotten, he did not pay attention to him, counting the fool. Paul loved the life of a mansion, in an embittered alienation from people; He had no inconsistencies, interests, he became a living personification of a person, "deprived of any actions." Then fruitless, formal military service, a resignation and a lonely life in the Dubrovin estate, idleness, apathy for life, to family untses, even to property, finally some meaningless and fanatical angry were destroyed, dismissed Paul, led him to the rope and physical death.

The subsequent heads of the novel tell about the spiritual decay of the personality and family connections, about the "deaths" of the Third Head - "Family RESULTS" - includes a report on the death of the son of Porfiria Golovyev - Vladimir. In the same chapter, the reason for the death of the death and other son of Judushka is shown later. It is told in her about the spiritual and physical fading of Arina Petrovna, about the wild of the Jewish.

In the fourth chapter - "Prettynushka" - Arina Petrovna and Peter, the son of Judushki dying. In the fifth chapter - "unauthorized family joy"- There is no physical death, but Jewish kills maternal feelings in Euprakseyushka. In the culminating sixth chapter, the "cleaner" -rech is about the spiritual death of Judek, and in the seventh - his physical death comes (it is also said about the suicide of the favoris, about the death agony of Anninki).

Especially short-term was the life of the youngest, third generation of gholes. The fate of the sisters of the favorers and Anninki is indicative. They escaped from the damned native nest, dreaming about independent, honest and labor life, about serving high art. But the sisters, formed in the postponement of the Golovsky nest and received a leaking education at the institute, were not prepared for the harsh vital struggle for the sake of high goals. The disgusting, cynical provincial environment ("messenger pit" instead of "holy art") absorbed and destroyed them.

The most disgusting, the most inhuman one is the most disgusting, the most inhuman of them - Judushka, "the devout packet", the "ulcer of a fading", "blood flow". Why is it so?

Shchedrin not only prevents the death of Jews. The writer does not want to say that Judushka is only a non-negativeness that will be easily eliminated by the progressive development of the ever-updating life that is not tolerance. No, generin sees the power of the Jews, the sources of their special survivability. Yes, Judushka is nothing, but this empty uterine oppresses, torments and torment, kills, costs himself, destroys. It is he who is the direct or indirect cause of endless "death" in the golshnoe house.

Repeatedly writer emphasized in his novel that the immense despotism of Arina Petrovna and the "womb", the carrying death of the hypocrisy of Judishness did not receive a resistance, found a favorable soil for their free celebration. This and "held" the Jewish in his life, gave him the vitality. His power in quirky, in the far-sighted tricks of the predator.

See how he, a serner-serpent, deftly adapts to the "spirit of time", to the bourgeois methods of enrichment! Most wild landmark Old times in it merges with a fist, a peaceful. And in this the power of Judish. Finally, the insignificant Jewish has mighty allies represented by law, religion and dominant customs. It turns out that the abomination finds complete support in law and in religion. They look at them and looks like their faithful servants. Religion is not an inner conviction for him, but an image, convenient for deception, curb and self-deception. And the law for it is the strength of curling, punishing, serving only strong and inhibit weak. Family rites and relationships are also only formality. They have no true high feeling, no hot belief. They serve the same oppression and deception. All Judyshka put on the need for his empty-robust, dead nature, to the service of oppression, tormenting, destruction. He is really worse than any robber, although he didn't kill anyone formally, making his robberies and murders "by law".

There is another question. Why did the great writer-sociologist chose a tragic junction in the fate of Judishka?

The great Russian writer M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin was engaged in writing the novel "Lord Golovy" in the period from 1875 to 1880. According to literary critics, the work consists of several individual works, which over time were merged into one. Some of short storieswhich then became the basis of the work, printed in the journal "Domestic Notes". However, only in 1880 the novel was created by the writer entirely.

Like most the works of Saltykov-Shchedrin, the novel "Lord Golovy", the brief content of which we remember today, permeated with some longing and hopelessness. True, it does not prevent easy to perceive a confident and clear literary style of the writer.

Difficult time

Partly such "sadness" critics are associated with the fact that the described novel events occur not to the best time for Russia. The brilliant age of strong emperors has already ended, the state is experiencing some sunset. Everything else, the abolition of serfdom is coming - an event with which they do not know what neither landowners nor the majority of peasants do. And those and others do not really imagine further life line. Undoubtedly, this adds some alertness to society, which is reflected in the novel.

However, if you look at the events described by several from another angle, it becomes obvious that the case is not in the cardinal change of the historical era and the usual lifeguard. There are all signs of the usual decomposition of certain public messages (and this is not necessarily the noble caste). If you carefully study the literature of that time, it is clearly visible: as soon as the initial accumulation of capital, the subsequent generations of handicraft, trading and noble names It is unrestrained. It was this story that I told in the novel "Lord Golovlov" Saltykov-Shchedrin.

This phenomenon was associated with a more or less stable economic system, the lack of global wars, as well as with the rule of rather liberal emperors. In other words, the efforts that were required from the ancestors in order to survive, earn capital and give birth to viable offspring, no longer required. Such trends were observed in the history of all of the once powerful global empires, the existence of which was nearing the sunset.


Saltykov-Shchedrin in the novel "Lord Golovy" (a brief content, of course, will not give the true mood of the author) on the example of a separate nobility family, it is trying to describe this particular order of things. The once mighty noble gorge family is experiencing the first signs of confusion and uncertainty in tomorrow in connection with the coming cancellation of serfdom.

But in spite of everything, the capital and possession capital is still multiplied. The main merit in this belongs to the hostess - Arina Petrovna Golovyeva, a woman in a wayward and tough. It is ruled by the iron hand in its numerous estates. However, in the family itself is not all right. Her husband is Vladimir Mikhailovich Golovlev, a man is extremely pre-worn. He is practically not engaged in an extensive farm, the days are going to devote himself to the dubious Museum of the poet of Barkov, Ruppie behind the yard girls and drunkenness (while still secretly pronounced). So briefly characterized in the novel senior heroes - Lord Golovy.

Arina Petrovna, the charter to fight with the pounders of the husband, devotes entirely to business affairs. It makes it so enthusiastic that she forgets even about her children, for whom, in essence, and the wealth will be multiplied.

Stepka Balbes.

Children at the gorgeous four are three sons and daughter. In the novel, the "Lord Golovy" chapters are devoted to the description of the fate of the noble descendants. Senior Son, Stepan Vladimirovich, was an exact copy of his father. He inherited from Vladimir Mikhailovich the same misfortune, leisureness and nonsense, for which he was nosted in the family a stepder-ballbes. From the mother, the eldest son inherited a rather interesting line - the ability to find the weaknesses of human characters. Dar, this Stepan used exclusively for junning and uninstalling people, for which he often was a matter of marry.

Entering the University, Stepan showed absolute reluctance to learn. All free time Stepan dedicates Gulbe with richest students who take him into their noisy companies exclusively as a jester. If we consider that the mother sent pretty poor content on his training, such a time of time helped to exist in the capital eldest sibling in the capital. Having received a diploma, Stepan begins long wearly on various departments, but does not find the desired work. The reason for these failures lies everything in the same reluctance and inability to work.

Mother still decides to support the unavomable son and gives him the ownership of the Moscow House. But it did not help. Soon Arina Petrovna learns that the house was sold, and for very little money. Stepan partially laid partly, partially lost it and is now humiliated to begging for prosperous peasants who live in Moscow. Soon he understands that the prerequisites for the further stay in the capital there are no more. After thinking, Stepan returns to his native estate, so as not to think about a piece of bread.

Beggling Anna

Happiness and daughter Anne did not smile. Lord Golovy (analysis of their actions is pretty simple - they talk about the desire to give children a foundation for the construction of their lives) sent for training and her. The mother hoped that after studying Anna, she would successfully replace her in economic issues. But here was mistaken by the Lord Golovy.

Without such treason, Anna Vladimirovna dies. Arina Petrovna is forced to shelter two remaining orphans.

Junior children

Middle Son - Porfiri Vladimirovich - was the direct opposite of Stepan. From younger, he was very tearing and gentle, helpful, but he loved to be taken, for which he received non-locking nicknames of Judushka and Kropyvushka from Stepan. Arina Petrovna did not particularly trust Porphyria, belonging to him more than his caution than with love, but the best pieces during the trapes had always given to him, redeeming devotion.

Jr. - Pavel Vladimirovich, presented in the novel by man sluggish and infantile, not like the rest of the Lord Golovy. Analysis of its character allows you to notice certain kindness, although, as it is emphasized in the novel, he did not do good actions. Paul was quite short, but did not show his mind anywhere, living sullenly and indiscriminately in the world known to him alone.

Gorky Fate Stepana

So, we now know who the Lord Golovy. The brief content of the novel will continue to remember from the moment when Stepan, Fiaco's victims in the capital, returns to his native estate on the family court. It is the family who must solve the further fate of the unpleasant eldest son.

But gentlemen Golovye (Saltykov-Shchedrin pretty brightly describes the discussions on this topic) almost self-made and did not work out a single opinion to solve the problem. The first of the family of the family - Vladimir Mikhailovich rebelled. He showed extreme disrespect for his wife, calling her "Witch", and refused any discussion of the fate of Stepan. The main motive of this reluctance is that it will still be as he wants Arina Petrovna. Paul's younger brother was also eliminated from solving this problem, saying that his opinion accurately does not interest anyone in this house.

Seeing the complete indifference to the fate of Brother, Porphyry is entering the game. He, allegedly sorry his brother, justifies him, says a lot of words about his unfortunate destiny and quit the mammy to leave the elder brother under the supervision in the granny (the name of the estate and gave the name of the noble family). But not just so, but in exchange for the failure of Stepan from inheritance. Arina Petrovna agrees without seeing anything wrong with it.

So changed the life of Stepan Lord Golovy. Roman Saltykov-Shchedrin continues to describe the further existence of Stepan, saying that this is a hectic hell. It sits in a dirty room for whole days, it feeds on scarce food and is often applied to alcohol. It seems to be in parental HouseStepan must return to normal life, but the severity of relatives and the lack of elementary amenities gradually drive him into the gloomy melancholy, and then depressed. The absence of any desires, longing and hatred that memories come about their unfortunate life, bring the eldest son to death.

After years

The work of the "Lord Golovy" continues ten years later. Much changes in the slow life of the noble family. First of all, everything turns off the cancellation of serfdom upside down. Arina Petrovna in confusion. She does not know how to continue the economy. What to do with peasants? How to feed them? Or, maybe you need to let them go to all four sides? But they seem to be not ready for such freedom.

At this time, Vladimir Mikhailovich Zholevlev is quiet and peacefully leaves. Arina Petrovna, despite the fact that she clearly did not like her husband during his lifetime, flows into the despondency. Porphyry took advantage of her condition. He persuades the mother to divide the estate is fairly. Arina Petrovna agrees, leaving himself only capital. The younger Lord Golovy (Judyshka and Paul) divided the estate among themselves. Interesting is the fact that Porfiry managed to overtake himself the best part.

Wandering Stabushka

The novel "Lord Golovy" tells about how, continuing to follow the usual lifefriend, Arina Petrovna tried and continuously to multiply the sown immunity. However, the talent leadership of Porphyry leaves it without money. Having offended on an ungrateful and mercenary son, Arina Petrovna moves to the younger. Paul pledged to feed and steal a mother together with nieces in exchange for complete non-interference in the business of estates. The elderly Ms. Golovleva agrees.

But the estate was controlled from the hands of Won bad due to the tendency of Paul to alcohol. And while he "safely" quietly dismissed, finding himself in fading himself with vodka, the estate was rare. Arine Petrovna remained only silently watch this destructive process. In the end, Paul finally lost his health and died, not having time to even unsubscribe the remnants of the mother's estates. And once again, the property took possession of Porfiry.

Arina Petrovna did not wait for grace from his son and, together with his granddaughters, went to the wretched village, once "Rinted" daughter Anne. Porfiry seems to be and did not drive them, on the contrary, learn about the departure, wished good luck and invited him more often to visit him in relation to him, writes Saltykov. Lord Golovyov is not attached to each other, but education obliges.

The grown granddaughter of Arina Petrovna Anninka and the favorite, having left in a deaf village, very quickly do not stand her one-day life. After arguing with the grandmother, they rushed into the city, seem to look for the best, as it seems to them. Potted alone, Arina Petrovna decides to return to Gollyovo.

Children of Porfíry

And how do the remaining Lord Golovy? A brief content of the description of how they are crushed days, dull. Sometime blooming, today is a huge estate of desert; It has almost no inhabitants. Porfiry, Ovdowv, wounded the consolation - Dyachkov's daughter Euprakseyushka.

With the sons of Porphyrian, too, did not hold down. Senior, Vladimir, desperate to knock out a piece of her father, a part of the inheritance for food, committed suicide. The second son is Peter - serves in officers, but ledmed by the launcher and the full indifference of his father, loses statement money in the capital. In the hope that now, finally, Porfiry will help him, he comes to Gollyovo and rushes him into his feet, begging to save from dishonor. But my father is adamant. He is not at all interested in a dishonor of his son, nor the requests of his mother's mother, writes Saltykov-Shchedrin. Lord Golovy, and Porfiry in particular, do not spend the forces on relatives. Staying in frank nonsense and tribulation, Judushka reacts solely on the Popovsky daughter with which it is forbidden.

Arina Petrovna, Completely, desperate, curses his son, but even this did not make any impression on Porphyria, however, as the subsequent ambulance death of the mother.

Porphyry diligently considers the remaining money crumbs, who bequeathed to him by his mother, and again, nothing about anything or anyone else, except for Euprakseyushi. A little melted his stone heart arrival niece Anninki. However, he lived some time with a polulous uncle, decides that the life of the provincial actress is still better than rotting alive in the golly. And pretty quickly leaves the estate.

Nicely existence

Discovered at different places the remaining Lord Golovy. Problems of Porfirov, whose life again goes to her man, now concern His mistress of Eupraxia. The future sees her very badly next to such a stormy and evil man. The situation aggravates the pregnancy of Eupparasia. Righting the Son, she is completely convinced that her fears were not groundless: Porfiry gives a baby to an educational house. EPRAXICSIY SAME HOLIDAYS LUTHA HATE.

Thille thinking, she announces the real soldier of Pathridge and disobedience to evil and unbalanced Barina. What is the most interesting, Porfiry really suffers from such tactics, not knowing how to spend time without his ex-mistress. The heads are finally closed in herself, spending time in his office, hatching some terrible and known only to one plans for revenge in the whole world.

Without heirs

The pessimistic picture complements the suddenly returned niece Anna. Breakdly exhausted by Nishchensky existence and endless boosters with officers and merchants, it gets rich in an incurable disease. The fatal point in her life is the suicide of the sister's favoris. After that, she no longer thinks about anything, except for death.

But before the death of Anninka set himself a goal: bring to the attention of uncle all the lowestness and the braveness of his essence. Drinking with him the night moves in an empty estate, the girl brought to the madness of Porphyria with endless accusations and ukrai. Judish, in the end, aware of how nichly he lived, Skopidomnaya, humiliating and offending everyone around. In Alcohol Ugar, the simple truth begins to come up to it, that such people as he, just there is no place on this earth.

Porfiry decides to apologize to the grave of his mother. He is going on the road and leaves in a firing frost on a cemetery. The next day he was found frozen on the side of the road. Everything is bad and by Anna. A woman is unable to deal with a deadly disease, every day she takes her strength. Soon she flows into the fever and loses consciousness that no longer returns to it. And therefore, in the neighboring village, where there was a secondary sister of Golovna, who kept the last events in the estate, was sent a riding courier. There were no direct heirs of the gorgeous.