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Four main passions in the life of Alexander Kurin - a writer who could not live without Russia. "Cute, I save you": Sick Love Lisa Cookina What was the Kuprin

(August 26, on the old style) of 1870 in the city there will be in the city of Penza province in the family of a small official. Father died when the son was going for the second year.

In 1874, his mother, who originated from the ancient kind of Tatar princes of Kulanchakov, moved to Moscow. From five years, due to a severe material situation, the boy was given to the Moscow Razumovsky orphan boarding board, famous for its harsh discipline.

In 1888, Alexander Kubrin graduated from the Cadet Corps, in 1890 - Alexander Military School in the rank of the podororuk.

At the end of the school, he was enrolled in the 46th Dneprovsky Infantry Regiment and sent to the service to the city of Proskurov (now Khmelnitsky, Ukraine).

In 1893, Kuprin went to St. Petersburg for admission to the Academy of the General Staff, but was not allowed for exams because of the scandal in Kiev, when he threw in the restaurant-barge on the Dnieper over the board of the doded bier, who insulted a waitress girl.

In 1894, Kuprin left military service. He traveled a lot to the south of Russia and Ukraine, tried himself in various fields of activity: he was a loader, a storekeeper, a forest coaster, a surveyor, a psaller, a proofreader, manager of the estate and even a dental physician.

The first story of the writer "Last Debut" was printed in 1889 in the Moscow "Russian Satyric List".

Army life is described by it in the stories of 1890-1900 "from the distant past" ("inquiry"), "Lilac Kuste", "Overnight", "Night Change", "Evaloor Army", "Hike".

The early essays of Kurrov were published in Kiev in the collections of "Kiev Types" (1896) and "Miniatures" (1897). In 1896, the story "Moloch" was printed, which brought a wide fame to the young author. Then followed the "night shift" (1899) and a number of other stories.

During these years, Kuprin met writers Ivan Bunin, Anton Chekhov and Maxim Gorky.

In 1901, Kubrin settled in St. Petersburg. For some time he headed the "magazine for everyone", then became an employee of the magazine "Mir God" and the publishing house "Knowledge", which released the first two volumes of the writings of Kurp (1903, 1906).

In history domestic literature Alexander Kuprin entered as the author of the Ass and Romanov "Olesya" (1898), "Fight" (1905), "Yama" (1 part - 1909, 2 part - 1914-1915).

It is also known as a major story master. Among his works in this genre - "in the circus", "swamp" (both 1902), "coward", "Konokrad" (both 1903), "Peaceful Life", "Cort" (both 1904), "Rybnik's headquarters "(1906)," Gambrinus "," Emerald "(both 1907)," Sumilaft "(1908)," Garnet bracelet"(1911)," Litriped "(1907-1911)," Black Lightning "and" Anathema "(both 1913).

In 1912, Kuprin journey through France and Italy, the impressions of which were reflected in the cycle of travel essays "Cote d'Azur".

During this period, he actively mastered new, no one knows the activities of the activity - climbed in a balloon, made a flight at the airplane (almost ended tragically), descended into the water in a diving suit.

In 1917, Kubrin worked as the editor of the newspaper "Free Russia", published by the party of the left Socialists. From 1918 to 1919, the writer worked in the publishing house "World Literature" created by Maxim Gorky.

After the arrival in Gatchina (St. Petersburg), where he lived since 1911, the White Forces, he edited the "Prievsky region" newspaper, published by the headquarters of Yudenich.

In the fall of 1919, the family emigrated abroad, where he spent 17 years, mainly in Paris.

In the emigrant years, Kubrin released several prose collections "Dome of St. Isaacia Dolmatsky", "Elan", "Wheel of Time", Zhanet's novels, "Junker".

Living in emigration, the writer loved, suffering from both unclaimed, and from cut-off from native soil.

In May 1937, Kuprin returned with his wife to Russia. By this time, he was already seriously sick. In Soviet newspapers, an interview with the writer and his publicistic essay "Moscow is native" were published.

On August 25, 1938, he died in Leningrad (St. Petersburg) from the cancer of the esophagus. He was buried on the Little Mosts of Volkov Cemetery.

Alexander Kubrin was married twice. In 1901, Maria Davydov became his first spouse, the receptional daughter of the publisher of the magazine of God. Subsequently, she married the editor of the magazine " Modern world"(who replaced the" World of God "), the publicist Nikolai Jordansky and herself worked in journalism. In 1960, her book of memories of the Cupper" Yellow Youth "was published.

Alexander Ivanovich Kubrin was born on August 26 (September 7) of 1870 in the county town of Varovka (now Penza region) in the family of an official, the hereditary nobleman Ivan Ivanovich Kurin (1834-1871), who died a year after the birth of the Son. Mother, Lyubov Alekseevna (1838-1910), Born Kulunchakov, took place from the genus of Tatar princes (noblewoman, did not have the princely title). After the death of her husband, she moved to Moscow, where childhood and adolescence of the future writer passed. At six years, the boy was given to the Moscow Razumovsky Pension (orphan), from where it came out in 1880. In the same year he entered the second Moscow Cadet Corps.

In 1887, he was released in the Alexander Military School. Subsequently will describe its "military youth" in the titles "on a fracture (cadets)" and in the novel "Junker".

First literary experience Kuprina were poems that remain unpublished. The first work that saw the light is the story "Last Debut" (1889).

In 1890, the Kubrin in the rank of the podernoye was released in the 46th Dneprovsky Infantry Regiment, which was in the Podolsk province (in Proskurov). The officer life he led during four years, gave a rich material for his future works.

In 1893-1894 in the St. Petersburg journal "Russian wealth" there was a story "Fogging", the stories " Lunar at night"And" Inquiry ". On the army theme of Kupper several stories: "Overnight" (1897), "Night shift" (1899), "Cam".

In 1894, Lieutenant Kubrin resigned and moved to Kiev, having no civil profession. In the following years I wandered a lot in Russia, trifting many professions, greedily absorbing the life impressions that became the basis of his future works.

During these years, Kuprin met I. A. Bunin, A. P. Chekhov and M. Gorky. In 1901, he moved to St. Petersburg, began to work the secretary of the "magazine for all". In St. Petersburg magazines appeared stories Kurin: "Baloto" (1902), "Konokrad" (1903), "White Poodle" (1903).

In 1905, his most significant work was published - the story "fight", which had a great success. The speeches of the writer with reading individual chapters "fight" became the event of the cultural life of the capital. Other works of this time: Stories "Staff-captain of Rybnikov" (1906), "River of Life", "Gambrinus" (1907), Essay "Events in Sevastopol" (1905). In 1906, he was a candidate for deputies of the State Duma I convocation from St. Petersburg province.

Creativity Cookin in the years between the two revolutions opposed the decadent sentiments of those years: the cycle of essays "Litriped" (1907-1911), stories about animals, Sulamif's stories (1908), "Pomegranate bracelet" (1911), fantastic story "Liquid Sun" (1912). His prose has become a noticeable phenomenon of Russian literature. In 1911, Vgathchin settled with his family.

After the beginning of the First World War, he opened a military hospital in his house and agitated in citizens' newspapers to take military loans. In November 1914, was mobilized to the army and sent to Finland commander of the infantry company. Demobilized in July 1915 for health.

In 1915, Kuprin completes the work on the story of "Yama", in which he talks about the life of prostitutes in Russian public houses. The story was condemned for excess, according to critics, naturalism. Nuravukin's publishing house, which released Kurrin in the German edition of the pit, was attracted by the prosecutor's office for responsibility "for the distribution of pornographic publications."

Nikolai II renunciation met in Helsingfors, where he was treated, and he took him with enthusiasm. After returning to Gatchina, he was the editor of the newspapers "Free Russia", "liberty", "Petrogradsky leafleka", sympathized with Esramen. The afterseasting power to the Bolsheviks and the writer did not accept the policies of military communism and the terror conjugate. In 1918 he went to Lenin with a proposal to publish a newspaper for the village - "Earth". He worked in the publishing house "World Literature", founded by M. Gorky. At that time, I made a translation "Don Carlos" f. Schiller. He was arrested, she spent three days in prison, was released and entered into the list of hostages.

October 16, 1919, with the advent of Gatchina Whites, he entered the rank of Lieutenant to the North-Western army, received the appointment with the editor of the Army newspaper "Private Krai", which General P. N. Krasnov was headed.

After the defeat of the North-West Army went to Revel, and from there in December 1919 in Helsinki, where he stayed until July 1920, after which he went to Paris.

Seventeen years, which the writer spent in Paris, contrary to the opinion of Soviet literature, were a fruitful period.

According to the version of Soviet literary criticism, almost forcibly mobilized by white and turned out to be in emigration to misunderstand the Kubrin did not write anything worthwhile abroad.

In fact, a fifty-year-old Kuprin freed from military service for health, he wrote into the White Army, he wrote about the officers of the North-West Army: "Only people of excessively high combat qualities began to get in the officer composition. In this army it was impossible to hear about the officer of such definitions as brave, bold, brave, heroic, and so on. There were two definitions: "a good officer" or, occasionally, "yes, if in the hands". Seeing his debt in the fight against the Bolsheviks, he was proud of the service in this army, could - would go into operation, in position. As an expensive relic in emigration, he kept the field epaulets of the lieutenant and a three-color angle on the sleeve, stitched by Elizabeth Morithic. After the defeat, who already visited and hostages, he saved himself and his family from Terror. Dictatorship as a form of power did not accept the writer, the Soviet Russia called the Council of Europe.

During the years of emigration, Kuprin writes three big stories, many stories, articles and essays. His prose spawned noticeably. If the "fight" reduces the image of a noble royal officer almost to the level of the officer of the modern, then "Junker" is filled with the spirit of the Russian army, invincible and immortal. "I would like," said Kubrin, "so that the past, which was left forever, our schools, our junkers, our lives, customs, traditions remained at least on paper and did not disappear not only from the world, but even from the memory of people. "Junker" is my willing of Russian youth. "

By 1930, the Kuprin family was depleted and mired in debt. His literary fees were scarce, and alcohol microfielded all his years in Paris. Since 1932, his eyesight has constantly worsened, and the handwriting has become much worse. Return to Soviet Union It became the only solution to the material and psychological problems of the Kurp. At the end of 1936, he still decided to seek a visa. In 1937, at the invitation of the Government of the USSR returned to his homeland. The return of Kurrin to the Soviet Union was preceded by the appeal of the USSR Poland in France V. P. Potemkin on August 7, 1936 with the relevant proposal to I. V. Stalin (who gave a preliminary "good"), and on October 12, 1936 - with a letter to the Commissar of the Interior N. I. Yezhov. Heds sent a note of Potemkin to the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b), which on October 23, 1936 decided: "Allow entry into the USSR to the Writer A. I. Kuprina" ("For" I. V. Stalin voted, in. M. Molotov, in . Ya. Chubar and A. A. Andreev; abstained by K. E. Voroshilov).

Died on the night of August 25, 1938 from the cancer of the esophagus. He was buried in Leningrad on the literary walkways of the Volkovsky cemetery next to the Mogula I. S. Turgenev.

A variety of life circumstances and dramatic plots in the works of Alexander Ivanovich Kurrikov are primarily due to the fact that His own life It was very "plenty" and difficult. It seems that when, in reviews on the story of Kipling "Bold Maritmen", he wrote about the people who have passed the "Iron School of Life, Complete Needs, Dangers, Areas and Audid", then recalled that it was tested by him.

Alexander Ivanovich Kubrin was born on August 26, 1870 in the Penza province in the city of Varov. Father of the future writer Ivan Ivanovich Kurprin - Droinet (the intellectual not belonged to the nobility) held a modest post of Secretary of the World Judge. Mother, Love Alexandrovna came from the nobles, but impoverished.

When the boy was not and the year, the father died from cholera, leaving a family without livelihood. The widow with his son was forced to settle in the Moscow Widow House. Lyubov Alexandrovna really wanted her Sasha to become an officer, and when she was 6 years old, his mother defined him in a Razumovsky board. He prepared boys to enter the average military school.

In this guesthouse Sasha spent about 4 years. In 1880, he began to study in the 2nd Moscow military gymnasium, reorganized later in the Cadet Corps. It must be said that in the walls of the military gymnasium reigned a sticky discipline. The situation was aggravated by searches, spyware, overseas, mockery of older pupils over the younger. All this setting cooked and corrupted the soul. But Sasha Kuprin, staying in this nightmare, managed to preserve spiritual health, which later became a charming line of his work.

In 1888, Alexander ends his studies in the corps and enters the 3rd military Alexander school, who was preparing infantry officers. In August 1890, he ends it and go to the service in the 46th Infantry Dneprovsky Regiment. After that, the service began in the deaf and forgotten by God the corners of the Podolsk province.

In the autumn of 1894, Kuprin comes into resign and moves to Kiev. By this time, he already wrote 4 published works: "The Last Debut", "Fogging", "Lunar Night", "Inquiry". In the same 1894, a young writer begins to cooperate in the newspapers "Kiev Word", "Life and Art" newspapers, and in early 1895 it becomes an employee of the newspaper Kievanin.

He wrote a number of essays and united them in the book "Kiev types". This work saw the light in 1896. Even more significant for the young writer was 1897, since the first collection of his stories "Miniatures" was printed.

In 1896, Alexander Kubrin goes on a trip to the factories and mines of the Donetsk Basin. Grief desire to thoroughly explore real lifeHe is arranged for one of the factories as head of the forge and joiner's workshop. In this new for him as the future famous writer worked for several months. During this time, the material was assembled not only for a number of essays, but also for the lead "Moloch".

In the second half of the 90s, the life of Kuprin begins to resemble a kaleidoscope. It organizes athletic society in Kiev in 1896 and begins to actively play sports. In 1897, it is arranged by the manager in the estate in the Rivne district. Then he is fond of dental prosthetics and works for some time toothpother. In 1899, adjoins the stray theatrical group for several months.

In the same 1899, Alexander Ivanovich Kubrin arrives in Yalta. In this city there was a significant event of his life - a meeting with Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. After that, Kurin visited Yalta and 1900, and 1901. Chekhov introduced him to many writers and publishers. Among them was V. S. Mirolyubov - publisher of the St. Petersburg "magazine for all". Mirolyubov invited Alexander Ivanovich to the post of Secretary of the magazine. He agreed and in the fall of 1901 moved to St. Petersburg.

In the city on the Neva there was a meeting with Maxim Gorky. About this person Kubrin wrote in his letter Chekhov in 1902: "I met bitter. There is something harsh, ascetic, preaching. " In 1903, the Gorky Publisher "Knowledge" released the first volume of Alexander Kurin stories.

In 1905, it happened very significant event in creative Life Writer. Again, his story "Fight" was published in the "Knowledge" publishing house. Other works followed: "Dreams", "Mechanical Justice", "Wedding", "River of Life", "Gambrinus", "Killer", "Brad", "Abdomen". All of them were a response to the first Russian revolution and expressed dreams of freedom.

After the revolution, the reactions were followed. During this period in the works of the classic, unclear philosophical and political views were clearly stolen. At the same time, he created works that became decent samples of Russian classical literature. Here you can call the "pomegranate bracelet", "Holy False", "Yama", "Magnifier", "Skvorts", etc. In the same period, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel "Junker" is born.

During the February Revolution, Alexander Ivanovich lived in Gatchina. The renunciation of the sovereign and the transfer of power to the temporary government he greeted hotly. But the Oktyabrsky coup perceived negatively. He printed in bourgeois newspapers left until mid-1918, articles in which the reorganization of society in the socialist basis. But gradually the tone of his articles began to change.

In the second half of 1918, Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin had already responded with respect to the activities of the Bolshevik Party. In one of the articles, he even called the Bolshevik people of "crystal purity." But apparently, this person was characterized by doubts and oscillations. When in October 1919, Gatchina was taken by Yudenich's troops, the writer supported new powerAnd then together with the White Guard Parts left Gatchina, fleeing from the upcoming Red Army.

Initially, he moved to Finland, and in 1920 he moved to France. As many as 17 years, the author of Olesya and the "fight" spent on a foreign land, living most of the time in Paris. It was a difficult, but the fruitful period. From under the feather of the Russian classic, such collections of prose were published as "Dome of St. Isaacia Dolmatsky, "" Time Wheel "," Elan ", as well as Zhanet's novels," Junker ".

Living abroad, Alexander Ivanovich poorly represented what was happening in his homeland. He heard about the greatest achievements of the Soviet power, about great construction sites, of universal equality and fraternity. All this caused a great interest in the classics. And every year it was more and more dragged into Russia.

In August 1936, the USSR Poland in France V. P. Pottekin requested Stalin to allow Alexander Ivanovich Kupina to come to the USSR. This issue was considered on the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) and decided to allow the entry to the writer Cuppe to the country of the Soviets. On May 31, 1937, the Great Russian Classic returned to his homeland in the city of his youth - Moscow.

However, he came to Russia seriously ill. Alexander Ivanovich was weak, irreparable and could not write. In the summer of 1937, the article "Moscow Native" appeared in the newspaper "Izvestia". Under it stood signature A. I. Kuprin. The article was laudatory, and each of its stitching breathed the admiration of socialist achievements. However, it is assumed that the article wrote another person, a Moscow journalist attached to the writer.

On the night of August 25, 1938, Alexander Ivanovich Kubrin died at the age of 67. The cause of death became esophagus cancer. I buried the classics in the city of Leningrad on the "Literal Mailways" of the Volkovsky cemetery, not far from the grave of Turgenev. So finished its own life Path Talented Russian writer, embodied in his works the best traditions of Russian xIX literature century.

Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin. On August 26 (September 7), he was born on August 26 (September 7) in the century - died on August 25, 1938 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Russian writer, translator.

Alexander Ivanovich Kubrin was born on August 26 (September 7) of 1870 in the county town of Varovka (now Penza region) in the family of an official, the hereditary nobleman Ivan Ivanovich Kurin (1834-1871), who died a year after the birth of the Son.

Mother, Lyubov Alekseevna (1838-1910), Born Kulunchakov, took place from the genus of Tatar princes (noblewoman, did not have the princely title). After the death of her husband, she moved to Moscow, where childhood and adolescence of the future writer passed.

At six years, the boy was given to the Moscow Razumovsky Pension (orphan), from where it came out in 1880. In the same year he entered the second Moscow Cadet Corps.

In 1887, he was released in the Alexander Military School. Subsequently will describe its "military youth" in the titles "on a fracture (cadets)" and in the novel "Junker".

The first literary experience of Kurrov was the poems remaining unpublished. The first work that saw the light is the story "Last Debut" (1889).

In 1890, the Kubrin in the rank of the podernoye was released in the 46th Dneprovsky Infantry Regiment, which was in the Podolsk province (in Proskurov). The officer life, which he led for four years, gave a rich material for his future works.

In 1893-1894 in the St. Petersburg magazine "Russian wealth" there was his story "Fogging", the stories "Lunar Night" and "Inquiry". On the army theme of Kupper several stories: "Overnight" (1897), "Night shift" (1899), "Cam".

In 1894, Lieutenant Kubrin resigned and moved to Kiev, having no civil profession. In the following years I wandered a lot in Russia, trifting many professions, greedily absorbing the life impressions that became the basis of his future works.

During these years, Kuprin met I. A. Bunin, A. P. Chekhov and M. Gorky. In 1901, he moved to St. Petersburg, began to work the secretary of the "magazine for all". In St. Petersburg magazines appeared stories Kurin: "Baloto" (1902), "Konokrad" (1903), "White Poodle" (1903).

In 1905, his most significant work was published - the story "fight", which had a great success. The speeches of the writer with reading individual chapters "fight" became the event of the cultural life of the capital. Other works of this time: Stories "Staff-captain of Rybnikov" (1906), "River of Life", "Gambrinus" (1907), Essay "Events in Sevastopol" (1905). In 1906, he was a candidate for deputies of the State Duma I convocation from St. Petersburg province.

Creativity Kuprin in the years between the two revolutions opposed the decadent sentiments of those years: the cycle of essays "Litriped" (1907-1911), the stories about animals, the stories "Sullaif" (1908), "Pomegranate bracelet" (1911), fantastic story "Liquid Sun" (1912). His prose has become a noticeable phenomenon of Russian literature. In 1911, with his family settled in Gatchina.

After the beginning of the First World War, he opened a military hospital in his house, and agitated in citizens in the newspapers to take military loans. In November 1914, was mobilized to the army and sent to Finland commander of the infantry company. Demobilized in July 1915 for health.

In 1915, Kuprin completes the work on the story of "Yama", in which he talks about the life of prostitutes in Russian public houses. The story was subjected to condemnation for excessive, according to critics, naturalism. The department of Nuravukin, who released Kurrin in the German publication, was attracted by the prosecutor's office for responsibility "for the distribution of pornographic publications."

Nikolai II renunciation met in Helsingfors, where he was treated, and he took him with enthusiasm. After returning to Gatchina, he was the editor of the newspapers "Free Russia", "liberty", "Petrogradsky leafleka", sympathized with Esramen. After the capture of power by the Bolsheviks, the writer did not accept the policies of military communism and the terror conjugate. In 1918 he went to Lenin with a proposal to publish a newspaper for the village - "Earth". He worked in the publishing house "World Literature" based on. At that time, made the translation "Don Carlos". He was arrested, she spent three days in prison, was released and entered into the list of hostages.

October 16, 1919, with the advent of Gatchina Whites, he entered the rank of Lieutenant to the North-Western army, received the appointment with the editor of the Army newspaper "Private Krai", which General P. N. Krasnov was headed.

After the defeat of the North-West Army went to Revel, and from there in December 1919 in Helsinki, where he stayed until July 1920, after which he went to Paris.

By 1930, the Kuprin family was depleted and mired in debt. His literary fees were scarce, and alcoholism accompanied all his years in Paris. Since 1932, his eyesight has constantly worsened, and the handwriting has become much worse. Return to the Soviet Union has become the only solution to the material and psychological problems of Kuprin. At the end of 1936, he still decided to seek a visa. In 1937, at the invitation of the Government of the USSR returned to his homeland.

The return of Kupper to the Soviet Union was preceded by the appeal of the USSR Pol Air District in France. N. I. Yezhov. Ezhov sent a note of Potemkin to the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CSP (b), which on October 23, 1936 decided: "Allow entry into the USSR to the Writer A. I. Kuprina" ("For" I. V. Stalin voted, V. M. Molotov . Ya. Chubar and A. A. Andreev; abstained by K. E. Voroshilov).

Died on the night of August 25, 1938 from the cancer of the esophagus. He was buried in Leningrad on the literary walkways of the Volkovsky cemetery next to the Mogula I. S. Turgenev.

Tale and Novels of Alexander Kupina:

1892 - "Faulty"
1896 - "Moloch"
1897 - "Evaloor Army"
1898 - "Olesya"
1900 - "On the fracture" (Cadets)
1905 - "Fight"
1907 - "Gambrinus"
1908 - "Sullaph"
1909-1915 - "Yama"
1910 - "Pomegranate bracelet"
1913 - "Liquid Sun"
1917 - "Star Solomon"
1928 - "Dome of St. Isaacia Dalmatsky "
1929 - "Wheel of Time"
1928-1932 - "Junker"
1933 - Zhaneta

Tags Alexander Kurina:

1889 - "Last Debut"
1892 - "Psyche"
1893 - "Lunar Night"
1894 - "Inquiry", "Slavic Soul", "Lilac Kuste", "Neglace Audit", "To Glory", "Madness", "On the Drive", Al-Issa, "Forgotten Kiss", "On How Professor Leopard put me a voice "
1895 - "Sparrow", "toy", "in Zveznz", "Supreme", "Picture", "Scary Minute", "Meat", "Without title", "Overnight", "Millionaire", "Pirate", " Lolly "," Holy Love "," Lokon "," Counterpoint "," Life "
1896 - "Strange case", "Bonza", "Horror", "Natalia Davydovna", "demigod", "Blessed", "Bed", "Fairy Tale", "Klyach", "Alien Bread", "Friends", " Marianna, "" Dog Happiness "," On the River "
1897 - "Stronger death", "Chara", "Caprice", "Firstborn", "Narcissus", "Breget", "First Counter", "Putanaca", "Wonderful Doctor", "Barbos and Zhulka", " Kindergarten"," Allez! "
1898 - "Loneliness", "Forest Wilderness"
1899 - "Night shift", "happy card", "in the bowels of the earth"
1900 - "Spirit of the Century", "Dead Power", "Tapper", "Palach"
1901 - "Sentimental Roman", "Autumn Flowers", "By order", "Hike", "in the circus", "Silver Wolf"
1902 - "At rest", "Boloto"
1903 - "Coward", "Konokrad", "How I was an actor", "White Poodle"
1904 - "Evening Guest", "Peaceful Life", "Ugra", "Zhidovka", "Villary", "Empty Daches", "White Nights", "from the street"
1905 - "Black Fog", "Priest", "Toast", "Staffs-Captain of Rybnikov"
1906 - "Art", "Killer", "River Life", "Happiness", "Legend", "Demir Kaya", "Resentment"
1907 - "Brad", "Emerald", "Melon", "Elephant", "Fairy Tale", "Mechanical Justice", "Gigaters"
1908 - "Sea disease", "Wedding", "Last word"
1910 - "Family", "Lenochka", "in the cage of the beast"
1911 - "Telegraph", "Chief of Traction", "Royal Park"
1912 - "Herbal", "Black Lightning"
1913 - "Anathema", "Elephant Walk"
1914 - "Holy False"
1917 - "Sasha and Yashka", "Brave Fugitives"
1918 - "Powers of Horses"
1919 - "The last of the bourgeois"
1920 - "Lemon Cork", "Fairy Tale"
1923 - "One-handed commandant", "Fate"
1924 - "Tailor"
1925 - "Yu-Yu"
1926 - "Daughter of the Great Barnuma"
1927 - "Blue Star"
1928 - "Inna"
1929 - "Violin Paganini", "Olga Sur"
1933 - "Night Philloy"
1934 - "Recent Knights", "Ralph"

Essays Alexander Kurina:

1897 - "Kiev types"
1899 - "on the delay"

1895-1897 - Cycle Essays "Student-Dragun"
"Dniprovsky Savior"
"Future Patty"
"Apartment hostess"
"Supplier of cards"

1900 - Travel Pictures:
From Kiev to Rostov-on-Don
From Rostov to Novorossiysk. Legend of Circassians. Tunnels.

1901 - "Tsaritsynsky Fairy"
1904 - "Memory Chekhov"
1905 - "Events in Sevastopol"; "Dreams"
1908 - "Little Finland"
1907-1911 - Cycle Essays "Litriped"
1909 - "Do not touch our tongue." About Russian-language writers-Jews.
1921 - "Lenin. Instant photo »

Kubrin Alexander Ivanovich is one of the most notable figures of domestic literature of the 1st half of the 20th century. He is the author of such famous workslike "Olesya", "pomegranate bracelet", "Moloch", "Fight", "Junker", "Cadets" and others. Alexander Ivanovich an unusual, decent life. Fate sometimes was a Surov to him. Both childhood Alexander Kuprin and mature years are marked by instability in various spheres of life. He had to fight alone for material independence, fame, recognition and right to be called a writer. Through many of the adversities passed the Kuprin. His childhood and youth were especially difficult. We will talk in detail about all this.

The origin of the future writer

Kubrin Alexander Ivanovich was born in 1870. His native city - Various. Today, he is located in the house where Kuprin was born, currently is a museum (its photo is presented below). Parents Kuprick were not wealthy. Ivan Ivanovich, the father of the future writer, belonged to the kind of impoverished nobles. He served as a small official and often drank. When Alexander was only the second year, Ivan Ivanovich Kubrin died from cholera. The childhood of the future writer, thus passed without his father. His only support was a mother about which it is worth telling separately.

Mother Alexander Kupin

Love Alekseevna Kuprina (in Major - Kulunchakova), the mother of the boy was forced to settle in the widow house of the city of Moscow. It is from here that the first memories that Ivan Kuprin shared with us. Childhood is largely connected with the way the mother. She played the role of the highest creature in the life of the boy, was for the future writer the whole world. Alexander Ivanovich recalled that this woman was a volitional, strong, strict, similar to the eastern princess (Kulunchakov belonged to the old genus of Tatar princes). Even in the wise atmosphere of a widow house, she remained such. In the afternoon, Lyubov Alekseevna was strict, but in the evening turned into a mysterious godder and told his son a fairy tale, who reworked on her way. These interesting stories I am pleased to listen to Kuprin. His childhood, very severe, cast fairy tales of distant countries and unknown creatures. Because Ivanovich also collided with sad reality. However, difficulties did not prevent themselves as a writer talented manlike Kuprin.

Childhood spent in a widow house

The childhood of Alexander Kupina passed away from the coziness of the noble places, dinner dinners, fatherly libraries, where it was possible to cry at nights, Christmas gifts, which so much to look for a Christmas tree at dawn. But he knew the souls of orphan rooms well, scanty hotels, issued on holidays, the smell of stateless clothing and landfied from educators who did not bother. Of course, the imprint on his personality left early childhood His further years is marked by new difficulties. You should briefly tell about them.

Military Mistrous Childhood Cook

For children, his position was not so many options for further fate. One of them is a military career. Love Alekseevna, taking care of his child, decided to make a military son from his son. With Mother Alexander Ivanovich soon had to part. In his life, a dull military Mistrova began, which was continued by the Chief Chief. The biography of this pore was noted that he spent several years in the state institutions of the city of Moscow. At first there was a reasonable orphan pension, after a while - the Moscow Cadet Corps, and then Alexander Military School. Kubrin hated each of these temporary faiths in his own way. Equally strongly the future writer annoyed the stupidity of the authorities, the government atmosphere, spoiled peers, the nearestness of educators and teachers, "Cult of a fist", the same for all the form and public spanking.

This was so difficult to children's Childhood. For children, it is important to have a loved one, and in this sense, Alexander Ivanovich was lucky - his loving mother was supported. She died in 1910.

Kubrin goes to Kiev

Kubrin Alexander, graduating from the school, spent another 4 years on military service. He resigned at the first opportunity (in 1894). Lieutenant Kubrin forever removed the military uniform. He decided to move to Kiev.

A real test for the future writer has become a big city. Kubrin Alexander Ivanovich spent his entire lives in state institutions, therefore was not adapted to independent life. On this occasion, he later ironed that in Kiev there was a "Smolyanka Institution", which at night, started in the wilds of the forests and left without a compass, food and clothes. It was not easy at this time to such a great writer as Alexander Kuprin. Interesting Facts About him during their stay in Kiev are connected with the fact that Alexander had to do in order to earn their lives.

How did Kurrun make a living

In order to survive, Alexander fell almost for any business. He tried himself in a short time as a seller Machorka, a pro-construction, a joiner serving in the office, the factory worker, an assistant to the blacksmith, a psaller. At one time Alexander Ivanovich even seriously thought about going to the monastery. The hardest Childhood Kurris, briefly described above, probably left forever the mark in the soul of the future writer, who had to face severe reality from the young age. Therefore, his desire to retire in the monastery is quite explained. However, another fate was prepared by Alexander Ivanovich. Soon he found himself on a literary field.

Important literary I. life experience She became a reporter service in Kiev newspapers. Alexander Ivanovich wrote about everything - about politics, murders, socio-public problems. He also had to fill in the entertainment headings, writing cheap melodramatic stories, which, by the way, enjoyed a considerable success at the undiscusing reader.

The first serious works

From under the pen Kupper, serious works began to emerge. The story "Inquiry" (another name is "from the distant past") was printed in 1894. Then the collection "Kiev types" appeared, in which Alexander Kuprin placed his essays. The work of this period is marked by many other works. After some time, a meeting of stories called "Miniatures" was published. The story "Moloch", published in 1996, made the name of the novice writer. His glory strengthened the work of "Olesya" and "Cadets.

Moving to Petersburg

In this city began for Alexander Ivanovich, a vivid life with many meetings, dating, bushes and creative achievements. Contemporaries remembered that Kubrin loved to walk well. In particular, Andrei Sedoyy, the Russian writer, noted that in his youth he lived a buoyan, often he was drunk and at that time was worn. Alexander Ivanovich could create reckless things and sometimes even cruel. And the hope of Tafffi, the writer, remembers that he was a very complex person, by no means a good and an idea, how at first glance it could seem.

Kubrin explained that creative activity He took a lot of energy and strength. For every good luck, as for failure, I had to pay for health, nerves, our own soul. But evil languages \u200b\u200bsaw only unsightly tinsel, and then rumors were invariably about the fact that Alexander Ivanovich is a walk, a rowdy and a drunkard.

New works

As if Kurrov, he splashed his dust, he always came back to the writing desk after another drunken. Alexander Ivanovich in a brown period of life in St. Petersburg wrote his incidental story "Fight". The same period includes its stories "Boloto", "Sullamify", "Rybnik's headquarters", "River Life", "Gambrinus". After some time, already in Odessa, he completed the "pomegranate bracelet", and also began to create a "Litripeda" cycle.

Personal life Cookin

In the capital, he met his first wife, Davydova Maria Karlovnoy. Daughter Lidia's daughter was born from her. Maria Davydova presented the world a book called "Yellow Youth." After some time, their marriage collapsed. Alexander Kuprin married in 5 years in Gainrich Elizabeth Morithovna. With this woman he lived until his death. Churpin from the second marriage is two daughters. The first - Zinaida, which died early, ill with inflammation of the lungs. The second daughter, Ksenia, became the famous Soviet actress and model.

Moving to Gatchina

Kubrin, tired of tense metropolitan Life, left Petersburg in 1911. He moved to Gatchina (a small town, located 8 km from the capital). Here, in his "green" house, he settled together with his family. In Gatchina, everything has everything to work - the silence of the country town, a shady garden with poplar, a spacious terrace. This city is closely related to the name of Kurp. Here are a library and a street called in his honor, as well as a monument dedicated to him.

Emigration in Paris.

However, the degree of happiness came end in 1919. At first, the Kurrun was mobilized into the army on the side of the White, and a year later, the whole family emigrated to Paris. Alexander Ivanovich Kubrin will return to his homeland in only 18 years, already in old age.

At various times, the reasons for the emigration of the writer were interpreted differently. According to Soviet biographers, he was hardly forcibly exported by White Guards and all subsequent long years, Before the reaches, languished in a foreign land. Incompleteners sought to prick him, putting him by a traitor who was braked to the homeland and talent for foreign goods.

Return to the Motherland and Death of the Writer

If you believe in numerous memories, letters, diaries that have become available to the public a little later, then Kubrin has not objectively accepted the revolution and the steady authorities. He called her the familiar "Sovkom".

When he returned to his homeland already broken an old man, he was taken through the streets to demonstrate the achievements of the USSR. Alexander Ivanovich said that the Bolsheviks - wonderful people. It is only unclear - where they have so much money.

Nevertheless, he did not regret the return on the homeland. For him, Paris was a wonderful city, but a stranger. Kubrin died on August 25, 1938. He died of esophageal cancer. The next day, the crowd has surrounded the house of writers in St. Petersburg. The famous colleagues of Alexander Ivanovich and the faithful fans of his work came. All of them gathered in order to send to the last path of Kupper.

Childhood of the writer A. I. Kurin, in contrast to the young years of many other literature figures of that time, was very difficult. However, in many respects, it was thanks to all these experienced difficulties, he found himself in creativity. Kubrin, childhood and youth of which were in poverty, acquired and material well-being, and fame. Today, with his work, we get acquainted in school years.