English language

Fear has many faces, sometimes it strikes the fearless. An example of an essay based on the text of F.A. Vigdorova. Sample essays in the direction "Purpose and means"


(1) I knew a wonderful writer. (2) Her name was Tamara Grigoryevna Gabbe. (3) She once told me: - There are many trials in life. (4) You can't list them. (5) But here are three, they are common. (6) The first is the test of need. (7) The second is prosperity, glory. (8) And the third test is fear. (9) And not only with the fear that a person recognizes in a war, but with the fear that overtakes him in an ordinary, peaceful life. (10) What kind of fear is this, which does not threaten either death or injury? (11) Isn't he a fiction? (12) No, not fiction. (13) Fear has many faces, sometimes it strikes the fearless. (14) “It’s amazing,” wrote the Decembrist poet Ryleev, “we are not afraid to die on the battlefield, but we are afraid to say a word in favor of justice.” (15) Many years have passed since these words were written, but there are tenacious diseases of the soul. (16) A man went through the war as a hero. (17) He went to reconnaissance, where every step threatened him with death. (18) He fought in the air and under water, he did not run from danger, fearlessly walked towards her. (19) And so the war ended, the man returned home. (20) To your family, to your peaceful work. (21) He worked as well as he fought: passionately giving all his strength, not sparing his health. (22) But when, on the slander of a slanderer, his friend was removed from work, a man whom he knew as himself, in whose innocence he was convinced, as in his own, he did not intervene. (23) He, who was not afraid of either bullets or tanks, got scared. (24) He was not afraid of death on the battlefield, but was afraid to say a word in favor of justice. (25) The boy broke the glass. - (26) Who did this? the teacher asks. (27) The boy is silent. (28) He is not afraid to ski off the most dizzying mountain. (29) He is not afraid to swim across an unfamiliar river full of insidious funnels. (30) But he is afraid to say: "I broke the glass." (31) What is he afraid of? (32) Flying down the mountain, he can break his neck. (33) Swimming across the river, he may drown. (34) The words "I did it" do not threaten him with death. (35) Why is he afraid to pronounce them? (36) I heard a very brave man who went through the war once say: “It used to be scary, very scary.” (37) He spoke the truth: he was scared. (38) But he knew how to overcome his fear and did what his duty told him: he fought. (39) In a peaceful life, of course, it can also be scary. (40) I will tell the truth, and I will be expelled from school for this ... (41) I will tell the truth - they will be fired from work ... (42) I’d rather not say anything. (43) There are many proverbs in the world that justify silence, and perhaps the most expressive: "My hut is on the edge." (44) But there are no huts that would be on the edge. (45) We are all responsible for what is happening around us. (46) Responsible for everything bad and for everything good. (47) And one should not think that a real test comes to a person only in some special, fatal moments: in a war, during some kind of catastrophe. (48) No, not only in exceptional circumstances, not only in the hour of mortal danger, human courage is tested under a bullet. (49) It is tested constantly, in the most ordinary everyday affairs. (50) Courage is one thing. (51) It requires that a person always be able to overcome the monkey in himself: in battle, on the street, at a meeting. (52) After all, the word "courage" does not have a plural. (53) It is one in any conditions. (According to F.A. Vigdorova)

Composition 1.

How often do we show courage? Is it required in everyday life? It is the problem of the manifestation of courage that F.A. Vigdorova touches on in her text.

Discussing this problem, the author gives an example from life: a man who fought fearlessly, in peacetime, could not stand up for his friend, in whose innocence he was sure. F. A. Vigdorova believes that the fear of telling the truth is born out of fear of possible negative consequences for us, so many act according to the principle: “My hut is on the edge.” The author convinces us that we are responsible for everything that is done around. True courage is manifested not only in emergency situations, but also in ordinary everyday affairs.

The position of the author is clear: “... the word “courage” does not have a plural. It is the same under any conditions. Courage requires a person to overcome fear both in exceptional circumstances and in peacetime.

One cannot but agree with the author that courage must be manifested in any conditions. To be convinced of this, let us recall M. Sholokhov's story "The Fate of a Man". The protagonist Andrei Sokolov acts courageously during the war: he saves the life of a platoon leader, whom a colleague was about to betray. In peacetime, Sokolov also shows courage - he adopts a homeless boy. Andrei finds the strength to take responsibility for the child.

Another example is Pontius Pilate from M.A. Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita. The protagonist does not show courage in ordinary life. Pilate confirms Yeshua's death sentence, fearing to go against the power of Caesar. He feared for his career and sent an innocent man to his death. He lacked the courage to stand up for justice. Subsequently, Pontius Pilate is punished with immortality.

Thus, courage must be shown not only in exceptional circumstances, but also in ordinary life. To do this, you need to be able to overcome your fears in any conditions. Oksana S., 11B

Composition 2.

What is the true fear of man? And how can it be overcome? It is these questions that F.A. Vigdorova reflects on in her text, offering to think about the problem of manifestation of courage.

The author discusses the "eternal" theme of the true courage of a person, arguing that the strength of the spirit, responsibility "is tested constantly, in the most ordinary everyday affairs." The writer quotes the Decembrist poet Ryleev in order to draw the reader's attention to the fact that the problem raised in the text is relevant at all times. You can also notice that Vigdorova more than once takes the place of this or that person who has committed a certain act (the boy broke the glass, he is afraid to confess), tries to analyze and find the reason that encourages people to remain silent in a difficult situation.

Summing up, the writer emphasizes that "the word "courage" does not have a plural", "courage is one." Therefore, you need to be a brave person always, in any situation.

The position of the author is clear: every person needs to act, move forward, overcome fear constantly, regardless of the severity of the situation. Only then can you call yourself a truly courageous person.

One cannot but agree with the position of the author, and in support of her correctness, we will give examples from Russian classical literature. In the novel by A.S. Pushkin " Captain's daughter"The main character is a strong personality, which is characterized by stamina and endurance of the soul. Despite the threats from Shvabrin, Masha Mironova, being in his full power, remains true to herself, her convictions.

Another example of true courage can be cited from Leo Tolstoy's epic novel War and Peace. During the Battle of Shengraben, the characters behave differently. After the battle, Prince Andrei Bolkonsky stood up for the captain before Bagration. Bolkonsky found the courage to say that Tushin's battery was without cover. This act characterizes the prince as a man of courage and indifference.

So, spiritual strength, overcoming fears, is courage. It is necessary to go forward, to act in any situation in order to remain a solid, strong person. Anya M., 11 B.

Composition 3.

What is real fear? Can people who are not afraid of death be afraid of simple everyday problems? It is over the problem of fear in ordinary life that F.A. Vigdorova reflects in her text.

Arguing over this problem, the author describes the history of a man who went through the war. He was not afraid of either bullets or tanks, but he could not stand up for his innocent friend. The man was not afraid of death, but only of dismissal from work. He could not resist the fear caused by ordinary life.

In both stories, the characters are unable to fight fear. However, the author himself claims: "But there is no hut ... on the edge." Thus, Vigdorova shows that silence is not a way to deal with fear.

The validity of the thought expressed by the author is proved by many works of literature. For example, in A. Platonov's story "Return" main character Aleksey Ivanov returns home after the war, but realizes that he cannot live with his wife and children, he is too distant from them. Ivanov is afraid, he begins to suspect his wife of treason. The hero was unable to cope with his fear and just wanted to get away from problems. But in the end, he was able to step over himself, overcome fear and return home.

Another example of courage is the hero of M.A. Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita" Yeshua, a wandering philosopher. Despite physical suffering and pain, he did not renounce the truth. In this novel there is also an example of how a person succumbs to fear. The procurator of Judea, Pontius Pilate, being a brave and valiant warrior, was frightened for his position and pronounced a death sentence on Yeshua, not wanting him to die. The hero compromised with power and conscience, could not overcome his fear.

So, it is not the one who is not afraid of death who becomes truly courageous, but the one who is ready to fight fear, even in Everyday life. Kataev D., 11B

What is courage? What is the instinct of self-preservation? F. A. Vigdorova reflects on these questions.

In his text, the author raises the problems of courage and cowardice that are still relevant to this day. Arguing on this topic, the writer cites Rylev's words “..we are not afraid to die on the battlefields, but we are afraid to say a word in favor of justice.” That is, people are not afraid to sacrifice themselves in moments of danger, but they are afraid to stand up for another person.

Worried about your well-being.

Fearless people may show cowardice out of fear of losing something.

We are all familiar with the novel by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter". Completely two opposite characters - Peter Grinev and Alexei Shvabrin. Throughout the work, Grinev behaves honestly and openly, as he is a man of honor.

He lives and acts at the behest of his heart, and his heart lives according to the laws of the nobility, this is what helps him maintain his dignity. And Shvabrin? Alexei commits immoral acts, lies, becomes a traitor.

He only cares about his own good.

The hero of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky's novel "Crime and Punishment", Rodion Raskolnikov, risking his life, saves two children from a burning house. But questions immediately arise. Why did he kill the old pawnbroker?

Why didn't he confess to what he had done? Fear. He was afraid to fall in the eyes of loved ones, only this prevented him from correcting himself.

Thus, courage is a conscious action that overcomes fear. The instinct of self-preservation is the act of saving oneself from danger.

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This note is another "format" essay written according to the text below as a preparation for the exam. However, despite the standards, I saw in the text a problem that was really close to me, and I tried to convey this in my work.

Text first. After - my essay (the test passed, and the teacher said that although she re-read it several times, she still did not find anything to complain about. And that's good). Readers of fox notes will surely see familiar notes ... And that will also be good.

Text by Frida Abramovna Vigdorova:

I knew a wonderful writer. Her name was Tamara Grigorievna Gabbe. She told me once:
“There are many trials in life. You can't list them. But here are three, they are common. The first is the test of need. The second is prosperity, glory. And the third test is fear. And not only with the fear that a person recognizes in war, but with the fear that overtakes him in ordinary, peaceful life.
What is this fear that threatens neither death nor injury?
Is he not an invention? No, not fiction. Fear has many faces, sometimes it strikes the fearless.
“It’s an amazing thing,” wrote the Decembrist poet Ryleev, “we are not afraid to die on the battlefield, but we are afraid to say a word in favor of justice.”
Many years have passed since these words were written, but there are tenacious diseases of the soul.
The man went through the war like a hero. He went to reconnaissance, where every step threatened him with death. He fought in the air and under water, he did not run from danger, fearlessly walked towards it. And now the war is over, the man returned home. To his family, to his peaceful work. He worked as well as he fought: with passion, giving all his strength, not sparing his health. But when, on the slander of a slanderer, his friend was removed from work, a man whom he knew as himself, in whose innocence he was convinced, as in his own, he did not intercede. He, who was not afraid of either bullets or tanks, got scared. He was not afraid of death on the battlefield, but he was afraid to say a word in favor of justice.
The boy broke the glass.
- Who did this? the teacher asks.
The boy is silent. He is not afraid to ski off the most dizzying mountain. He is not afraid to swim across an unfamiliar river full of insidious funnels. But he is afraid to say: "I broke the glass."
What is he afraid of? Flying down the mountain, he can break his neck.
Swimming across the river, you can drown. The words "I did it" do not threaten him with death. Why is he afraid to say them?
I heard a very brave man who went through the war once say: "It used to be scary, very scary."
He spoke the truth: he was scared. But he knew how to overcome his fear and did what his duty told him to do: he fought.
In a peaceful life, of course, it can also be scary.
I'll tell the truth, and I'll be expelled from school for this... If I tell the truth, they'll fire me from my job... I'd rather keep silent.
There are many proverbs in the world that justify silence, and perhaps the most expressive: "My hut is on the edge." But there are no huts that would be on the edge. We are all responsible for what is happening around us. Responsible for all the bad and all the good. And one should not think that a real test comes to a person only in some special, fatal moments: in a war, during some kind of catastrophe. No, not only in exceptional circumstances, not only in the hour of mortal danger, human courage is tested under a bullet. It is tested constantly, in the most ordinary everyday affairs.
Courage is one. It requires a person to be able
to overcome the monkey in oneself always: in battle, on the street, at a meeting. After all, the word "courage" does not have a plural. It is the same under any circumstances.

(According to F.A. Vigdorova*)

* Frida Abramovna Vigdorova (1915-1965) - Soviet writer,

The problem of the ambiguity of human nature

(according to the text by F. Vigdorova)

There are many trials in life. A test of need, success, fear... But why are these tests so difficult to pass in everyday life? Why is human courage so often lost "in the most ordinary everyday affairs"? This question is asked by the Soviet writer Frida Abramovna Vigdorovna.

I believe that the "test of everyday life" is one of the most important, most difficult tests of a person. Being strong and courageous is easy in the face of mortal danger. It's easy to want to die for justice, it's harder to live every day for it. In everyday worries, when there is nothing to "fight" with, you somehow forget that you must always be a real person. To act according to conscience every minute - this is real courage.

So, Andrey Bolkonsky is faced with the "test of everyday life" in the work of L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". Prince Andrei, with contempt on his face, takes part in secular evenings, he is tired of peace, of loving wife from peaceful life. The life around him seems shallow to Bolkonsky, therefore he himself does not see the point in spending any moral strength in order to be better, not to hurt loved ones. He escapes from everyday life to the war, and there he finally begins to live. Courage is not only to run against the enemy with a banner. This is to stand up for Captain Timokhin at the military council, this is the desire to act in good conscience not only during the battle, but every day.

An example of daily courage is provided by Atticus Finch in Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird. He goes against the fear that F. Vigdorova speaks about: fear public opinion, misunderstanding, does what the jurisprudence did not do before him - because he considers it right. He tries to be wise and fair not only in court, but every day when he gives his children priceless life lessons.

Thus, I believe that the most terrible test is the test of everyday life. And real courage lies not only in not being afraid of dangers, but also in being human every day.

(1) I knew a wonderful writer. (2) Her name was Tamara Grigoryevna Gabbe. (3) She once told me:

“There are many trials in life. (4) You can't list them. (5) But here are three, they are common. (6) The first is the test of need. (7) The second is prosperity, glory. (8) And the third test is fear. (9) And not only with the fear that a person recognizes in a war, but with the fear that overtakes him in an ordinary, peaceful life.

(10) What kind of fear is this, which does not threaten either death or injury? (11) Isn't he a fiction? (12) No, not fiction. (13) Fear has many faces, sometimes it strikes the fearless.

(14) “It’s amazing,” wrote the Decembrist poet Ryleev, “we are not afraid to die on the battlefield, but we are afraid to say a word in favor of justice.”

(15) Many years have passed since these words were written, but there are tenacious diseases of the soul.

(16) A man went through the war as a hero. (17) He went to reconnaissance, where every step threatened him with death. (18) He fought in the air and under water, he did not run from danger, fearlessly walked towards her. (19) And so the war ended, the man returned home. (20) To your family, to your peaceful work. (21) He worked as well as he fought: passionately giving all his strength, not sparing his health. (22) But when, on the slander of a slanderer, his friend was removed from work, a man whom he knew as himself, in whose innocence he was convinced, as in his own, he did not intervene. (23) He, who was not afraid of either bullets or tanks, got scared. (24) He was not afraid of death on the battlefield, but was afraid to say a word in favor of justice.

(25) The boy broke the glass.

- (26) Who did this? the teacher asks.

(27) The boy is silent. (28) He is not afraid to ski off the most dizzying mountain. (29) He is not afraid to swim across an unfamiliar river full of insidious funnels. (30) But he is afraid to say: "I broke the glass."

(31) What is he afraid of? (32) After all, flying from a mountain, he can wring his neck. (33) Swimming across the river, he may drown. (34) The words "I did it" do not threaten him with death. (35) Why is he afraid to pronounce them?

(36) I heard a very brave man who went through the war once say: “It used to be scary, very scary.”

(37) He spoke the truth: he was scared. (38) But he knew how to overcome his fear and did what his duty told him: he fought.

(39) In a peaceful life, of course, it can also be scary.

(40) I will tell the truth, and I will be expelled from school for this ... (41) I will tell the truth - they will be fired from work ... (42) I’d rather not say anything.

(43) There are many proverbs in the world that justify silence, and perhaps the most expressive: "My hut is on the edge." (44) But there are no huts that would be on the edge.

(45) We are all responsible for what is happening around us. (46) Responsible for everything bad and for everything good. (47) And one should not think that a real test comes to a person only in some special, fatal moments: in a war, during some kind of catastrophe. (48) No, not only in exceptional circumstances, not only in the hour of mortal danger, human courage is tested under a bullet. (49) It is tested constantly, in the most ordinary everyday affairs.

(50) Courage is one thing. (51) It requires that a person always be able to overcome the monkey in himself: in battle, on the street, at a meeting. (52) After all, the word "courage" does not have a plural. (53) It is one in any conditions.

(According to F. A. Vigdorova*)

* Frida Abramovna Vigdorova (1915-1965) - Soviet writer, journalist.

Text Information


Author's position

1. The problem of the ambiguity of human nature. (Why can the same person act like a hero in exceptional circumstances and experience fear in ordinary life?) 1. Sometimes a person who has shown courage in exceptional circumstances is not able to show it in ordinary everyday situations for fear of losing well-being.
2. The problem of showing courage. (What is courage?) 2. Courage is manifested not only in the fact that a person performs heroic deeds, but also in the fact that he fights for justice and speaks the truth. Courage requires a person to be able to overcome fear in himself.
3. The problem of cowardice, cowardice, inaction. (Why do people show cowardice?) 3. Even the most courageous and courageous person is capable of showing cowardice and cowardice in everyday life. The reason for this is the fear of losing their own well-being.
4. The problem of overcoming fear. (Should I give in to fear or should I fight it?) 4. Fear is one of the most difficult trials in a person's life. It is necessary to overcome your own fear not only in exceptional circumstances, but also in everyday life.
5. The problem of choice. (Should we fight for justice?) 5. Life puts a person in front of moral choice: speak in defense of justice or remain silent. You need to overcome your fear and always stand up for justice.

How to write an essay in the USE format in the Russian language?

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Task Formulation:

Write an essay based on the text you read.
Formulate one of the problems posed by the author of the text.
Comment on the formulated problem. Include in the comment two examples-illustrations from the read text (open) that, in your opinion, are important for understanding the problem source code(avoid overquoting).
Formulate the position of the author (narrator). Write whether you agree or disagree with the point of view of the author of the read text. Explain why. Argument your opinion, relying primarily on reading experience, as well as on knowledge and life observations.
(the first two arguments are taken into account).
The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

What you need to know:

The structure of the essay-reasoning of the exam in the Russian language:

I. Thesis. Introduction to the problem
II. Statement of the problem + comment + 2 examples from the read text
III. Reflection of the position of the author
IV. Reflection of one's own position
v. Argument 1 (from fiction, journalistic or scientific literature)
VI. Argument 2 (from life experience)
VII. Conclusion related to the thesis.
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Cliche for composing the exam in the Russian language

Part (paragraph) Cliches (typical schemes of phrases and sentences)

Thesis. Introduction

Many writers have repeatedly paid attention to the problem ... One of these was E. Nosov, the author of the text proposed for analysis.(or)

Not all of us have thought about the questions... but a lot of literature has been written about this. One of the writers who drew our attention to ... was E. Nosov(let down to text)


In the text proposed for analysis, the author (E. Nosov / writer / prose writer) brings up the issue... (brief wording Problems). It is that... (a comment Problems). This is confirmed in the text. (two example from the text). For example, in sentence No. ... the author says that ... And sentences from ... to ... illustrate to us ...

The author's position is that...(or)
author(E. Nosov / writer / prose writer)thinks that...(or)
The position of the author is not directly formulated, but it is manifested in his assessment of the actions (of any character)
The position of the author is expressed by the words:
Quote from text..." He thinks that...(commentary formulating the problem in your own words).

own position

I agree with the opinion of the author and believe that ...(or)
I share the opinion of the author only partially(you need to explain what you agree and what you don’t). I am close to his position regarding ..., but I cannot agree with him that ...
I do not share the opinion of the author, because I believe that
(it should be iron argument, because you are hardly a famous Russian writer)

Argument 1

Making a logical eyeliner to the argument(s) from the literature:This problem is reflected in other works of Russian literature. In particular, he addressed her ... in his story (novel, etc.) "..."(or)
In addition to E. Nosov, the problem ... was touched upon by the Name Surname of the author in the work "...".Next, we involve the episode and evaluate the actions of the hero, comment, confirming own position

Argument 2

Making a logical eyeliner to the argument from life experience: The problem considered by the writers is confirmed in life. So, ... (or)
Probably, not every one of us thought about how relevant the problem is in modern times. However, in life we ​​see many examples ... Next, we draw an episode from life experience, comment, confirming own position.


From the above, it can be concluded that... (or)
Summing up all the above, we can conclude ... (or)
These examples confirm the urgency of the problem and teach us... In conclusion, it is important to tie all parts of the essay together, turn to author's position, reaffirm your own by pointing to the arguments.

These clichés are intended only to help you formulate thoughts and maintain the logic of construction. It is not necessary to use these phrases. Composition of the exam may look more creative, it is imperative that the above structure is followed, as it reflects the criteria by which the examinee will be assessed.

USE Essay Sample

(1) I knew a wonderful writer. (2) Her name was Tamara Grigoryevna Gabbe. (3) She once told me:
- There are many trials in life. (4) You can't list them. (5) But here are three, they are common. (6) The first is the test of need. (7) The second - prosperity, glory. (8) And the third test is fear. (9) And not only with the fear that a person recognizes in a war, but with the fear that overtakes him in an ordinary, peaceful life.
(10) What kind of fear is this, which does not threaten either death or injury? (11) Isn't he a fiction? (12) No, not fiction. (13) Fear has many faces, sometimes it strikes the fearless.
(14) “An amazing thing,” wrote the Decembrist poet Ryleev, “we are not afraid to die on the battlefield, but we are afraid to say a word in favor of justice.”
(15) Many years have passed since these words were written, but there are tenacious diseases of the soul.
(16) A man went through the war as a hero. (17) He went to reconnaissance, where every step threatened him with death. (18) He fought in the air and under water, he did not run from danger, fearlessly walked towards her. (19) And so the war ended, the man returned home. (20) To your family, to your peaceful work. (21) He worked as well as he fought: passionately giving all his strength, not sparing his health. (22) But when, on the slander of a slanderer, his friend was removed from work, a man whom he knew as himself, in whose innocence he was convinced, as in his own, he did not intervene. (23) He, who was not afraid of either bullets or tanks, got scared. (24) He was not afraid of death on the battlefield, but was afraid to say a word in favor of justice.
(25) The boy broke the glass.
- (26) Who did it? the teacher asks.
(27) The boy is silent. (28) He is not afraid to ski off the most dizzying mountain. (29) He is not afraid to swim across an unfamiliar river full of insidious funnels. (30) But he is afraid to say: "I broke the glass."
(31) What is he afraid of? (32) After all, flying from a mountain, he can wring his neck. (33) Swimming across the river, he may drown. (34) The words "I did it" do not threaten him with death. (35) Why is he afraid to pronounce them?
(36) I heard a very brave man who went through the war once say: “It used to be scary, very scary.”
(37) He spoke the truth: he was scared. (38) But he knew how to overcome his fear and did what his duty told him: he fought.
(39) In a peaceful life, of course, it can also be scary.
(40) I will tell the truth, and I will be expelled from school for this ... (41) I will tell the truth - they will be fired from work ... (42) I’d rather not say anything.
(43) There are many proverbs in the world that justify silence, and perhaps the most expressive: "My hut is on the edge." (44) But there are no huts that would be on the edge.
(45) We are all responsible for what is happening around us. (46) Responsible for everything bad and for everything good. (47) And one should not think that a real test comes to a person only in some special, fatal moments: in a war, during some kind of catastrophe. (48) No, not only in exceptional circumstances, not only in the hour of mortal danger, human courage is tested under a bullet. (49) It is tested constantly, in the most ordinary everyday affairs.
(50) Courage is one thing. (51) It requires that a person always be able to overcome the monkey in himself: in battle, on the street, at a meeting. (52) After all, the word "courage" does not have a plural. (53) It is one in any conditions.

(According to F.A. Vigdorova*)

* Frida Abramovna Vigdorova(1915-1965) - Soviet writer, journalist.