
Bugs female images Characteristics. Female images in the novel of Goncharov Oblomov, an essay with a plan. What she is - love Agafia

Critics note that I. A. Goncharov- "The artist is pure and independent, the artist on the vocation and throughout the value of what they have done. He is a realist, but his realism is constantly warmed by deep poetry ... "It seems that this statement is quite fair both for the entire image of the image in the novel" Oblomov ", and for female images in particular. Olga Ilinskaya and Agafia Matveyevna are particularly interesting, these women played a significant role in the life of the main character of the work. We can say that they embody two ideals, two ideas about a woman.

Olga is that bright, joyful, which was in the life of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. Without her, without her drama, readers could not understand the hero. Ilyinskaya - Nature is unusually deep, thin. Olga was able to see the wonderful qualities of Oblomov, realize that he was "illuminated through love." It is not by chance that the image of Olga Ilinsky attracted the attention of critics. So, N. A. Dobrolyubov emphasized that "Olga in its development represents the highest ideal, which can now be a Russian artist to call out of the present Russian life."

Ilyinskaya not only a clear, light, sensitive person, but also an extremely solid nature, striking the harmony of "Hearts and Will". Throughout the work, she is true. Having become acquainted with the broom, having loved him, Olga sincerely tries to change his existence, awaken him to life. The heroine is very peculiar, the opinions of people about it are sometimes diametrically opposed. The fact that one seems dignity, others consider almost a disadvantage. So, Andrei Stolz "spoke with her more than and more often than with other women, because she, although unconsciously, went easy, naturally through life. Neither the chemicals, nor flirts, ... neither intent! " And a little later, the author notes that some considered it simple, near, shallow, because they did not fall from the language of her either a wisenary agent about life, ... neither consolidated or overheard of judgments about music and literature ... "Probably these qualities They attracted Ilya Ilyich to Olga. Under her influence, he comes to life, even able to make actions that for him is almost a feat. Oblomov no longer lies after dinner, leaves with Olga to the theater, discusses books with her. But the closer the crucial moment, the less that he is capable of him. He refuses her love in the name of her and happiness. Olga connects his destiny with Andrei Gallez. It is attitude to Ilinskaya that shows how different Ilya Oblomov and Stolts are. If the bugs are confident that she is loving womanwhich is able to create a serene life, Ts Stolz trying to develop her mind, raise an active start in it. However, Olga Ilyinskaya deeper, smarter, thinner than people surrounding it. It's not by chance that in the final of the novel, she realizes that her active life with a gallery is probably no less empty and useless than the life of Oblomov.

It seems to me that Agafia Matveyevna Pshenitsyn - the embodiment of a different ideal of a woman. In the life of the main character of the novel "Oblomov", she played no less significant role than Olga. At first glance, this woman is the opposite of Ilinskaya. Simple, not very educated, Agafia Matveyevna knew only life, the full of most ordinary worries. But in it, as in Olga, there was a ability to understand, sympathize and take care. Ilya Oblomov struck her not only by the fact that "he Barin) he shines, he shines," but also that he is good, gently! Pshenitsyn "Silence assumed the responsibilities of the attitude to the Oblomov." She absolutely sincerely cares about him, keeps his peace, does not try to change anything in it. She is happy to serve Ilya Ilyich. For Oblomov, Agafya Matveyevna - "The ideal of that unbarrier, like the ocean, unscrew the rest of the life, the picture of which is indelible to his soul in childhood ..." Ilya Ilyich does not experience such violent feelings, "the soul is not torn to the height, on the feats," But he is unusually calm, cozy with this woman. We can say that the hero has gained his happiness. He's as if he was returned to the woven, he doesn't need to worry about anything, nothing to take care of anything. However, it probably did not forget the high feeling that the moment illuminated his life. It is not by chance that he asks for the gallery, nothing to tell Olga Ilinskaya about his present life.

Agafya Matveyevna is only in concerns about Ilya Ilyce gained a real life: "She lived and felt that she lived full, as she never lived before ..." She prayed to God, "extend the century Ilya Ilyich," thinking only about his rest and convenience. Many critics believed that this image is negative that wheat is the personification of the vulgarity and everyday life of life. But it has self-sacrifice, and sincerity and kindness. It covers the life of Oblomov, let it otherwise than Olga Ilinskaya. Although this lack of light, but not be it, in which the existence of Ilya Ilyich would have turned on the Vyborg side, away from the gallery, and from Olga! After the death of the adorable Ilya Ilyich Agafia Matveyevna, with a special tenderness takes care of Andryusha, agrees to give it to raising gallets, realizing that "there is his real place." She does it out of love for his son, in memory of his father.

It seems that it is the image of Agafa Matveyevna that served as a source, for example, for the heroine of Chekhov's story "Dressing". The main feature of the character of wheat is the eternal ability to invade, not requiring love. Olga Ilinskaya and Agafia Pshetitsyn, apparently, are combined by the fact that they are able to cover the lives of other people, give them love. But these women differ significantly from each other. If Olga is a poetry of life, a man going forward, thirsting new, then Agafia Matveyevna is a cute heart of many peace, the embodiment of the irrevocability of the very defendant of existence.

I. A. Goncharov managed to create not only realistic, but also bright, psychologically faithful female images. This is largely due to the happy literary fate Works.

Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov from 1848 to 1859 wrote a novel "Oblomov", which is included in the trilogy with such works as " Ordinary History"," Open ". In its work the author holds us throughout life path The main character - Ilya Oblomov. Roman is psychological, philosophical, makes think about the meaning of life. If, in the novel, it is impossible to find a solid hero of the male ideal, then the female ideal of Goncharov showed very well in the form of Olga Ilinskaya.

The main character Ilya Oblomov of thirty years, a lazy wizard man who lives his life in peace and laziness. But in the soul he is a romantic and dreams of an ideal wife, which should combine the mind and femininity should be a good mistress and mother's mother, but also should not forget about himself and be well-groomed and tidy. As R. Rubinstein noted, Ideally, Oblomov's wife "Two starts, and one will meet in Olga, the other is in wheat."

The author endowed Olga Ilinskaya by all the features that he would like to see ideally a Russian woman, externally, it did not stand out anything, but "if it were to turn it into a statue, she would be a statue of grace and harmony." In society, the attitude towards her was ambiguous "Some considered her simple, short, shallow" and only some seen in it whole and spiritualized nature. And among them was gallez, who appreciated her and entrusted his best friend Oblomov. Olga with his active lifestyle with enthusiasm is taken to "awaken" Oblomov and soon she falls in love, but this is the love of "Pygmaleon to Galatee". During Oblomov and dictation, she is trying to "blind" from it that comes to her half. Olga is an idealist, in relationships it completely gives their feelings, but nothing receives in return, no matter how he tried to break. He does not sleep for Olga's rhythm. On temperament she is more suitable for energetic, active gallery, having met after for long years Olga in Switzerland, he understands that Ilyinskaya has changed a lot.

Relations between Andrei and Olga are very different, they spend a lot of time behind conversations, walks. She does not experience such feelings that have experienced to Oblomov, but "with courageous curiosity looked at this new way of life, I was painted with horror and moved my strength."

Agafia Matveyevna Pshenitsyn is quite different from Olga: intelligence, character and even love for broom. This is a household house in which the obcomments settled, limited in knowledge, unobtrusive. She resembles the behavior of the broom of the mother's image. Pshetitsyn was caring, even more cared for broom, than about his children. All the affairs of the house and the economy lay on her shoulders, she as a nanny cared for Ilyona. Externally, Agafya changed from the relationship to her Oblomov, when he was silent and gloomy, Wentyna became a thoughtful and pale, if Ilya Ilyich was cheerful and kind, the hostess changed in front of her eyes.

Another character quality that it was so distinguished from Olga Ilinskaya, it's sacrifice, her thoughtful attitude It seemed to be transferred to Ilya Ilyich back to the "Oblomovka".

In the life of Oblomov, two love met: the love of Olga, striving to save him, and to Agafier, Matveyevna, with which the bugs are increasingly weakening both spiritually and physically.

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27. Female images In Roman I. A. Goncharov "Oblomov"

Despite the considerable amount of work, there is relatively few characters in the novel. This allows Goncharov to give detailed characteristics of each of them, to make detailed psychological portraits. No exception and female images in the novel. In addition to psychologism, the author widely uses the reception of opposition and antipodes. These pairs can be called "Bakes and Stolts" and "Olga Ilinskaya and Agafya Matveyevna Pshenitsyn." The last two images are the complete opposites of each other, you can safely call lines that never intersect - they are simply located in different planes. The only thing that unites them is Ilya Ilyich Oblomov.

Olga Ilinskaya is a young decisive girl. Her life requirements are high, but she herself is ready to attach enough effort to get the desired. Olga's life looks like a stormy river - constantly in motion. Olga will not retreat from the task, but will not spend time on the realization of the conceived, if he sees that the undertaking is doomed to failure. She is too intelligent to spend his precious time to nonsense. She attracted its brightness and originality and attracted the attention of Oblomov. Oblomov loved her that clean, inefficious and sincere love, which, from the whole environment, Olga, perhaps, only he is alone. She admired him, fascinated and at the same time tired. She loved himself too much to notice him in his dazzling shine. The image of Olga Ilinskaya is ambiguously interpreted by critics. Someone sees exactly in it a worthy synthesis of rationality, education and spirituality. Someone, on the contrary, blame her in superficiality and inability to a high feeling. It seems to me that Olga is a common personseeking to comfort and comfort, only the concept of welfare is somewhat different than Ozlomov. In fact, they turned out to be too different people who had to admit this during the spirit. Why was it to torment each other, if it is clear that nothing comes out? Olga and in fact more suitable gallery, the same sensible person, like she herself.

Agafia Matveyevna Pshenitsyn is a completely different image. This is the type of a real Russian woman, mature, conscious, which has simple everyday wisdom, which is much more useful than all treatises on psychology, taken together. It will never be able to neglect the interests of a person living next to her, she will not bother to defend their rights. Perhaps for the sake of her, a man will not make a feat, but it is next to such a woman he will feel necessary and strong. Agafier Wentycian will never think to try to remake a person. Psychologically, it is much closer to the bugIt has that naturalness that helps guess the secret thoughts of another person. All that was deprived of Olga, the bugs find in Agafier.

Olga and Agafia are full antipodes and in a warehouse of character, and in terms of life. But it's not by chance to change Olga in the life of Oblomov, Agafia Pshenitsyn appears. Goncharov sincerely believed that it was necessary to describe the life of which it was, without embellishment. That is why his works are completely deprived of all didactics, he trusts the reader in that he will make a faithful judgment about the novel. It seems to me that Heroes Goncharov, being taken from real life, Described without embellishments, are neither "bad" nor "good", as well as an ordinary person can not be only bad or just good. Olga is young, attractive, smart. Agafya, in turn, a woman's magnificent life, her desires are similar to Oblomov's ideals. She wants simple female happiness and be able to take care of someone. Oblomov also wants to experience that comfort, according to which he was exhausted. And Olga has other ideas about happiness, and in this case it is impossible to judge anyone.

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(362 words)

I.A. Oblons in their work created a large-scale picture of the public sentiment of his era, depicted the hero, which we condemn, but still sympathize. The merit of this writer is also huge in the workshop drawn female images: not generalized and pale, but bright and alive. Often it is women in his novels possess genuine power of character and spirit.

Despite the fact that the bugs spent the whole life on the sofa, he was not deprived of female attention. Galdz friend introduced the main character with Olga Ilinskaya. This 20-year-old girl is full of grace and harmony. She is deprived of coquetry, desire to like the opposite sex. The heroine of talented: sings perfectly. Everyone in her appearance suggests that she is constantly thinking, she has a kipping thirst to live, act. It is proud, assertive, but at the same time good and compassionate. With such qualities after 50 years, the sisters of mercy on the war were sisters. Olga's missionary activity was expressed in the fact that she wanted to "correct" Oblomov, smash him to his own, active legs in the name of his own good. But the protagonist does not want to burn with the girl, because, despite their mutual attachment, it breaks up with her. Olga for Oblomov - Deity, ideal, which will never get to reach. Heroine, although not ideal, causes sympathy, her insistent desire to smooth the beloved is associated with its inexperience and youthful maximalism: for the sake of good goals, you can remake everything in your own way, not believing with the vital truth of others.

Oblomov moves to the Vyborg side, where his relationship with the hostess of the house, 30-year-old Agafey Pshetitsyna. She is for the hero - the personification of the native crushing. And externally: complete, healthy, pleasant. And internally: the same calm, ingenuous (even a stupid in matters that is not relating to the economy), shameful, affectionate, home. Agafya sees the mainstream in the farm, so he is given to him with passion and always does something, but not even thinking about the abstract matters. The heroine loved Oblomov as he was, did not want to change him, which is why their relationship led to a happy end. He is for her a deity and ideal, as well as the first love (despite the late husband). Ilya Ilyich loved her for the fact that Agafia is earthly and understandable, it is not necessary to stretch behind it, it is not necessary to solve it.

In the novel "Oblomov" are drawn two opposite types of women, and not two-three strokes, but deeply and relief. These images are remembered and not inferior to men. This is an innovation of the author and his huge creative luck.

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Despite the considerable amount of work, there is relatively few characters in the novel. This allows Goncharov to give detailed characteristics of each of them, to make detailed psychological portraits. No exception and female images in the novel. In addition to psychologism, the author widely uses the reception of opposition and antipodes. These pairs can be called "Bakes and Stolts" and "Olga Ilinskaya and Agafya Matveyevna Pshenitsyn." The last two images are the complete opposites of each other, you can safely call lines that never intersect - they are simply located in different planes. The only thing that unites them is Ilya Ilyich Oblomov.

Olga Ilinskaya is a young decisive girl. Her life requirements are high, but she herself is ready to attach enough effort to get the desired. Olga's life looks like a stormy river - constantly in motion. Olga will not retreat from the task, but will not spend time on the realization of the conceived, if he sees that the undertaking is doomed to failure. She is too intelligent to spend his precious time to nonsense. She attracted its brightness and originality and attracted the attention of Oblomov. Oblomov loved her that clean, inefficious and sincere love, which, from the whole environment, Olga, perhaps, only he is alone. She admired him, fascinated and at the same time tired. She loved himself too much to notice him in his dazzling shine. The image of Olga Ilinskaya is ambiguously interpreted by critics. Someone sees exactly in it a worthy synthesis of rationality, education and spirituality. Someone, on the contrary, blame her in superficiality and inability to a high feeling. It seems to me that Olga is an ordinary person who is committed to comfort and comfort, only the concept of welfare is somewhat different than Ozlomov. In fact, they turned out to be too different people who had to admit this during the spirit. Why was it to torment each other, if it is clear that nothing comes out? Olga and in fact more suitable gallery, the same sensible person, like she herself.

Agafia Matveyevna Pshenitsyn is a completely different image. This is the type of a real Russian woman, mature, conscious, which has simple everyday wisdom, which is much more useful than all treatises on psychology, taken together. It will never be able to neglect the interests of a person living next to her, she will not bother to defend their rights. Perhaps for the sake of her, a man will not make a feat, but it is next to such a woman he will feel necessary and strong. Agafier Wentycian will never think to try to remake a person. Psychologically, it is much closer to Oblomov, it has the naturalness that helps to guess the secret thoughts of another person. All that was deprived of Olga, the bugs find in Agafier.

Olga and Agafia are full antipodes and in a warehouse of character, and in terms of life. But it's not by chance to change Olga in the life of Oblomov, Agafia Pshenitsyn appears. Goncharov sincerely believed that it was necessary to describe the life of which it was, without embellishment. That is why his works are completely deprived of all didactics, he trusts the reader in that he will make a faithful judgment about the novel. It seems to me that Heroes of Goncharova, being taken from real life, described without embellishment, are neither "bad" nor "good", as well as an ordinary person can not be only bad or only good. Olga is young, attractive, smart. Agafya, in turn, a woman's magnificent life, her desires are similar to Oblomov's ideals. She wants simple female happiness and be able to take care of someone. Oblomov also wants to experience that comfort, according to which he was exhausted. And Olga has other ideas about happiness, and in this case it is impossible to judge anyone.

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    • Action Roman I.S. Turgenev "fathers and children" unfolds in the summer of 1859, on the eve of the abolition of serfdom. At that time, the question was sharply in Russia: who can head society? On the one hand, a nobility, which consisted of both sufficiently free liberals, and from aristocrats who think the same as in the beginning of the century, claimed a leading social role. On another pole of society were revolutionaries - democrats, most of which were the differences. The main hero of the novel [...]
    • The novel was written from the end of 1862 to April 1863, i.e., written in 3.5 months on the 35th year of the author of the author. The general divided readers to two opposite camps. Supporters of the book were Pisarev, Shchedrin, Plekhanov, Lenin. But artists like Turgenev, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Leskov believed that the novel was deprived of true artisticity. To answer the question "What to do?" Chernyshevsky raises and allows the following burning problems from a revolutionary and socialist position: 1. Social and political problem [...]
    • We do not like to sick. We do not like to cough, sneeze, lie down with the temperature, feel weak, your own impotence. We do not love to find spoiled food, randomly forgotten for a couple of hours, day, week products. We do not love - I really don't like the culprit of these of our troubles: bacteria. Bacteria are to blame and in our diseases, and in our spoiled products. Sometimes, some of us in the rustling of anger wish them a complete disappearance. Let's imagine what happens in fact, if one day all bacteria really [...]
    • Language Changing how life itself is life. Today we teach at school native language, obeying the unshakable rules. In any case, it seems to us. "Libe-Shi" write with "and", "Chaos" write with "A" and many, many other rules. But will our descendants be in a hundred, two hundred, three hundred years to obey these rules? Maybe. But for sure, many of them will change, some will disappear at all. And, reading our records, children of the 22nd century will smile to what fun words we used. Language is changing with us. New words come [...]
    • In the lesson of literature, we studied the poem Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin "Ruslan and Lyudmila". it interesting work About Vityaz Ruslana and his beloved Lyudmila. At the beginning of the work, the evil sorcerer Chernomor kidnapped right from the wedding Lyudmila. Father Lyudmila Prince Vladimir ordered everyone to find her daughter and promised to the Savior of Polly. And only Ruslan went to look for his bride because she loved her very much. In a poem a lot fabulous heroes: Chernomor, Witch Naina, Wizard Finn, talking head. And the poem begins [...]