
Presentation - types of architecture. The development of the architectural ideas of Ch. E. Le Corbusier

Musical and theatrical art .

Content elements: Characteristic features of Stone Age architecture. Musical and theatrical art of primitive man.Requirements for the level of training of students: Mastering the various stagesdevelopment of primitive architecture. Study of the concepts “megalith, dolmen, menhir, cromlech”.

During the classes:

    The transition to agriculture and cattle breeding gradually changed the way of life of people, they had a need for the construction of the simplest dwellings in the form of rounded huts made of poles or bones of a dead mammoth, covered with skins.

    Photo Dwelling made of mammoth bones

    Photo Scheme of construction of a dwelling

    Photo Parking of primitive man in the village of Verkhnie Mandrogi

    Hunter settlements eventually turned into farming villages ... The houses were small, often fragile.From the villages in the Neolithic era, the first cities grew.

    Fig. Farmers' village

    In the Neolithic era, rather complex structures arose that did not have a domestic purpose. Often their construction was due to the religious beliefs and beliefs of primitive man.

    The first buildings of architecture - megaliths (from the Greek "megos" - large, "lithos" - stone). They werecoarsely worked or not worked at all large blocks of stone, arranged in a certain order.

Distributed throughout the world, except Australia.

    The purpose of the megaliths is not always possible to establish. For the most part theyserved for burials or were associated with a funeral cult ... Apparently, these are communal structures. Their construction was a very difficult task for primitive technology and required the unification of large masses of people.

    Megaliths are divided into 3 types

    Dolmen (translated from Breton - tol - table, men - a rock).Ancient burial structure , one of the types of megalithic structures.

    Dolmens are made of huge boulders and slabs up to several tens of thousand kg,placed vertically and covered with one or more plates on top .

    The inner space served as the seat of the soul of the deceased. To communicate with the world, small round holes were made in the walls.

    Menhir (Breton. menhir , from men - stone and hir - a long),The simplest type of megalithic structures, consisting of one block of stone, dug vertically into the ground.

    Reach 4-5 heightsm and more (the largest with a height of 20m weighs about 300t, located in France).

    Sometimes they make up long alleys

    or arranged in a ring. Apparently they had a cult significance.

    Cromlech - stone slabs or pillars arranged in a circle.

    Cromlechs are called ensembles of menhirs standing, most often, in a circle or semicircle and connected by stone slabs lying on top.

    • Usually consists of huge (up to 6-7m height), free standing stones, forming one or more concentric circles.

      They encircle the site, in the middle of which there is sometimes or.

    Sometimes the cromlech surrounds the mound, sometimes it exists independently and consists of several concentric circles.

    • During excavations, burials, polished stone axes, molded ceramics, and stone grain grinders were found inside the cromlechs. The appointment is controversial. Most likely, these are ritual structures for burials, as well as for religious ceremonies.

    The most famous is Stonehenge (Great Britain), built at the turn of the Stone and Bronze Ages. As a temple of the sun, it was not only used for cult ceremonies and burials, but also served as a stone astronomical observatory, which made it possible to keep a calendar of days with amazing accuracy, mark the beginning of the season, and predict the onset of solar and lunar eclipses.

    Today there is no unambiguous answer to the question of what these amazing ancient structures were: a temple, a necropolis, an observatory, but in any case, the history of architecture began with them.

    • Music and theatrical art of primitive society

      In addition to the main types visual arts in the depths of primitive culture, the beginnings of dance, music, theater and literature took shape.

      A person, going on a hunt for a certain animal, in a dance reproduced the character of the animal, imitated the sounds and voices of nature he made, imitated throwing spears and archery.

      The dances were primitive and resembled gymnastic exercises.

Man learned to make the first instruments from stone, bone and wood in order to produce various sounds with their help.

    Later, sounds were extracted usingfaceted bone rib (this sound made like gnashing of teeth).

    Also made prattles from skulls that were filled with seeds or dried berries. This sound often accompanied the funeral procession.

    The most ancient instruments were drums.Idiophone - ancient percussion instrument- arose during the formation of speech in ancient man. The duration of the sound and its repeated repetition were associated with the rhythm of the heartbeat. In general, for ancient people, music is, first of all, rhythm.

    After the drums, wind instruments were invented. Striking in its perfection found in Asturisancient prototype of the flute ... Side holes were knocked out in it, and the principle of sound production is the same as that of modern flutes.

    At the same time, appearsaerophone - an instrument made of bone or stone, the appearance of which resembles a rhombus or a spearhead. Holes were made in the tree and the threads were fixed, after which the musician ran his hand along these threads, twisting them. The result was a sound that resembled a hum (this hum resembled the voice of spirits). This instrument was improved in the Mesolithic era (XXX century BC). Now you can sound two and three sounds at the same time. This was achieved by cutting vertical holes.

    The earliest form of theatrical art was pantomime, with which it was possible to depict the entire agricultural process (from sowing to harvesting), various rituals and ceremonies (from weddings to sending symbols to a foreign tribe to declare war or conclude peace).

    Primitive culture does not know writing, but verbal art is born in the form of folklore.
    The earliest type of folklore is a myth, a legend about the past.
    The first myths tell about the origin of man and animals, the subsequent ones - about the origin of the Earth and the world as a whole.

    At home:Stonehenge message

MHC lesson summary in grade 11

Lesson topic: "Architecture of the 20th century"

Form of carrying out:communication and assimilation of new knowledge + independent work

Equipment: PC, projector

Learning goals and objectives:

- to familiarize students with the values ​​of world culture; to raise the level of artistic development;

To deepen students' knowledge of architecture;

To acquaint students with the direction of "constructivism".

Study questions:

  1. Constructivism Sh.E. Le Corbusier and V.E. Tatlin.
  2. "Organic architecture" by F.L. Wright.
  3. O. Niemeyer: an architect accustomed to surprise.

During the classes:

1. Repetition and generalization of the knowledge gained:

- What is architecture?

(ARCHITECTURE (lat., From the gr. "Builder") - the art of design, construction and decoration of buildings (very broadly - from the construction of a hut to the construction of complex engineering structures)

- Types of architecture?

(architecture of volumetric structures, landscape architecture, urban planning)

ARCHITECTURE OF VOLUME STRUCTURES - the construction of religious and fortress buildings, residential buildings, public buildings (schools, theaters, shops, etc.), industrial structures (factories, factories, power plants, etc.).

LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE - architecture associated with the organization of garden and park space (squares, boulevards and parks with small architecture - gazebos, bridges, fountains, stairs).

URBAN PLANNING - architecture aimed at creating new and renovating old urban areas.

2. Communication of new material.

Slide number 1. Lesson topic: "Architecture of the 20th century"

The architecture of the 20th century is a unique phenomenon in the history of world architecture, which is striking in its dissimilarity to all previous styles. At the beginning of the century, a new trend was born called "constructivism".

Slide number 2

  • Constructivism - (French constructivisme from Latin constructio - construction). Design is one of the shaping techniques based on accurate calculations of the physical properties of materials and functions of an object.

The main objects of architectural thought were functional structures of a new type: railway stations, factories, factories, bridges, public institutions and, of course, human dwellings.

Slide number 3. New ideas and principles of constructivism read:

  • The architecture should be light and give a floating feeling;
  • The architecture must subdue the huge streams of light inside the building and learn to play with the light effects from the outside;
  • Thanks to new materials and technologies, architecture must learn to operate with integral spaces of enormous dimensions.

Slide number 4 - table.

Charles Edouard Le Corbusier is an outstanding architect of constructivism and the creators of this "world style". Slide number 5.6

Le Corbusier (real name Charles Edouard Jeanneret-Gris, 1887 - 1965)- French architect of Swiss origin, pioneer of modernism, representative of international style architecture, artist and designer.

Le Corbusier undertook his first architectural project when he was less than 18 years old. It was a residential building for the engraver Louis Fallé ( Falle's house ), board member of the School of the Arts. When the construction was completed, onearned money Le Corbusier made his first educational trip - in Italy and the countries of Austria-Hungary.

For about six months, Le Corbusier was in Vienna, where he was busy with two new projects of residential buildings, studied architecture, met with artists and architects of this city, in particular with the then very popular Joseph Hoffmann. The trip ended in Paris, where Le Corbusier spent more than two years working as a trainee draftsman at the bureau of architects. Later, for the purpose of self-education, Le Corbusier undertook another trip to the East (1911) - through Greece, the Balkans and Asia Minor, where he had the opportunity to study ancient monuments, folklore and traditional folk construction of the Mediterranean. These travels became his universities and in many ways shaped his views on art and architecture. In 1928-1930. Le Corbusier made three trips to Russia, finding like-minded people here. He won the competition and received an order to design the building of the Tsentrosoyuz (Central Union of Consumer Societies of the USSR). This was his first completed project for a large public building. After the war, every building erected by Le Corbusier became an artistic discovery.

Le Corbusier formulated his famous"Five points" of Le Corbusier's architecture:

1. The house is installed on supports, and the green zone continues under it.

2. Free layout: if necessary, the internal partitions of the room can be positioned in different ways.

3. Curtain front wall; facade design, depending on the flexible layout.

4. Window openings merge into a single tape window. Such windows not only provide better illumination, but also form a special geometric pattern of the facade.

5. A flat roof terrace with a garden should return to the city the greenery that the volume of the building takes away.

Slide number 7.

The famous villa "Savoy" in Poissy (France) is distinguished by the perfection of forms and clarity of proportions, organic unity with nature, the possibility of complete solitude for a person. Huge contribution Le Corbusier contributed to the development of the theory of dwelling for humans. He called for the structure of the building to be designed as consistently and logically as the design of machines. He said that "you cannot look at an airplane like a bird or a dragonfly, you must see a car in it for flight." So the house - the dwelling of a person - is a "machine for living".

Slide number 7.

A residential building in Marseille is a kind of model of an ideal home for a person. This house is designed for 350 families (approximately 1600 people). The house is raised on high pillars, it includes 337 two-story apartments, shops, hotels, a roof garden, a gym, a jogging track, a swimming pool, Kindergarten, that is, everything that a person needs for a comfortable life.

Slide number 9, 10, 11.

Le Corbusier's activities occupy an exceptional place in the development of architecture of the 20th century. They argued about him during his lifetime and after death. He was called the greatest and most unloved architect of the century. And he with bitterness and dignity recognized for his art the ability to evoke "in some cases anger, in others - enthusiasm." An architect, painter, sculptor, designer, brilliant publicist and theorist, he looked at modernity as if from the future.

Slide number 12.

In the Soviet Union, the development of constructivism was of great importance not only for architecture, but also for all types of art. The original architectural projects of the Vesnin brothers, M.Ya. Ginsburg, I.I.Leonidov, K.S.Melnikov were carried out in the largest cities of Russia.

A significant contribution to the development of Russian architecture was made by Vladimir Evgrafovich Tatlin - the founder of Soviet artistic constructivism, painter and set designer(1885-1953), avant-garde artist, a man of the original mindset.

Slide number 13.

1919-1920 g - His main creation was an architectural project - a model of a monument October revolution, or the towers of the third International. This grandiose structure, 400 meters high, one and a half times the size of the Eiffel Tower, was conceived as a propaganda center of the world revolution. It consisted of a diagonal mast, two twisted and directed upward steel spirals, fastened with an openwork metal lattice. Glass rooms in the form of suspended volumes of a cube, pyramid, cylinder and hemisphere were to be located inside the frame structure. Also, the tower was conceived as a kinetic structure (from the Greek kineticos means setting in motion), each of the rooms had to rotate around an inclined axis at different speeds. Unlike the Tower of Babel, which has become a symbol of human pride and vanity, as well as the reason for the separation of people, Tatlin's tower was supposed to embody the cherished dream of fraternal unity of the peoples of all nations.

IN real life V.E. Tatlin could not realize his grandiose plan: in the impoverished and devastated country there were neither funds, nor materials, nor industrial opportunities for its construction. With great difficulty, we found slats and paper for the layout. Currently, her appearance is known from photographs and several reconstructions. Tatlin Tower It still amazes with the boldness and originality of the artistic solution, stimulating the creative thought of modern architects.

Slide number 14

The leading architects of the 20th century were outstanding thinkers. Wright is the largest architect in US history. For more than seventy years of its creative path he has done more for the development of modern architecture than any other master in the Western countries. Wright put forward the principle of organic architecture - that is, being part of the environment that surrounds a person. A wide variety of buildings were erected according to Wright's designs. But main topic his creativity - housing, or rather, single-family residential houses, mansions.

During the first decade of the century, Wright built more than a hundred houses, but they did not have a noticeable impact on the development of American architecture at that time. But in Europe, Wright was soon appreciated, and he was recognized by a generation of architects related to the modern trend in architecture. As Wright has written many times, the United States is in need of housing. In this regard, he noted: “The provision of inexpensive living space is now a screaming necessity ... I feel that this is our most important site, and it has been consigned to oblivion by our architects. ... . ". “Affordable housing is America's biggest architectural problem. As for me, for the sake of the well-being of my homeland and my own satisfaction, I would rather solve it than build anything ... ”. Wright is one of the first to introduce abundant glazing into architecture. He said, "Light makes buildings beautiful." In the 1930s, Wright introduced the following solution: the walls facing the street and to the north were deaf, only with a narrow strip of glazing under the ceiling, and the walls facing the garden, the courtyard, south, were completely glass from floor to ceiling.Wright built not only wealthy villas, but mansions for the average American — mainly for the wealthy intelligentsia. These relatively simple in composition and relatively inexpensive houses, he called "housing for America."

Slide number 15

Slide number 16

Edgar Kaufman's villa has become a true masterpiece of the architect.

"Above the Waterfall", "At the Waterfall" - a country villa built in the forest, on the bank of a stream.

The rough masonry of the chipped stone walls naturally continued the rocks, merging with a small waterfall, mighty trees and a forest stream. Reinforced concrete beams anchored in the rock supported an intricate system of overhanging terraces. The staircase in the center of the house descended directly to the waterfall. Thus, the inhabitants of this unique dwelling have a real opportunity to live inside a wonderful landscape, and not just admire it from the outside. The architecture of this building in the literal sense of the word "dissolved" in nature. The realization of this idea required a real miracle of engineering ingenuity.

Slide number 17

Oscar Niemeyer is the greatest Brazilian architect, he created a unique style that combines the national features of Brazilian and global culture, a student of Le Corbusier.Over 70 years of architectural creativity, more than 400 buildings have been built in 18 countries based on Niemeyer's designs.He created brilliant architectural ensembles that amaze with advanced engineering technologies and originality of ideas. In the world, Oscar Niemeyer left his mark in 18 countries, mainly in the period from 1964 to 1985, when he lived and worked in exile, refusing to cooperate with the right-wing military who ruled Brazil at that time. He rarely visited his homeland, although no one forbade him to return - the military themselves did not refuse Oscar Niemeyer and his art. Buildings on the projects outlined by him in Brazil were erected more long years, and some are still under construction, for example, the National Library, completed in the capital in 2006, which Niemeyer had invented 48 years earlier.
Oscar Niemeyer's work is a whole era in world architecture. His name is associated primarily with the construction of the capital of Brazil, Brasilia, in the 1956s-1960s.
Brasilia was built in four years - from 1956 to 1960; Niemeyer was responsible for the development and designed some of the buildings himself - among them were the presidential residence, the building of the National Congress and the amazing Cathedral... One of the most unusual cities on the planet was created literally from scratch, which currently has the status of a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Slide 18 Museum of Contemporary Art.

Slide number 19 The President's Palace.

In the mid-50s, Kubitschek became president of Brazil and offered the already venerable Niemeyer a project that any architect dreams of - making a new city, the new capital of the country.

Brasilia was built in four years - from 1956 to 1960; the competition for the master plan was won by Lucio Costa, and Niemeyer was responsible for the development and himself designed some of the buildings - among them were the presidential residence, the building of the National Congress and the amazing Cathedral.

Literally from scratch, one of the most unusual cities on the planet was created, which currently has the status of an object. World heritage UNESCO.

Slide number 20

Cathedral - this building shot upa huge glass cone. Outwardly, the cathedral is surprisingly simple, but at the same time it makes an unforgettable impression. Towering above the ground, like a giant crown, 16 white arrow-shaped columns, each of which in the form of a slender parabolic curve departs from the small roof. The 90-ton towers taper towards the ground, giving the entire structure an extraordinarily light and sleek look. Before his 105th birthday, Niemeyer did not live 9 days. He died on December 6, 2012 at the age of 105.

  1. Independent work "Analysis of a work of architecture"
  2. Summarizing.



  1. Name.

  2. Location.

  3. Architect (s).

  4. Task assignment:

  1. cult;

  2. secular:

  • dwelling,

  • public building.

  1. What is built of... If possible, indicate the reason for choosing this particular material.

  2. Design features, by which you can determine the style (or used architectural details, plan, dimensions, etc.).

  3. Conclusion about the type of assignment, architectural style or belonging to any civilization.

  4. Your attitude to the work of architecture... Substantiate your opinion.


  1. Pyramid of Djoser.

  2. Egypt, Sakkara.

  3. Architect Imhotep.

  4. The cult building is a tomb.

  5. Construction of stone.

  6. The shape of a stepped pyramid with a tomb room. Height 60 m, side length 120 m.

  7. There is no architectural style, the building belongs to the civilization of Ancient Egypt.

  8. I like this piece of architecture (I don't like it) because


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Slide captions:

MHC lesson in grade 11 "Architecture of the 20th century" The author of this template: Ermolaeva Irina Alekseevna teacher of informatics and mathematics moi Pavlovsk secondary school with. Pavlovsk Altai Territory Author of the presentation: Natfullina Zeynep Altushevna, music teacher, MHC Ural Secondary School, pos. Ural, Kizilskiy district, Chelyabinsk region.

In the architecture of the early XX century. a movement called "constructivism" was born. Constructivism - (French constructivisme from Latin constructio - construction). Design is one of the shaping techniques based on accurate calculations of the physical properties of materials and functions of an object.

New ideas and principles of architecture: Architecture should be light and give a floating feeling; The architecture must subdue the huge streams of light inside the building and learn to play with the light effects from the outside; Thanks to new materials and technologies, architecture must learn to operate with integral spaces of enormous dimensions.

Outstanding architects of constructivism: Sh.E. Le Corbusier V.E. Tatlin F.L. Wright O. Niemeyer

Le Corbusier (1887-1965) Achieved fame thanks to his buildings, always distinctively original, as well as the talented pen of a writer-publicist. Buildings according to his designs can be found in different countries ah - in Switzerland, France, USA, Argentina, Japan and even in Russia.

Villa "Savoy" in Poissy (France)

Residential building in Marseille

Assembly building. India

Chapel of Notre-Dame-du-Haut in Ronchamp

Church of Saint-Pierre de Firmini

Vladimir Evgrafovich Tatlin One of the largest representatives of the innovative movement in art of the 20th century, the founder of Soviet artistic constructivism.

V.E. Tatlin Model of the October Revolution Monument or Tower of the Third International (Tatlin Tower)

Frank Lloyd Wright

Winslow House in River Forest

E. Kaufman's Villa "Above the Waterfall"

Oscar Niemeyer

Modern Art Museum. Brazil.

Palace of the President 1960. Brazil

Cathedral. Brazil.

Homework: Ch. 25, answer questions p. 320



2 UDC 72 BBK V18 Reviewers: Rezvin V.A., Director State Museum architecture them. A.V. Shchuseva, Chairperson of the MOSA Commission on the Creative Heritage, Professor of the International Academy of Architecture; Revutskaya EM, teacher of children's literature of the educational-pedagogical complex “Lyceum-pedagogical school named after K. D. Ushinsky "; Sergeeva G.P., head. laboratory of aesthetic education MIROS, Cand. ped. Sciences The layout was made with the active participation of the author В18 R.V. Vardanyan. World Art Culture: Architecture. M .: Humanit. ed. center VLADOS, s .: ill. ISBN The book aims to provide the necessary information on the history of world architecture and Russian architecture as part of the world. Historically, the history of the development of architectural styles is revealed in a historically reliable and accessible way, the patterns of their occurrence and their features in different countries at different periods of the development of society are seen. The book is illustrated with photographs, drawings and diagrams, portraits of architects. A dictionary of architectural terms with drawings is given. This book can be used in the lessons of fine arts, history, literature, as well as the course "Moscow Studies". It covers all topics on architecture in the programs of educational institutions "World Art Culture". The readers of the book can be people of different ages: students high school, teachers and parents wishing to improve their cognitive and educational level. UDC 72 BBK ISBN RV Vardanyan, 2003 VLADOS Humanitarian Publishing Center, 2003 Serial design of the cover. LLC "Humanitarian Publishing Center VLADOS", 2003 Decoration. LLC "Humanitarian Publishing Center VLADOS", 2003 Layout. LLC "Humanitarian Publishing Center VLADOS", 2003

3 3 Dedicated to the blessed memory of parents A FEW WORDS ABOUT THIS BOOK This publication has no direct addressee. The book can be read by schoolchildren, their parents, teachers. It will help answer the many children's "why?" And How?". In a popular and accessible form, this book will acquaint the reader with wonderful architects, their works, with the basics of architecture and other issues related to it. The form of presentation of the material is varied: here are both essays and essays. Illustrative material will visually acquaint the reader with many architectural monuments, architectural principles underlying them. The author of the book, a professional architect and teacher who has been working with children and adolescents for many years, is convinced that a sense of beauty, aesthetic and ethical feelings cannot be awakened in a child without his knowledge of works of art. You can only love what you know well. Information on architecture, presented in a popular and accessible way, will help the younger generation become patriots of their hometown, your country, understand and appreciate your history. The author expresses his deep gratitude to the Topuridze family of architects for their help in creating the book and special thanks to Roman Konstantinovich Topuridze personally. The author sincerely thanks Gayane and Mairam Vardanyan, as well as Lyudmila Gennadievna Mikhailova for her help in preparing the illustrative material.

4 4 APPEAL TO YOUNG READER Beautiful nearby! How often do we hear and repeat this phrase. Do we always ponder its meaning? Yes, we are thinking about it. Schoolchildren, for example, talk about it like this: "... Beauty in architecture, smoothness and perfection of lines ..." (Elena Sh., Grade 7). "... Architecture always attracts people with its expressiveness ..." (Ilya E., grade 7). "... Beauty in architecture is, first of all, gracefulness ..." (Natasha P., grade 7). “... Architecture evokes certain feelings: joy, admiration, surprise, delight, or vice versa. This makes architecture an art ... ”(Vera M., grade 7). But do all people feel this way? Or maybe they are so accustomed to the surrounding buildings and streets that they do not notice their beauty? After all, we do not always know how this beauty arose, who its creator is. The book before you will try to answer this question. She will help you get to know the builders of Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, Florence, Milan, Paris, Dresden, St. Petersburg, Moscow. You will learn the names of great architects, get acquainted with their fates and works that immortalize their names. The book is divided into five sections. Each section has its own numbering of figures. The figure is numbered with two numbers: the first corresponds to the section number, the second to the ordinal number of the figure in this section. So let's open this book.

5 Architecture is primarily the art of distributing and combining space. A.P. Bryullov Section I. WHAT IS ARCHITECTURE

6 6 I. What is architecture Architecture is the art of organizing space, creating a form of space for a person in which he can live, work, study and rest. The primitive man, without knowing it, became an "architect", creating a home for himself in order to hide from the bad weather. He was content, depending on climatic conditions, or random dwellings (caves, half-caves), or easily erected and fragile huts, sheds, walls, pits. In addition to housing itself, primitive man built structures from huge boulders, which received various names. Menhirs (from the Breton "men" stone and "chir" long) are lonely vertical pillars-blocks with a height of more than 20 meters (Fig. I.1). THE RISE OF ARCHITECTURE ... Architecture is a science, decorated with many teachings and different arts ... And even before any building will lie proportion, fortress, peace, beauty and splendor, without which it cannot be commendable ... M. Eropkin Their exact purpose not established, but researchers associate their appearance with funeral rites; perhaps they served to mark the boundaries of the possessions. Cromlechs (from the Breton "chrome" circle, "lech" stone) is the most complex type of megalithic structures (Fig. I.2, I.3). They are found mainly in Europe in western France and Great Britain, as well as in Asia and America. For example, in Stonehenge (England) stone circles reach 30 meters in diameter. I.2. Cromlech "Stonehenge". Modern look from the east side Fig. I.1. Menhir Fig. I.3. Cromlech Stonehenge. Reconstruction

7 The emergence of architecture Fig. I.4. Dolmen trov. Cromlechs consist of vertically placed stones, covered with horizontal slabs. Inside the circle, high blocks with slabs placed in pairs form the center of the space. It is believed that the cromlechs were of cult significance. Dolmens (from the Breton "tol" table, "men" stone) were a volume of three or four stones in the form of a table or a burial chamber (Fig. I.4). In fact, among the ancient peoples (Egyptians, Etruscans, etc.), the dwelling house and the funeral chamber had the same shape. In addition to stone, primitive man used branches, brushwood, tree trunks, sand, clay, limestone, animal skins, in exceptional cases even ice as a building material. With the development of society (depending on the way of life), people began to create more durable dwellings, for example, yurts for nomadic shepherds, houses for the sedentary population. Dwellings could grow to large clusters (Sumerian "cities" of Mesopotamia, Caucasian auls, American pueblos). Over the millennia, the purpose of buildings has changed, their sizes have increased. 7 The development of architecture depends not only on material, technical and social capabilities, but also on climatic, production and material conditions, on the spiritual, philosophical and aesthetic views of society, as well as on the political system of the state. The level of society determines the types of buildings, the level of technology, the choice of building materials and structures, the material of the form, the plastic of structures. With the change of conditions, views and structure, architecture also changes. Such changes have occurred more than once, and this was reflected in the architecture. In ancient Egypt, hewn stones were the main material for the construction of monumental buildings. Mined on the outskirts of the Nile Valley COLUMN BEAMS (STANDS) Fig. I.5. Egypt. Temple of Amun. Post-beam structure BEAMS BEAMS

8 8 Fig. I.6. The ziggurat stone made it possible to erect stone pillars, to overlap them with stone beams. So, in Egypt, a post-and-girder system arose from columns-posts and beams (Fig. I.5). The creation of architectural structures was determined not only by the availability of building materials, but also largely by the influence of religion, which contributed to the creation of burial monuments and temples. The Babylonians built the stepped temples of the ziggurats raised high to the sky (Fig. I.6). Assyrian-Babylonian architecture created vaults and a semicircular dome for covering. In Assyria, buildings were built from raw bricks or baked bricks. In Persia, no temples were built, since religion did not require anything other than altars for fire. Palace construction is developing here. In ancient Greece, the first place was given to the house for ordinary citizens, and not to the palaces. The man was not belittled, he was aware of his strength, and the architecture of Greece acquired a humanistic character. Main buildings Greek architecture public. Among them, the first place was given to the temple. The temple was intended for the life of a humanoid god. I. What is the architecture of the Etruscans who inhabited in the 1st millennium BC. the northwestern part of the Apennine Peninsula (modern region of Tuscany, Italy), achieved technical perfection and introduced the construction of the vault. The Romans, who first subjugated the Etruscans and then the Greeks, took over the column and vault from them, and included monumental secular buildings in the circle of buildings being erected, the construction of which was caused by the needs of the life of Rome (baths, basilicas, amphitheaters and arches). The Romans influenced the development of the architecture of the conquered territories. Roman heritage has long been used in the Middle Ages. In the 5th and 6th centuries, Byzantine architects, combining elements of Christian, ancient and oriental architecture, with the support of Roman technology, guided by the Greek understanding of beauty, created a special central domed structure for Christian worship. The central dome system has become widespread in the architecture of all countries along the Black Sea coast. Then, on its basis, a kind of architecture began to be created, corresponding to the conditions of the climate and the life of society. This can be seen in Armenian and Georgian churches. Since the 7th century, Islamic states have used the architectural forms of the vanquished cultural peoples adapting them to their cult. This is how mosques were created, consisting of a quadrangular courtyard with a fountain for ablution, a room for worship and a high minaret for calling to prayer. Along with the religious ar-

9 The emergence of architecture 9 hitecture, in the Islamic states developed palace architecture with many luxurious halls, shady and cozy chambers. With the adoption of Christianity by Russia in the 10th century, Byzantine architecture came first to Kiev and Novgorod, then to Vladimir, and in the 16th and 17th centuries to Moscow. Forms borrowed from Byzantine architecture in combination with the old traditions of Russian wooden architecture, taking into account climatic, social and other conditions, became the basis for creating a completely independent Russian architectural style of the 16th and 17th centuries. In the second half of the 10th century in Europe, the two main forces of feudal society and the church determined two areas of architecture: the construction of castles and temples. The architecture of this era was called Romanesque. The new word "Gothic" in architecture was spoken in the middle of the 12th century. In Gothic buildings, the vertical line prevailed over the horizontal. The pointed arch and vault on light, thin columns transferred all the load to the pillars and retaining walls with the help of light arches. They stopped erecting massive walls, huge windows appeared, and instead of darkness, light dominated the cathedrals. Gothic architecture originated in France and there it was the most graceful, and in Germany the most majestic. Gothic covered all the Catholic countries of Europe and dominated for two centuries. From the XIV century begins new era Revival. At this time, the person's personality is highlighted. There is a liberation of man from medieval ideals, and the new society turns to the ancient world, imbued with humanistic ideals. The architectural style created in this era reflected all the changes in society. By the name of the era, it was called the Renaissance and was widespread throughout Europe in the XV XVII centuries. In the architecture of the 17th and early 19th centuries, two directions of the Baroque developed; then classicism. It should be noted here that these directions in Russia had their own individuality. Since the 60s of the XIX century in Western Europe there has been a gradual transition from classicism to antiquity and eclecticism (mixing of different styles). At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century, a new style of Art Nouveau took shape in architecture. During these years in the architecture of Russia, rich in the traditions of ancient Russian architecture, styles differ: Russian-Byzantine, eclecticism, pseudo-Russian, modern, neo-Russian and neoclassicism. Russian architects of these periods create interesting buildings and structures. Architecture is the history of the development of human society, immortalized in stone. Architectural monuments help a person to comprehend the history of society, awaken his thought and imagination.

10 10 I. What is architecture THREE REQUIREMENTS TO ARCHITECTURE (convenience, beauty, strength) Many people, like you, dear reader, live in cities and towns of different countries. These cities are made up of a variety of buildings and structures that form streets, squares, parks and gardens. All buildings are divided into residential and public. Residential buildings are the houses in which we live; public buildings kindergartens, schools, various institutions, cinemas, stadiums, museums and theaters where we study, work and play. There are other structures as well. These are factories and factories, industrial enterprises where people produce something. Buildings and structures are designed by an architect and built by a builder. "Architect" is a Greek word, it means "chief builder." This concept came to Europe more than 400 years ago. In Russia, before Peter I, the word "architect" was not used, and the builders were called "architect", "ward master", "stone and carpenter headman". Only at the beginning of the 18th century, in the era of Peter I, in Russia began to use the word "architect", adopted in the countries Western Europe... An architect has always faced a more difficult task when he creates buildings than an artist, composer or writer. The artist can hide a bad painting in the basement of the museum, the composer can not play poorly written musical composition, the reader will ignore an uninteresting book on the bookshelf. But what can be done with a poorly designed and constructed architectural structure ?! The great German poet Goethe said: "You can make mistakes, but you cannot build mistakes." However, it is not only the architect who is responsible for the bad building. The builders also bear a great responsibility. How they build the building together will determine its beauty and strength. In ancient times, buildings were designed and built by the same person. He drew and drew, and when all the drawings were ready, he supervised the construction. Many great architects have erected their remarkable architectural structures that have remained over the centuries. In Ancient Egypt, Imhotep built a stepped tomb, in Ancient Greece Mnesicles Propylaea, in Ancient Rome Vespasian Colosseum, in the Middle Ages in France Pierre de Montreux Saint-Chapelle, in the Renaissance in Italy F. Brunelleschi Orphanage. Architects B. Rastrelli built in Russia Winter Palace, A. Zakharov Admiralty, A. Voronikhin Kazan Cathedral. At the same time, the latter showed himself not only as a talented architect and city planner, but also as a brilliant engineer, creating the first metal dome of the cathedral. Other architectural monuments are associated with the names of many architects. Since ancient times, people have striven to build so that buildings, whatever they are intended for, are comfortable, beautiful and durable. These three basic requirements have been met since the inception of architecture. These requirements are still met today.

8. Fund of assessment tools for intermediate certification of students in the discipline: General information: 1. Department of Arts and Design 2. Direction of training 44.04.01 Pedagogical education

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PROGRAM Subject History of architecture by profession 7080.07 Master of joinery and carpentry and parquet work topics Name of topics and subtopics. Knowledge level 1 1.1 1..1..3 Introduction. Architecture. Types of groups of characteristic

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Contents Art of the ANCIENT WORLD Primitive art ... 6 Art of Ancient Egypt .... 10 Art of ANCIENT Art of Ancient Greece ... 18 Art of Ancient Rome ... 24 Art of the MIDDLE AGES Art

EXPLANATORY NOTE The work program on art (world art culture) for grade 10 is compiled in accordance with the Federal component of the state standard of general education, "Basic

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1 Municipal educational institution, secondary school 4, Alekseevka, Belgorod region Fine arts lesson in grade 3 according to the program of B.M. Nemensky FSES Topic:

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School passes for the 2017 2018 academic year Ab. 1. "Fairy Tale Hermitage" For preschoolers 6-7 years old Group of 12 children + 3 adults = 5 750 rubles. 1. To the palace for Cinderella 2. To visit the Golden Peacock 3. Songs,

IN study guide Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor A.N. Dzhurinsky presents the history of the school and pedagogy of the primitive era and the Ancient World, the Middle Ages, New and Modern times. Benefit

Work program on the subject "World Art Culture" 0 grade. This working programm academic subject "World Art Culture" for students of grade 0 of a general educational institution


Excursion passes for the 2018 2019 academic year for groups of preschoolers and schoolchildren with parents (upon request from an educational institution)

Moscow Architectural Institute ( state academy) Department of "History of Architecture and Urban Planning" TRAINING GUIDE METHODOLOGY OF ARCHITECTURAL ANALYSIS Instructions for implementation practical work

Municipal educational institution "Ushakovskaya secondary school" APPROVED: Director of the school M.Yu. Askerov Order of 2016 M.P. ART WORK PROGRAM (MHC) BASIC LEVEL

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky Faculty of Philosophy Working program of discipline (module) History of architecture Direction

Work program for art (world artistic culture) Grade 10 2017-2018 academic year Total hours for the academic year: 34 hours Number of hours per week: 1 hour Compiled in accordance with the program

Ticket 5 III. Section "Painting masterpieces". The image of old age in Western European painting 1. Determine the authors, name and period of creation of each work. 2. Give them comparative characteristics. 3.

1. Explanatory note. 1.1. Place the item in curriculum... This work program fully reflects the basic level of art training for schoolchildren. The subject is studied from grades 10 to 11. To study

1. Explanatory note The work program was developed on the basis of an approximate program of secondary (complete) general education in world art culture (basic level), recommended by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, 2004


EXPLANATORY NOTE The work program "Conversations on Art" is designed for 140 hours, four years of study. Purpose of the program: to acquaint students with the rich and varied heritage of the world's visual

Calendar-thematic planning on the subject "World artistic culture" in grade 10 Date of carrying out Contents (topic) Note I. Culture of the ancient world 1 Ancient civilizations. The first artists

APPENDIX 1.22 Municipal budgetary educational institution of the city of Mtsensk "Secondary school 7" WORK PROGRAM on the subject "Art (MHC)" Class: 10-11 Level of education:

I. REQUIREMENTS FOR THE LEVEL OF STUDENTS PREPARATION Modern trends in the development of art education are aimed at the dynamics of the development of polyart education, which ensures the formation of a general


Annotation on the work program for the course "MHC" 0th grade The sample program is compiled for the 0th grade of a general secondary school and contains all the topics that are included in the federal component.

State Budgetary Educational Institution St. Petersburg Governor's Physics and Mathematics Lyceum 30 ACCEPTED by the Pedagogical Council of the State Budgetary Educational Institution "St. Petersburg Governor's FML 30" Protocol 6 of August 30, 2017 APPROVED Director of the State Budgetary Educational Institution "St. Petersburg Governor's

Municipal budgetary institution additional education"Children's art school"Of the city of Rubtsovsk. Types of fine arts Architecture as an art form. Presentation for the lesson" Conversations

READ THE TEXT Man started building houses thousands of years ago. The first houses in the history of mankind were very different from the modern ones. Previously, primitive people were called cave people, as it was believed

WORK PROGRAM FOR MHC FOR THE 2016-2017 ACADEMIC YEAR Grade 10 (basic level) EXPLANATORY NOTE The MHC work program for grades 10-11 is developed in accordance with the requirements of the federal component

Explanatory note The work program was developed on the basis of the author's program on world art culture by GD Danilova: “Programs for educational institutions. MHC 0 class, 205 years. Thing

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State University of Architecture and Construction"

Yu.S. Ryabtsev S.I. Kozlenko HISTORY OF RUSSIAN CULTURE X XVII centuries. Manual for students of educational institutions 7th grade Moscow 2008 UDC 930.85 (470 + 571) * 07 BBK 70y72 P98 Recommended by the coordination expert

WORLD CULTURE: HISTORY AND MODERNITY WORLD CULTURE: HISTORY AND PRESENT TIME (FOR TECHNICAL SPECIALTIES) Department of the history of culture, state and law Ershova Irina Yurievna, Ph.D., Associate Professor Umova

Explanatory note This work program of the subject "World Art Culture" for 10th grade students of a general education institution was developed on the basis of the author's program of L.А.

DEMONSTRATION VARIANT OF ASSIGNMENT 1 TOUR OF THE OLYMPIAD BY DESIGN 2012 Grade 9 Time for completing the assignment 60 minutes Choose one correct answer to the questions presented. Subject: Art culture

History of Russia, grade 7 Lesson topic: "Education and culture in the 17th century" Teacher: Petrova MG The goal is to get acquainted with the peculiarities of the culture of Russia in the 17th century; - to identify the reasons for the increased attention to culture

ARCHITECT: BUILD YOUR FUTURE The presentation was prepared by: Teacher-librarian Olga Kutuzova; Pupil of the 10th grade Efanov Daniil Andreevich. An architect is a creative profession, so it involves

Lesson plan Concept of architecture Types of architecture Language of architecture Architecture styles Romanesque style in architecture Gothic style in architecture Classicism in architecture Empire in architecture Baroque in architecture Rococo in architecture Western European and Eastern architecture. Building types. Practical task

Architecture Architecture is the art of designing and building, rising to the level of generalization of ideas and expressing in an artistic form a person's ideas about the world, space, time, eternity and movement, joy and celebration, or, on the contrary, sadness, loneliness.

Romanesque architecture Artistic style of Western European art 10th - present 13th century Churches Monasteries Castles Basis - Roman architecture simple stereometric volumes (cube, cylinder, parallelepiped, prism) integrity triumph of material thick powerful walls, massiveness severe fortress appearance statics semicircular arch main architectural types Artistic features

Gothic architecture (from the name of the Germanic tribe Goths) Artistic style mid 12th - 16th centuries city ​​cathedral palaces castles town hall shopping arcade Artistic features main architectural types rise of spirit and reason breakthrough to divine lightness, scale frame system cross vault pointed arch openwork stone carving overcoming material dynamics

Classicism in architecture (from Lat. Сlassici- exemplary) Artistic direction 17th - early 19th century The idea of ​​statehood, law and order urban ensemble triumphal arches public buildings Artistic features main architectural types appeal to the ancient heritage as a norm and an ideal model clarity and geometrism of forms consistency and clarity of planning severity restrained decor proportionality solemnity

Empire in architecture (from the French empire - empire) Artistic direction ¼ 19th century. urban ensemble triumphal arches public buildings Artistic features main architectural types + monumentalism (significance of ideological content, large scale) + lapidarity (brevity, conciseness, expressiveness

Baroque in architecture (from Italian barocco - strange, bizarre) The last stage of classicism The idea of ​​state power urban ensemble triumphal arches public buildings Artistic features main architectural types grandiosity showiness pomp spatial scope dynamics contrast of material and texture, light and darkness

Rococo in architecture (from French gosos - strange, bizarre) Artistic direction of the 1st half of the 18th century .. The last stage of baroque palace interiors Artistic features main architectural types grandiosity showiness splendor of interior decor spatial scope dynamics contrast of material and texture, light and darkness

Check yourself? 1. List the main types of architecture 2. Name the main European styles of architecture in the sequence of their emergence 3. Define the architectural style by keywords: a) restrained decor, consistency, clarity, antique aesthetics b) massiveness, severity of appearance, statics, simplicity c) grandeur , showiness, pomp, contrast d) monumentalism, lapidarity e) lightness, scale, spirit takeoff, frame system 4. Instead of dots, choose the right words to define: “Architecture is ... to design and build, expressing in ... form. .. a person about the world "

1 of 26

Presentation - Types of Architecture

Text of this presentation

Topic: Types of architecture
Municipal budgetary educational institution Sadovskaya secondary school, branch of the village of Lozovoe, Amur region, Tambov district, village of Lozovoe
MHC. Grade 9 Compiled by the teacher of the Russian language and literature Efimova N.V.

Homework check. What do we mean by the word "style"? Why is architecture called the stone chronicle of the world? In each of the styles, the struggle between the spiritual and the material is expressed. Which styles are spiritually inherent, and which are material? Which style do you like the most?

Perhaps the most difficult and at the same time obligatory in architectural creativity is simplicity. Alexey Shchusev
Church of the Intercession on the Nerl. Russia. 1165 BC

Architecture, or architecture, is a system of buildings and structures that form a spatial environment for the life and activities of people. These are separate buildings and their ensembles, squares and avenues, parks and stadiums, villages and entire cities.

Each of the structures has a specific purpose: for life or work, recreation or study, trade or transport, etc. These structures and buildings also have other important properties: beauty, the ability to evoke certain feelings and moods in the audience.

Great civilizations are remembered not only for wars or trade, but, above all, for the architectural monuments left by it.

Architecture organizes space. Architects create buildings, structures, entire villages and cities that are purposeful, comfortable for life and beautiful and emotionally affecting a person. In other words, functional, constructive and aesthetic qualities (usefulness, strength and beauty) in architecture are interconnected.

Types of architecture

landscape architecture
Urban planning
There are three main types of architecture.
Small forms
Garden and park

The architecture of volumetric structures
Public architecture. Temples, palaces, castles, administrative buildings. Spectacular and exhibition facilities. Stadiums and sports complexes. Shops and supermarkets. Railway stations and airports.
Massandra Palace
Soldiers Field Olympic Stadium
Greenhouse of the Moscow Zoo

Railway station Blagoveshchensk
Shop "Nadezhda" in the village of Lozovoy

Residential architecture. The oldest houses of man Residential buildings different nations the world. Modern dwellings of humanity
Houses of the people of ancient Greece
Insuls - the first multi-storey buildings in the architecture of Ancient Rome
Houses of the peoples of Africa

Modern dwellings of humanity
Bill Gates' home, 21st century dwelling
Casa Batlló. Arch. A. Gaudí
High-rise buildings in Chicago

Bridge in Vladivostok on Russky Island
Automobile tunnel in Crimea
Industrial architecture. Plants, factories, power plants; Bridges, tunnels.
Confectionery factory "Dominik"

Landscape architecture is associated with the organization of garden and park space. These are city squares, boulevards and parks with "small" architecture - gazebos, bridges, fountains, stairs.
Landscape and park architecture.

Gardening art Gardens, boulevards and squares Parks of big cities
Central Park New York
Gardens of China
Parks of Versailles in France

Small-scale architecture - pavilions, gazebos, fountains, bridges, grottoes

Urban planning encompasses the creation of new cities and towns and the reconstruction of old urban areas.
Urban planning

The urban planner must choose the territory, outline where the residential, public and industrial zones and the transport routes connecting them will be located, provide for the possibility of expanding the city. I must think about the beauty of the future city, about the preservation of monuments, about the place of new urban ensembles.

Cities - museums

The largest megacities in the world
Sao Paulo

Cities - ensembles
Jaipur. India

Reconstruction of old districts and cities
Excavation and restoration of ancient Pompeii. Italy
Reconstruction of Moscow

"Life is short - art is eternal." On a par with the greatest books and paintings, statues and symphonies, there were architectural structures. Architecture has taken this position in the world of art thanks to the harmony and musical coherence of the parts.