
Non-traditional drawing technique for children. Traditional children's drawing techniques

The art of depicting without being based on tradition.

My job is to use non-traditional techniques in drawing. Drawing in non-traditional ways is a fun, mesmerizing activity that surprises and delights children. The developing environment plays an important role in the development of the child. Therefore, when organizing a subject-developing environment, she took into account that the content was of a developmental nature, and was aimed at developing the creativity of each child in accordance with his unconventional drawing

Conducting classes using non-traditional techniques

  • Helps relieve children's fears;
  • Develops self-confidence;
  • Develops spatial thinking;
  • Teaches children to freely express their intention;
  • Encourages children to creative searches and solutions;
  • Teaches children to work with a variety of materials;
  • Develops a sense of composition, rhythm, color, color perception; sense of texture and volume;
  • Develops fine motor skills of hands;
  • Develops creativity, imagination and flight of fancy.
  • While working, children get aesthetic pleasure.

Acquainted with methodical literature various authors, such as A.V. Nikitina "Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten”, I.A. Lykova - " Toolkit for preschool specialists educational institutions”, T.N. Doronova - "Nature, art and visual activity of children" R.G. Kazakova "Visual activity in kindergarten" I found a lot of interesting ideas and set myself the following tasks:

  • Develop children's technical drawing skills.
  • Introduce children to various non-traditional drawing techniques.
  • To teach how to create your own unique image, in drawings on non-traditional drawing using various techniques drawing.
  • To introduce preschoolers closer to non-traditional drawing.

There are many techniques non-traditional drawing, their unusualness lies in the fact that they allow children to quickly achieve the desired result. For example, which child will not be interested in drawing with his fingers, drawing with his own palm, putting blots on paper and getting a funny drawing. The child likes to quickly achieve results in his work.


Finger painting.
hand drawing.

A rectangular sheet of paper is taken, 3 pencils. Adults and a child are distributed: who will draw the first, who will be the second, who will be the third. The first one starts drawing, and then closes his drawing, bending the leaflet on top and leaving a little bit, some part, to continue (the neck, for example). The second, not seeing anything but the neck, naturally continues the torso, leaving only part of the legs visible. The third one finishes. Then the whole sheet is opened - and almost always it turns out funny: from the mismatch of proportions, color schemes.

Drawing yourself or drawing from nature of your favorite toys.

Paper rolling.
"I draw my mother" ...
Wrinkled paper print.
Wax crayons + watercolor.
Candle + watercolor.
Dotted pattern.
Leaf prints.

Foam drawings.
For some reason, we all tend to think that if we paint with paints, then we must also use a brush. Far from always, say Trizovites. Foam rubber can come to the rescue. We advise you to make a variety of various small geometric figures out of it, and then attach them with a thin wire to a stick or pencil (not sharpened). The tool is ready. Now you can dip it in paint and use the stamp method to draw red triangles, yellow circles, green squares (all foam rubber, unlike cotton wool, is well washed). At first, children will randomly draw geometric figures. And then offer to make the simplest ornaments out of them - first from one type of figure, then from two, three.

Mysterious drawings
Drawing with crayons.
Preschoolers love variety. These opportunities provide us with ordinary crayons, sanguine, coal. Smooth asphalt, porcelain, ceramic tiles, stones - this is the base on which chalk and coal fit well. So, asphalt disposes to a capacious image of plots. They (if there is no rain) can be developed the next day. And then make up stories according to the plots. And on ceramic tiles (which are sometimes stored in the remains somewhere in the pantry), we recommend depicting patterns, small objects with crayons or charcoal. Large stones (such as voluns) are asked to decorate them under the image of an animal's head or under a stump. It depends on what or whom the stone resembles in shape.

Magic Drawing Method.

This method is implemented like this. An image is drawn on white paper with the corner of a wax candle (a Christmas tree, a house, or maybe a whole plot). Then with a brush, and preferably with cotton wool or foam rubber, the paint is applied on top of the entire image. Due to the fact that the paint does not fall on the bold image with a candle - the drawing seems to appear suddenly before the eyes of the children, manifesting itself. You can get the same effect by first drawing with stationery glue or a piece of laundry soap. In this case, the selection of the background to the subject plays an important role. For example, it is better to paint over a snowman painted with a candle with blue paint, and a boat with green paint. No need to worry if

Painting little pebbles.
nitkography method.
Monotype method.
Drawing on wet paper.
Fabric images.
Volume application.
Draw with postcards.
Learning to make a background.
Visual activity using non-traditional materials and techniques contributes to the development of the child:

  • Fine motor skills of hands and tactile perception;
  • Spatial orientation on a sheet of paper, eye and visual perception;
  • Attention and perseverance;
  • Visual skills and abilities, observation, aesthetic perception, emotional responsiveness;
  • In addition, in the process of this activity, the preschooler develops the skills of control and self-control.

The creative process is a real miracle. Watch as children discover their unique abilities and enjoy the joy of creation. Here they begin to feel the benefits of creativity and believe that mistakes are just steps towards achieving the goal, and not an obstacle, both in creativity and in all aspects of their life. It is better for children to instill:
In many ways, the result of the child's work depends on his interest, so it is important to activate the attention of the preschooler in the lesson, to encourage him to work with the help of additional incentives. Such incentives can be:

  • play, which is the main activity of children;
  • a surprise moment - the favorite hero of a fairy tale or cartoon comes to visit and invites the child to go on a trip;
  • a request for help, because children will never refuse to help the weak, it is important for them to feel significant;
  • musical accompaniment. Etc.
  • finger painting;
  • imprint with potato prints;
  • palm drawing.
  • poke with a hard semi-dry brush.
  • foam printing;
  • stopper printing;
  • wax crayons + watercolor;
  • candle + watercolor;
  • leaf prints;
  • palm drawings;
  • drawing with cotton swabs;
  • magic ropes.
  • sand painting;
  • drawing with soap bubbles;
  • drawing with crumpled paper;
  • blotting with a tube;
  • landscape monotype;
  • screen printing;
  • subject monotype;
  • blotting ordinary;
  • plasticineography.

Imitation game.
"Magic Flowers".

Vocabulary work:
GCD progress:

If you sharpen it
Draw whatever you want;
Sun, mountains, pines, beach,
What is this? (pencil).

(Repeat exercise 2 times)

- What do you hear?

(I show the drawing technique)

Fizminutka “Flowers”

Listeners are divided into groups. They were asked to make notes using non-traditional drawing methods.

Discussion on the results of joint activities.

As V.A. Sukhomlinsky: “The origins of the abilities and talents of children at their fingertips. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, go the thinnest threads-streams, which are fed by the source of creative thought. In other words, the more skill in a child's hand, the smarter the child."



« Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten and their role in the development of preschool children

The art of depicting without being based on tradition.

Children from a very early age try to reflect their impressions of the world around them in their fine art.
My job is to use non-traditional techniques in drawing. Drawing in non-traditional ways is a fun, mesmerizing activity that surprises and delights children. The developing environment plays an important role in the development of the child. Therefore, when organizing a subject-developing environment, she took into account that the content was of a developmental nature, and was aimed at developing the creativity of each child in accordance with hisunconventional drawing
individual opportunities, accessible and appropriate for the age characteristics of children. How many unnecessary interesting things are at home (toothbrush, combs, foam rubber, corks, foam plastic, spool of thread, candles, etc.). We went out for a walk, take a closer look, and how many interesting things there are: sticks, cones, leaves, pebbles, plant seeds, dandelion fluff, thistles, poplars. All these items enriched the corner of productive activity. Unusual materials and original techniques attract children by the fact that the word “No” is not present here, you can draw whatever you want and how you want, and you can even come up with your own unusual technique. Children feel unforgettable, positive emotions, and emotions can be used to judge the mood of the child, about what pleases him, what upsets him.
Conducting classes using non-traditional techniques

  • Helps relieve children's fears;
  • Develops self-confidence;
  • Develops spatial thinking;
  • Teaches children to freely express their intention;
  • Encourages children to creative searches and solutions;
  • Teaches children to work with a variety of materials;
  • Develops a sense of composition, rhythm, color, color perception; sense of texture and volume;
  • Develops fine motor skills of hands;
  • Develops creativity, imagination and flight of fancy.
  • While working, children get aesthetic pleasure.

After analyzing the drawings of preschoolers, I came to the conclusion that it is necessary to facilitate drawing skills, because not even every adult will be able to depict any object. This can greatly increase the interest of preschoolers in drawing. There are many non-traditional drawing techniques, and their uniqueness lies in the fact that they allow children to quickly achieve the desired result.
Participation in the city methodological association "Young Artist" prompted me to think: "Why not try in practice the techniques of non-traditional drawing in the drawing class?"
Compiled perspective plan work for each age group, wrote notes of classes for children of different preschool ages. And she chose the topic for self-education "Unconventional drawing technique in kindergarten."
The success of teaching non-traditional techniques largely depends on what methods and techniques the teacher uses to convey certain content to children, to form their knowledge, skills and abilities.
Having become acquainted with the methodological literature of various authors, such as A.V. Nikitina "Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten", I.A. Lykova - "Methodological guide for specialists of preschool educational institutions", T.N. Doronova - "Nature, art and visual activity of children" R.G. Kazakova "Visual activity in kindergarten" I found a lot of interesting ideas and set myself the following tasks:

  • Develop children's technical drawing skills.
  • Introduce children to various non-traditional drawing techniques.
  • To teach how to create your own unique image, in drawings on non-traditional drawing using various drawing techniques.
  • To introduce preschoolers closer to non-traditional drawing.

The results of the diagnostics showed that the high level of mastering the program in the section "Child in the world fiction fine arts" increased by 25%.
Experience has shown that mastering non-traditional technique images gives preschoolers true joy if it is built taking into account the specifics of the activity and age of children. They are happy to draw different patterns without experiencing difficulties. Children boldly take up art materials, kids are not afraid of their diversity and the prospect of independent choice. They enjoy the process of doing it. Children are ready to repeat this or that action many times. And the better the movement is, the more pleasure they repeat it, as if demonstrating their success, and rejoice, drawing the attention of an adult to their achievements.
While working, I ran into a problem, the children are afraid to draw, because, as it seems to them, they do not know how, and they will not succeed.
This is especially noticeable in middle group, where the skills of visual activity in children are still poorly developed, shaping movements are not sufficiently formed. Children lack self-confidence, imagination, independence. An incentive to encourage children to activity, to make them believe that they can very easily become little artists and create miracles on paper. And I managed to find what I needed. I took advantage of the experience of my colleagues in the field of teaching children to draw. And later reworked it, made its own adjustments.
I plan to hold a "Weekend Day", to interest parents in the technique of non-traditional drawing.
There are many non-traditional drawing techniques, and their uniqueness lies in the fact that they allow children to quickly achieve the desired result. For example, which child will not be interested in drawing with his fingers, drawing with his own palm, putting blots on paper and getting a funny drawing. The child likes to quickly achieve results in his work.


It consists in teaching children how to make blots (black and multi-colored). Then a 3-year-old child can look at them and see images, objects or individual details. "What does your or my inkblot look like?", "Whom or what does it remind you of?" - these questions are very useful, because develop thinking and imagination. After that, without forcing the child, but showing, we recommend moving on to the next step - tracing or drawing the blot. The result can be a whole story.
Drawing together on a long strip of paper.
By the way, it is useful to change the paper format (that is, to give not only a standard). In this case, a long strip will help you draw together without interfering with each other. You can draw isolated objects or plots, i.e. work nearby. And even in this case, the child is warmer from the elbow of mom or dad. And then it is desirable to move on to collective drawing. Adults and the child agree on who will draw what to make one plot.
Poke with a stiff semi-dry brush.
Means of expressiveness: texture of color, color. Materials: hard brush, gouache, paper of any color and format, or a carved silhouette of a fluffy or prickly animal. Method of obtaining an image: the child lowers the brush into the gouache and strikes it on the paper, holding it vertically. When working, the brush does not fall into the water. Thus, the entire sheet, contour or template is filled. It turns out an imitation of the texture of a fluffy or prickly surface.
Finger painting.
Expressive means: spot, dot, short line, color. Materials: bowls with gouache, thick paper of any color, small sheets, napkins. Method of obtaining an image: the child dips his finger into gouache and puts dots, spots on paper. Paint is drawn on each finger different color. After work, the fingers are wiped with a napkin, then the gouache is easily washed off.
hand drawing.
Expressive means: spot, color, fantastic silhouette. Materials: wide saucers with gouache, brush, thick paper of any color, large format sheets, napkins. Method of obtaining an image: the child dips his hand (the whole brush) into gouache or paints it with a brush (from the age of 5) and makes an imprint on paper. They draw with both right and left hands, painted in different colors. After work, the hands are wiped with a napkin, then the gouache is easily washed off.
Drawing with a secret in three pairs of hands.
A rectangular sheet of paper is taken, 3 pencils. Adults and a child are distributed: who will draw the first, who will be the second, who will be the third. The first one starts drawing, and then closes his drawing, bending the leaflet on top and leaving a little bit, some part, to continue (the neck, for example). The second, not seeing anything but the neck, naturally continues the torso, leaving only part of the legs visible. The third one finishes. Then the whole sheet is opened - and almost always it turns out funny: from the mismatch of proportions, color schemes.

Drawing yourself or drawing from nature of your favorite toys.

Drawing from nature develops observation, the ability to no longer create, but to depict according to the rules, i.e. draw so that it looks like the original in proportions, shapes, and colors. Suggest that you draw yourself first, looking in the mirror. And be sure to look in the mirror many times. Better yet, show how you adults will draw yourself, by all means looking in the mirror many times. Then let the child choose an object for himself. It can be a favorite doll, bear or car. It is important to learn to observe for a long time, comparing parts of the subject. And further. If a child moves away from nature, introduces something of his own, as a result of which a completely different object or toy appears, do not be upset. Praise your kid: "You drew a new car today! Perhaps you want one?" But at the end of such a drawing, it is important to ask: "How does the drawn car differ from this one?"
Paper rolling.
Expressive means: texture, volume. Materials: napkins or colored double-sided paper, PVA glue poured in a saucer, thick paper or colored cardboard for the base. Method of obtaining an image: the child crumples the paper in his hands until it becomes soft. Then he rolls a ball out of it. Its sizes can be different: from small (berry) to large (cloud, lump for a snowman). After that, the paper ball is lowered into the glue and glued to the base.
"I draw my mother" ...
It would be good to continue drawing from life or drawing from memory (family members, relatives and friends can become objects for such an image). As supporting material, there may be photographs or conversations about characteristic features appearance of missing relatives... Photographs are taken and examined. A conversation is held: "What kind of grandmother Valya? What kind of hair does she have? Hairstyle? Favorite dress? Smile?" And the creative process begins. After a while, you can offer to draw girlfriends from memory. When there are enough drawings depicting relatives and friends, we advise you to organize a mini-exhibition "My relatives and friends", where the first portraits of a preschooler are appreciated.
Wrinkled paper print.
Expressive means: spot, texture, color. Materials: a saucer or a plastic box, which contains a stamp pad made of thin foam rubber soaked in gouache, thick paper of any color and size, crumpled paper. Method of obtaining an image: the child presses the crumpled paper to the ink pad and makes an impression on the paper. To get a different color, both the saucer and the crumpled paper change.
Wax crayons + watercolor.
Expressive means: color, line, spot, texture. Materials: wax crayons, thick white paper, watercolor, brushes. Image acquisition method: child painting wax crayons on white paper. Then he paints the sheet with watercolor in one or more colors. The chalk drawing remains unpainted.
Candle + watercolor.
Expressive means: color, line, spot, texture. Materials: candle, thick paper, watercolor, brushes. Way of obtaining an image: the child draws with a candle on paper. Then he paints the sheet with watercolor in one or more colors. The candle pattern remains white.
Dotted pattern.
Children love anything non-traditional. Drawing with dots refers to unusual, in this case, techniques. For implementation, you can take a felt-tip pen, a pencil, put it perpendicular to a white sheet of paper and start drawing. But here, bitmaps are best obtained with paints. Here's how it's done. A match, cleaned of sulfur, is tightly wrapped with a small piece of cotton wool and dipped in thick paint. And then the principle of drawing points is the same. The main thing is to immediately interest the child.
Expressive means: dot, texture. Materials: paper, gouache, hard brush, a piece of thick cardboard or plastic (5x5 cm). Method of obtaining an image: the child picks up paint on a brush and hits the brush on cardboard, which he holds above the paper. Then he paints the sheet with watercolor in one or more colors. The paint splatters on the paper.
Leaf prints.
Expressive means: texture, color. Materials: paper, gouache, leaves of different trees (preferably fallen), brushes. Method of obtaining an image: the child covers a piece of wood with paints of different colors, then applies it with the colored side to the paper to obtain a print. Each time a new leaf is taken. The petioles of the leaves can be painted with a brush.
Conducting a cycle of classes using a variety of techniques to identify the abilities of children over the past time, it is clear that children have the ability to work with paints using non-traditional techniques. In children with poorly developed artistic and creative abilities, the indicators are slightly higher than at the beginning of the school year, but due to the use of non-traditional materials, the level of enthusiasm for the topic and technique and the ability to color perception have improved.
Foam drawings.
For some reason, we all tend to think that if we paint with paints, then we must also use a brush. Far from always, say Trizovites. Foam rubber can come to the rescue. We advise you to make a variety of various small geometric figures out of it, and then attach them with a thin wire to a stick or pencil (not sharpened). The tool is ready. Now you can dip it in paint and use the stamp method to draw red triangles, yellow circles, green squares (all foam rubber, unlike cotton wool, is well washed). At first, children will randomly draw geometric shapes. And then offer to make the simplest ornaments out of them - first from one type of figure, then from two, three.

Mysterious drawings
Mysterious drawings can be obtained as follows. A cardboard about 20x20 cm in size is taken. And it folds in half. Then a semi-woolen or woolen thread about 30 cm long is selected, its end is dipped in thick paint for 8-10 cm and clamped inside the cardboard. You should then move this thread inside the cardboard, and then take it out and open the cardboard. It turns out a chaotic image, which is examined, outlined and completed by adults with children. It is extremely useful to give names to the resulting images. This complex mental and speech work, combined with visual work, will contribute to the intellectual development of preschool children.
Drawing with crayons.
Preschoolers love variety. These opportunities provide us with ordinary crayons, sanguine, coal. Smooth asphalt, porcelain, ceramic tiles, stones - this is the base on which chalk and coal fit well. So, asphalt disposes to a capacious image of plots. They (if there is no rain) can be developed the next day. And then make up stories according to the plots. And on ceramic tiles (which are sometimes stored in the remains somewhere in the pantry), we recommend depicting patterns, small objects with crayons or charcoal. Large stones (such as voluns) are asked to decorate them under the image of an animal's head or under a stump. It depends on what or whom the stone resembles in shape.

Magic Drawing Method.

This method is implemented like this. An image is drawn on white paper with the corner of a wax candle (a Christmas tree, a house, or maybe a whole plot). Then with a brush, and preferably with cotton wool or foam rubber, the paint is applied on top of the entire image. Due to the fact that the paint does not fall on the bold image with a candle - the drawing seems to appear suddenly before the eyes of the children, manifesting itself. You can get the same effect by first drawing with stationery glue or a piece of laundry soap. In this case, the selection of the background to the subject plays an important role. For example, it is better to paint over a snowman painted with a candle with blue paint, and a boat with green paint. No need to worry if

Painting little pebbles.
Of course, most often the child depicts on a plane, on paper, less often on asphalt, tiles of large stones. A flat image of a house, trees, cars, animals on paper is not as attractive as creating volumetric own creations. In this regard, sea pebbles are ideally used. They are smooth, small and have a different shape. The very shape of the pebble will sometimes tell the child what image to create in this case (and sometimes adults will help the kids). It is better to paint one pebble under a frog, another under a bug, and a wonderful fungus will come out of the third. Bright thick paint is applied to the pebble - and the image is ready. And it’s better to finish it like this: after the pebble dries, cover it with a colorless varnish. In this case, a voluminous beetle or a frog made by children's hands shines, brightly shimmers. This toy will participate in independent children's games more than once and bring considerable benefits to its owner.
nitkography method.
There is this method mainly for girls. But this does not mean that it is not suitable for children of the opposite sex. And it consists in the following. First, a screen 25x25 cm in size is made of cardboard. Either velvet paper or plain flannel is glued onto the cardboard. It would be nice to prepare a nice bag with a set of woolen or semi-woolen threads of various colors for the screen. This method is based on the following feature: threads with a certain percentage of wool are attracted to flannel or velvet paper. You just need to attach them with light movements of the index finger. From such threads you can prepare interesting stories. Develops imagination, sense of taste. Especially girls learn to skillfully select colors. Some thread colors are suitable for light flannel, and completely different colors for dark flannel. Thus begins the gradual path to the women's craft, needlework, which is very necessary for them.
Monotype method.
Two words about this, unfortunately rarely used method. And in vain. Because he is fraught with a lot of tempting for preschoolers. In short, this is an image on cellophane, which is then transferred to paper. On smooth cellophane, I paint with paint using a brush, or a match with cotton wool, or with my finger. The paint should be thick and bright. And immediately, until the paint has dried, turn the cellophane over with the image down on white thick paper and, as it were, wet the drawing, and then lift it up. It turns out two drawings. Sometimes the image remains on cellophane, sometimes on paper.
Drawing on wet paper.
Until recently, it was believed that you can only draw on dry paper, because the paint is sufficiently diluted with water. But there are a number of objects, plots, images that are better to draw on wet paper. We need ambiguity, vagueness, for example, if the child wants to depict the following topics: "City in the fog", "I had dreams", "It's raining", "Night city", "Flowers behind the curtain", etc. You need to teach a preschooler to make the paper a little wet. If the paper is too wet, the drawing may not work. Therefore, it is recommended to soak a ball of cotton wool in clean water, wring it out and draw it either over the entire sheet of paper, or (if required) only over a separate part. And the paper is ready to produce vague images.
Fabric images.
We collect the remnants of fabrics of various patterns and different qualities in a bag. Useful, as they say, and chintz, and brocade. It is very important to show with concrete examples how the drawing on the fabric, as well as its dressing, can help to depict something very brightly and at the same time easily in the plot. Let's give some examples. So, on one of the fabrics flowers are depicted. They are cut out along the contour, glued (only with a paste or other good glue), and then they paint on a table or a vase. It turns out a capacious colorful image. There are fabrics that can serve well as a house or the body of an animal, or a beautiful umbrella, or a hat for a doll, or a handbag.
Volume application.
Obviously, children love to do appliqué: cut something and stick it on, getting a lot of pleasure from the process itself. And you need to create all the conditions for them. Along with a planar application, teach them how to make a three-dimensional one: a three-dimensional one is better perceived by a preschooler and more realistically reflects the world around them. In order to obtain such an image, it is necessary to wrinkle applicative colored paper in children's hands, then slightly straighten it and cut out the required shape. After that, just stick it on and, if necessary, finish the individual details with a pencil or felt-tip pen. Make, for example, a turtle beloved by children. Remember the brown paper, flatten it slightly, cut out an oval shape and stick it on, then paint on the head and legs.
Draw with postcards.
In fact, almost every house has a lot of old postcards. Go through old postcards with the children, teach them to cut out the necessary images and stick them to the place, into the plot. A bright factory image of objects and phenomena will give even the simplest unpretentious drawing a completely artistic design. How can a three-, four- and even five-year-old child draw a dog and a beetle? No. But to the dog and the bug, he will add the sun, the rain, and he will be very happy. Or if, together with the children, cut out from a postcard and stick on a fairy-tale house with a grandmother in the window, then a preschooler, guided by his imagination, knowledge of fairy tales and visual skills, will undoubtedly draw something for him.
Learning to make a background.
Usually children draw on white paper. So you can see it more clearly. So faster. But some scenes require a background. And, I must say, all children's work looks better against a background made in advance. Many children make the background with a brush, moreover, an ordinary, small one. Although there is a simple and reliable way: make the background with cotton wool or a piece of foam rubber soaked in water and paint.
The concept itself explains the meaning this method: several of the above are collected in it. In general, ideally, the following seems important to us: it is good when a preschooler is not only familiar with various image techniques, but also does not forget about them, but uses them appropriately, fulfilling a given goal. For example, one of the children of 5-6 years old decided to draw summer, and for this he uses a bitmap (flowers), and the child draws the sun with his finger, he cuts fruits and vegetables from postcards, depicts the sky and clouds with fabrics, etc. There is no limit to improvement and creativity in visual activity. English teacher-researcher Anna Rogovin recommends using everything that is at hand for drawing exercises: draw with a cloth, paper napkin (folded many times); draw with dirty water, old tea leaves, coffee grounds, pomace from berries. It is also useful to paint cans and bottles, reels and boxes, etc.
Visual activity using non-traditional materials and techniques contributes to the development of the child:

  • Fine motor skills of hands and tactile perception;
  • Spatial orientation on a sheet of paper, eye and visual perception;
  • Attention and perseverance;
  • Visual skills and abilities, observation, aesthetic perception, emotional responsiveness;
  • In addition, in the process of this activity, the preschooler develops the skills of control and self-control.

The creative process is a real miracle. Watch as children discover their unique abilities and enjoy the joy of creation. Here they begin to feel the benefits of creativity and believe that mistakes are just steps towards achieving the goal, and not an obstacle, both in creativity and in all aspects of their life. It is better for children to instill:"In creativity there is no right way, there is no wrong way, there is only your own way"
In many ways, the result of the child's work depends on his interest, so it is important to activate the attention of the preschooler in the lesson, to encourage him to work with the help of additional incentives. Such incentives can be:

  • play, which is the main activity of children;
  • a surprise moment - the favorite hero of a fairy tale or cartoon comes to visit and invites the child to go on a trip;
  • a request for help, because children will never refuse to help the weak, it is important for them to feel significant;
  • musical accompaniment. Etc.

In addition, it is desirable to vividly, emotionally explain to the children the methods of action and show image techniques.
With children of preschool age it is recommended to use:

  • finger painting;
  • imprint with potato prints;
  • palm drawing.

Children of middle preschool age can be introduced to more complex techniques:

  • poke with a hard semi-dry brush.
  • foam printing;
  • stopper printing;
  • wax crayons + watercolor;
  • candle + watercolor;
  • leaf prints;
  • palm drawings;
  • drawing with cotton swabs;
  • magic ropes.

And in the senior preschool age children can master even more difficult methods and techniques:

  • sand painting;
  • drawing with soap bubbles;
  • drawing with crumpled paper;
  • blotting with a tube;
  • landscape monotype;
  • screen printing;
  • subject monotype;
  • blotting ordinary;
  • plasticineography.

Each of these techniques is a little game. Their use allows children to feel more relaxed, bolder, more direct, develops imagination, gives complete freedom for self-expression.
Imitation game.
Abstract of a lesson on visual activity in an unconventional drawing technique for senior group on the topic:"Magic Flowers".
The lesson is carried out in one stage.
Tasks: with the help of non-traditional drawing techniques, develop in children a persistent interest in visual activity. Develop the ability to choose color scheme colors, corresponding to the joyful summer mood. Develop color perception, improve fine motor skills of fingers and hands. Cause a positive response to the results of their creativity.
Equipment: woolen thread, landscape sheet, watercolors or gouache, brushes, one pencil for each child, water containers for each table, wet cloth napkins for hands.
Vocabulary work:colorful summer, red, green, yellow, orange, blue, magical flowers, rustling (pencil), ball.
GCD progress: through a short conversation about summer, create a joyful, positive attitude in children for the upcoming drawing lesson.
- Guys, what color is summer? (Children list the bright colors inherent in a warm sunny summer)
- What kind of flowers do you know? (Chamomile, petunia, roses, etc.)
Let us remember the warm summer today, although you are already looking forward to winter, and draw the most beautiful flowers that we saw on our site.
- Do you want to draw them? Then take your seats at the tables and guess the riddle, please:
If you sharpen it
Draw whatever you want;
Sun, mountains, pines, beach,
What is this? (pencil).
- That's right, guys! What else can you draw? (Felt-tip pens, chalk, brushes and paints)
- And what helps us to draw with all these and other objects? (With the help of leading questions, if the children do not answer immediately, get the right answer - hand and fingers).
- Tell me, and in order to be ready for a long, interesting day, feel cheerful and cheerful, what do we do in the morning? What are we doing? (charging).
- Correctly! So in order for us to start drawing, we need to prepare our fingers for work. Let's play with them.
Finger game "Five and Five".

(Repeat exercise 2 times)
- Well done! Now take a pencil in both hands between your palms, pinch it and roll it. Bring to the right ear (to the left ear).
- What do you hear?
What sound does a pencil make? (He rustles)
- That's right, he rustles. Rub another pencil between your palms and listen.
Now put down your pencil and touch your palms. What have they become? Apply them to the cheeks, to the forehead. What do you feel? (palms get warm)
- Correctly! Now your hands and fingers are ready to paint. Today I offer you an unusual way of drawing. You've never drawn like this before. Want to try and learn? It's called "nitkography".
(I show the drawing technique)
- I take a thread, and now roll the thread onto a sheet so that a ball is obtained. Now you need to dip the thread into the selected paint, holding on to the end of the thread, gently helping with a brush to roll the thread onto the sheet, as you did with a dry thread. I direct the end of the dry thread down holding it in my right hand, and with the palm of my left hand, lightly press the ball, slowly pull the thread out from under the palm of my hand. Magic happened!
Do you want to try it yourself? First, wake up your colors, but not all, but only those that are suitable for summer.
- Try it and see if you get magic? I'm sure it will work! (Children do the work)
In the course of the children's tasks, I admire the bright colors they have chosen and the successful manifestation of their magical skills, but while they dry up, turn into flowers themselves and play a little.
Fizminutka “Flowers”

(Repeat exercise 2-3 times)
- Guys, while we were resting, our flowers painted in an unusual way dried up, and we can finish them, draw leaves for them (Children finish the work, and while the work is drying up, we wipe our hands and tables with wet wipes, put things in order at the workplace )
- Well, your flowers are completely ready and you can give them to your mothers!
Listeners are divided into groups. They were asked to make notes using non-traditional drawing methods.

Discussion on the results of joint activities.

An artist and a poet lives in each of us, and we don’t even know about it, or rather we forgot. Remember the parable of "buried talents". But really, many people “bury” their talent in the ground, unable to reveal themselves. This is how “undiscovered talents” walk the streets and live everyday life. It's just that no one paid attention to the makings and abilities in childhood. You need to remember a simple rule - there are no mediocre children, there are undiscovered children. And we, adults, should help to reveal these talents!
As V.A. Sukhomlinsky:“The origins of the abilities and talents of children at your fingertips. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, go the thinnest threads-streams, which are fed by the source of creative thought. In other words, the more skill in a child's hand, the smarter the child."

Ecology of consumption. Children: If your child periodically gets upset, saying: “I can’t draw this” or “it didn’t turn out beautifully”, stop trying ...

If your child periodically gets frustrated, saying "I can't draw this" or "it didn't work out nicely", stop trying to draw from a model, as they do in various drawing circles, and try spontaneous drawing techniques, not standard ones.

We offer you 20 OPTIONS of similar techniques that reveal the individuality of the child.


This is when a child's doodles are inserted into a sheet with some form cut out. Those. cut out a template, for example, butterflies and put it on top of the baby's "scribbling". As a result, the work of the child forms a unique pattern of butterfly wings.

Foot drawing.

Tape a sheet of paper to the floor. Put a pencil between your toes and ask your child to draw something. You can create simultaneously with two feet on one sheet of paper. Tape a large sheet of paper to the wall and ask your child to draw something on it while lying on their back.


A sheet of paper is placed on a flat embossed object and then, moving with an unsharpened colored pencil over the surface, you get an impression that imitates the main texture. You can rub the pencil crumbs in the same way over the relief surface. Anyone who has tried to draw on a ribbed table knows how this drawing technique can be included in the drawing completely uninvited. And you can create drawings by combining the relief of several objects.

Air paints.

To prepare the paint mix in a small bowl:

  • one tablespoon of "self-rising" (pancake) flour - this is flour with baking powder already added. You can simply add to the flour (per 500 gr) 1 tsp. soda and 1 tsp. citric acid,
  • a few drops of food coloring
  • one tablespoon of salt.

Then you need to add a little water to give the “airy” paint the desired consistency.

You need to apply the paint on a thick sheet of cardboard (if you do not have the right brush, you can use cotton swabs).

Attention! The cardboard should not contain synthetic materials and films, use ordinary cardboard or very thick paper.

Place the painting in the microwave on the highest setting for 10 to 30 seconds until the paint is dry. Drying time depends on the thickness of the paint layer and its consistency.

Marble paper.

Need: shaving cream (foam), watercolors or food coloring, a flat plate for mixing shaving foam and paints, paper, a scraper.

Work plan:

  1. Apply shaving cream in an even, thick layer on a plate.
  2. Mix different colors of paint or food coloring with a little water to make a rich solution.
  3. Using a brush or pipette, drop paint of different colors onto the surface of the foam in random order.
  4. Now, with the same brush or stick, beautifully smear the paint over the surface so that it forms fancy zigzags, wavy lines, etc. This is the most creative stage of the whole work, which will bring pleasure to children.
  5. Now take a sheet of paper and carefully place it on the surface of the resulting patterned foam.
  6. Put the sheet on the table. All you have to do is scrape off all the foam from the sheet of paper. For these purposes, you can use a piece of cardboard or a lid cut in half.
  7. Under a layer of shaving foam, you will find stunning marble patterns. The paint has soaked into the paper quickly, you just need to let it dry for a few hours.

Food film drawing.

We apply spots of several colors of watercolor or gouache paint on the entire surface of the sheet. We put a film on top and draw, lightly pressing on the film, a variety of lines. Let the paint dry and remove the film. We bring the drawing to the end, with felt-tip pens or pencils.

Soap painting.

You can mix paints with soapy water and then apply patterns and shapes with a brush. When drawing, they form bubble ki, which create the texture of colorful strokes.


Let the kid drip paint on the sheet, tilt it in different directions, and then finish drawing the blot so that some kind of image is obtained. Or the child dips the brush into the paint, then puts an inkblot on a sheet of paper and folds the sheet in half so that the “blot” is printed on the second half of the sheet. Then he unfolds the sheet and tries to understand who or what the drawing looks like.

Drawing on wet surfaces.

The technique is very simple: moisten a paper sheet with water, let it dry for 30 seconds and start drawing. watercolor paints. Colors flow into different directions and very interesting stains are obtained (dawn, clouds, trees, rainbow).


Make a sketch on paper first. Moisten it with water with a brush, sprinkle with salt, wait until it absorbs water, sprinkle excess salt. When everything dries, draw the missing elements and color. Salt is good for drawing dragonflies, birds, jellyfish, butterflies, snow, smoke.


Prepare a sheet with animal silhouettes that you “draw” with a candle in advance. By painting over the drawing with paint, the child will unexpectedly “create” images of animals.

Foam rubber or sponge.

Having dipped a sponge in thick gouache, a child can draw landscapes, bouquets of flowers, lilac branches, apple trees.

A bunch of pencils.

Tape a large sheet of paper securely. Gather colored pencils in a bundle so that the sharpened ends are at the same level. Have your child draw.

Crayons and starch.

Pour a little starch onto a piece of paper and spread evenly over the surface with your hands. Invite your child to draw with crayons on a slippery surface. It's best to use the base colors of the crayons so they give you new colors.

Colored glue.

Pour the glue into empty bottles, add a few drops of a different color to each, and you are ready to create works of art. Draw with colored glue on dark paper using the "drip" technique.

Gauze swab.

Invite your child to dip a gauze swab into the paint and draw clouds, soap bubbles, snowdrifts, ducklings, butterflies. The missing details must be completed with a brush or felt-tip pen.

Corn cobs.

Think of an image. Dip the cob in the paint and roll it over a sheet of clean paper. Make an imprint with the "tail" of the corncob.


We make drawings with imprints of stamps.

Dot drawing.

The kid, with a light pressure of the pencil, outlines the preliminary outline of the object, then point technique fills in the space inside it using felt-tip pens or pencils of different colors.

Spray painting.

The most important thing here is to master the technique of "spraying". On a dry toothbrush with fairly stiff bristles, apply gouache, a little less than you usually put toothpaste. The consistency of paint is slightly thicker than paste, so water is usually not needed here. Hold the brush in your left hand with the bristles down at a distance of 3-4 cm from the paper and scrape the bristles towards you with a stick.

Very beautiful multi-colored "spray" (salute) and yellow-red ( gold autumn) on a white sheet; white "splash" on a dark blue background (winter landscape).

Magic balls.

Material: box lid, balls, paint, paper, brushes, water.

Progress. Place a sheet of paper in the box, apply a few multi-colored or plain drops of paint on it. Put 2-3 balls in the box and shake the box so that the balls roll around, mixing colors, creating a pattern. published

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We all know that babies experience the world through sensations. Here is a colored panel that will captivate the child and cause delight from the transformations that occur from touching with your own hands!
- paints
- white cardboard or canvas on cardboard
- film

Drawing in unconventional ways is very exciting for children. This is unusual, interesting and opens up a whole field for experimentation. In addition, classes using non-traditional drawing techniques help to relieve children's fears, develop fine motor skills of the hands, strengthen confidence in their own abilities, develop spatial and figurative thinking, which encourages children to freely express their intentions, seek creative ways his decisions. Children learn to work with materials of various textures and volumes, have the opportunity to fantasize and show independence.
Below are simple techniques that are accessible and interesting to children of preschool and primary school age.

The game "An identikit" or "draw" is almost like Pablo Picasso.

Pointillism technique
(French Pointillisme, literally “dottedness”, French point - point) is a direction in the visual arts, the founder of which is considered the French neo-impressionist artist Georges Seurat. Seurat painted pictures using tiny multi-colored dots instead of the usual strokes and solid painted areas. He achieved different shades by placing dots of pure colors close together. The most famous picture Seurat is called "Sunday walk on the island of Grande Jatte".
Usually, when children are asked to draw a picture using the pointillism technique, a cotton swab is used instead of a brush. We would like to invite you to try drawing with melted wax pencils.

Technique "Scratch"

A colored background is applied to a sheet of paper. When the paint dries, the sheet must be rubbed with wax or a candle. Pour mascara into shampoo or liquid soap. Cover the entire leaf with this mixture. After the sheet dries, scratch the drawing with a pointed stick. It can be space, trees, a vase of flowers, in general, everything that the imagination suggests.

Technique "Foamy Oron"

Add shampoo or soap to the water, squeeze a sponge in it to form a thick foam, collect the foam on the glass with a sponge, add paint, put a sheet of paper on top. Smooth it out and lift it up. The background is ready. Approximate topics: "Visiting the Little Mermaid", "Magic of Nature", "Where it's cold or hot."

Technique "Photocopy"

(Drawing with wax pencils, fat pastels, a candle.)
A drawing is applied to the paper with a candle and wax crayons. Then the entire sheet is filled with watercolor.

Technique "Draw with palm and fingers"

Instead of brushes - palms and fingers. Dip your hand in the paint, let it drain, and attach your palm to a sheet of paper. Use your finger to draw dots on the resulting print, stripes - for each finger - a drawing of a different color. For a miniature design of the picture, it is convenient to use a thin brush. The field for imagination is limitless!

Technique "Diatype and Monotype"

Diatype - apply a light layer of paint on a smooth surface of cardboard with a cloth swab. Put a sheet of paper on top and draw something with a pencil or just a stick. On the side that was pressed against the cardboard, an impression is obtained.

Monotype - drip paint of different colors on one side of the sheet. Bend the sheet in half, smooth with your hand, unfold. Approximate topics: "Frog", "Flower", "Birch trees look in the mirror", "In the land of wonderful butterflies".

Technique "Mosaic painting"

Apply to paper with a simple pencil an image of an object. Divide the drawing into parts. Fill with colored pencils, felt-tip pens or paints separate parts of the picture, select matching and beautifully harmonizing colors; consider a background color.

Technique "Plasticine painting"

On thick cardboard, make a pencil sketch of the future picture. Objects are "painted over" with plasticine - they are smeared in small pieces.

Technique "Spray"

At the end of a toothbrush or brush, pick up some paint, tilt the brush over the sheet and
run a stick along the pile. Splashes will scatter across the sheet. The spray can be used as an additional effect of an already created image, or by imposing a certain silhouette cut out of paper. Stepwise spraying, as shown below, gives an interesting volume effect.

Technique "Printing with autumn leaves"

A fallen maple leaf, for example, with soft brush movements, cover with gouache paints, put on a prepared sheet of paper with the painted side down. Put paper on top and press with your hand.

Technique "Drawing with crumpled paper"

Crumple a thin sheet of paper and dip it into the paint, and then stick the lump to a thick paper sheet in a certain place - where you want to depict lace clouds, a lush crown autumn tree or salute, it all depends solely on your plan.

Technique "Crystal texture"

Threads 25 cm long. Paint in different colors. Arrange in any way on a sheet of paper. Bring the ends of the threads out. Put another sheet of paper on top and smooth with the palm of your hand. Pull out all the threads one by one, remove the top sheet.

Technique "Drawing through wet gauze"

Moistened gauze is applied to a sheet of paper and a drawing is applied to it with gouache. When the paint dries a little, the gauze is removed. Details are drawn with a thin brush (images of furry animals, picturesque landscapes, etc.)

From work experience. Non-traditional ways of drawing in kindergarten with older preschool children.

This material will introduce teachers to a variety of ways and techniques of working with gouache, watercolors, charcoal, sanguine, pastel and other materials, as well as their combination.
The experience of working with children in kindergarten has shown that drawing in unusual ways and using the materials that surround us in Everyday life evoke positive emotions in children. Drawing captivates children, and especially non-traditional ones, children draw, create and compose something new themselves with great desire. Drawing in non-traditional ways, children are not afraid to make a mistake, since everything can be easily corrected, and something new can be easily invented from a mistake, and the child gains self-confidence, overcomes the “fear of a blank sheet of paper” and begins to feel like a little artist. He has an interest and desire to draw. You can draw with anything, anywhere, and how you want! The variety of materials poses new challenges and forces you to come up with something all the time!

Conducting classes using non-traditional techniques:

contributes to the removal of children's fears;
develops self-confidence;
develops spatial thinking;
teaches children to freely express their intention;
encourages children to creative searches and solutions;
teaches children to work with a variety of materials;
develops a sense of composition, rhythm, color, color perception;
sense of texture and volume;
develops fine motor skills of the hands;
develops creativity, imagination and flight of fancy.
while working, children get aesthetic pleasure.
to form creative thinking, a steady interest in artistic activity;
develop artistic taste, fantasy, ingenuity, spatial imagination;
develop skills and abilities necessary to create creative works;
develop the desire to experiment, showing bright cognitive feelings: surprise, doubt, joy from learning new things.
reinforce and enrich children's knowledge of different types artistic creativity;
introduce children various types visual activity, diversity art materials and how to work with them;
to consolidate acquired skills and to show children the breadth of their possible application.
educate diligence and desire to achieve success by one's own work;
to cultivate attention, accuracy, purposefulness, creative self-realization.


Theme: "Butterfly"
Means of expressiveness: spot, color, symmetry.
Material: paint, brush, paper
Fold a piece of paper in half. On one side, closer to the center, apply a few bright colored spots with a brush. Now quickly fold the sheet along the same fold and iron it well with your palm. Open it up and take a look: what happened? Fairy flowers? No, it's a beautiful butterfly!

"Monotype" + "Splatter"

Theme: "Winter landscapes", "Palace for the Snow Queen"
Expressive means: dot, texture.
Material: old toothbrushes, gouache, paper, herbarium, silhouettes.
A little paint is collected on the tip of the brush. Tilt the brush over a sheet of paper, and run a cardboard or comb over the pile. Splashes will scatter on a clean sheet. So you can depict the starry sky, fireworks. And you can also cut out any silhouette and place it on a sheet of paper and spray paint. Then remove the silhouette and you will have a trace, it can be supplemented, I paint on the missing lines with a brush.

"Monotype" + "Application"

Theme: "Seabed"

"Drawing on the raw"

Theme: "Seasons"
Expressive means: color, line, spot.
Materials: wet wipes, water container, paints, brushes, watercolor crayons.
First way:
Wet the paper and place it on a damp cloth (to keep the paper from drying out). Take a watercolor chalk and draw whatever you want.
Second way:
If there are no watercolor pencils, you can draw with paints and a brush.

"Drawing on raw" with further drawing of details.

"Drawing on raw" + sanguine

Theme: "Seasons"

"Drawing on raw" + pastel

Theme: "Goldfish"

"Crumpled paper"

Theme: "Autumn Leaves"
Surface aging effect.
Material: paper, paints, brushes, plates.
First way:
Crumple a clean sheet of paper with your hands and smooth it out. Draw the intended drawing. This technique is interesting in that in places where the paper is folded, the paint becomes more intense, darker when painting - this is called the mosaic effect.
Second way:
Crumple a piece of paper, dip it into wet paint, then apply a pattern by dipping. This method can be used for the background, or to complete the work - flowers, tree crown, snowdrifts, and so on.


Theme: "Night", "Space", "Winter", "Seabed"
Materials: Candle, black gouache, shampoo, pointed stick.
Let's apply a colored background with watercolors or take colored cardboard or plain white paper. The entire background is completely rubbed with wax, paraffin. Pour black or colored gouache into the socket, add a little shampoo and mix thoroughly. Then we cover the paraffin sheet with this mixture, the workpiece is ready. Now let's take a pointed stick and start scratching the drawing.

"Poke with a hard semi-dry brush"

Theme: "Animals, clouds, flowers, trees, landscapes"
Means of expressiveness: texture of color, color.
Materials: hard brush, gouache, paper of any color and format, or a carved silhouette of a fluffy or prickly animal.
We collect quite a bit of gouache of the desired color on a dry hard brush and, holding the brush vertically (the brush knocks with the “heel”), we make “pokes” on top, placing them inside and along the edges of the silhouette of the animal. When the paint dries, draw the animal's eyes, nose, mouth, mustache and other characteristic details with the tip of a soft brush.

"Graphic arts"

Material: Black paper, sheets of white paper, white and black gouache.
First way:
Monochrome technique. On a black background, apply an image with white gouache (note: it is necessary to show a sense of proportion). Castles, landscapes, and miniature paintings look expressive in this way. Preliminary sketches can be done with a pencil. The mistake can be safely retouched with gouache or black ink, choosing the right shade.
Second way:
polychrome technique. On a black background they work with white gouache. White tone will give freshness, brightness. In exceptional cases, for example, when painting Easter eggs, spinning wheels, a colored background is acceptable.

Gouache painting with white

Theme: "Still life", "Landscape", "Abstraction".
Adding white to different colors of paints allows you to get light shades of the original color. Color sensations as a result, tenderness, lightness, airiness.

Activities for fine arts gives you the opportunity to enjoy positive emotions, to feel like the master of your creativity. Children study and learn to know the world around them by copying it. Their drawings reflect a personal attitude to everything that happens around. A variety of forms, methods and techniques of work on visual activity develops artistic ability child. This article presents certain types of non-traditional drawing techniques.

What is non-traditional drawing?

This is an art that is not based on traditions, does not adhere to them, but is distinguished by its unbrokenness and originality. Drawing in an unconventional style captivates, fascinates, delights and surprises children. After all, unusual materials are used here, and most importantly, there is no place for the word “no”. You can draw what you want, how you want and how you want. Moreover, it is not forbidden to come up with a new technique for depicting the image yourself.

Non-traditional drawing techniques in school and kindergarten teach children to express their thoughts freely, without any restrictions. Children's fears recede, self-confidence appears. The unusual thing about non-traditional drawing is that it allows children to quickly get the desired result.

What is the importance of image technique when creating a children's drawing?

In the children's work, the world around them opens up differently each time. It depends on the inner state of the little artist: on his desires and feelings. Children in more subject to emotion. In their imagination, images arise that defy any explanation. They can draw a red elephant, yellow rain, a running house.

Why does a child want to create, what motivates him to do so? First of all, of course, the imaginary image in his mind. At first glance, everything seems simple: I saw and drew. But in fact, this path is very difficult for the child, and requires a lot of knowledge and impressions from him. These are emotional experiences, and the ability to be surprised, to observe.

Drawing. Unconventional technique. Senior group

The image of a drawing on paper with pencils or paints helps the child prepare for the learning process at school. After all, during classes, children show their individuality. Properly organized drawing lessons develop the child's intellectual abilities, correct mental processes. And this is no coincidence. In such classes, preschoolers have the opportunity to confidently assess their strengths, which is very important for the future school team. Development fine motor skills hands contribute to non-traditional drawing techniques. Children of the senior group of the kindergarten learn to draw with fingers, wax, palms, foam rubber, watercolor. Children draw with great interest using the method of blotography, bitmap, prints, splashing.

Blotography using a thread

To write a drawing in this technique, a brush is not needed. The unconventional drawing technique, the photo of which is presented to your attention, is attractive because there are no strictly designated canons here. For example, this blot must be drawn without fail in a rounded shape. Using non-traditional drawing techniques in the classroom, ample opportunities open up for children's imagination.

So, for work you need threads, paints and white paper. First, the thread should be dyed in the color that you like best. Then lay it out on a prepared sheet of paper in a chaotic manner, but so that the tip remains outside the field. Cover with another sheet on top, and pull the thread. You will get spots and lines of a bizarre shape. With the help of a pencil, they easily turn into the desired image.


Non-traditional drawing techniques for children are very diverse. One of them is splashing, or splashing. In this technique, the drawing should be done with a hard brush or brush for brushing teeth. To get some kind of image, you first need to dip the brush in gouache, and then spray it all over the sheet. Small droplets are obtained, which in places merge into large spots. It is enough to take a pencil and finish drawing your favorite character or object. If you dip the brush in toothpaste and spray it, you get snow.


There is a wide variety of non-traditional drawing techniques. Monotype is one of them. This is perhaps the most magical genre of drawing: neither painting nor graphics, but something in between a trick and a beautiful fairy tale. Children's non-traditional drawing techniques provide an opportunity for free expression. This drawing method is very tempting for preschoolers, although it is rarely used in art classes. What is it?

This technique is used if you need to get a mirror image. With its help, a reflection on the water is drawn, objects located symmetrically. First, the drawing is depicted on smooth cellophane. To do this, you need a soft brush or a match wrapped in cotton wool. In extreme cases, you can draw with your finger. The paint must be used bright and thick so that it does not spread. The further action is as follows: until the paint has dried, the cellophane is turned over onto a white sheet of thick paper with a pattern down and, as it were, blotted. Then, carefully, so as not to smear, rises. It turns out two identical drawings: one on paper, the other on cellophane.


This word translated from French means "scratch, scrape", hence another name for this technique - scratching. To perform a drawing in this technique, you need to fill the cardboard with paraffin, apply ink, wait until it dries completely and scratch out the desired pattern.


Drawing in this technique is done with water. To do this, a large gouache drawing is depicted on thick paper. When the paint dries, the whole drawing is covered with black ink and shown in water. Gouache will be washed off with water, but ink will remain. Unconventional drawing techniques work wonders. Flowers drawn in this way are especially beautiful.

water seal

This is a kind of drawing method. To work, you need a bath with water. Paint of different colors is poured directly onto its surface, and a landscape sheet of paper is placed on top of it. You get an image, you can complete it with strokes with a brush.

Drawing with a candle or wax crayons

A lot of names have non-traditional drawing techniques. One of them is candle painting. To do this, you need to color a sheet of white paper with pencils of different colors. Then with a candle we draw houses, stars or some other object or image. After that, we paint over our drawing with watercolors.

dot pattern

Unconventional drawing techniques are very popular with children. Writing a picture with dots refers to an unusual technique. To do this, colored pencils or felt-tip pens are taken and dots are applied to a white sheet of paper. But it is better to do it with paints.

The match is cleaned of sulfur, a piece of cotton wool is wound around the tip, dipped in paint and dots are applied.

Foam rubber drawings

For many people, painting with paints is associated with a brush. But this is not a completely correct judgment. Indeed, instead of a brush, you can cut geometric shapes from foam rubber, attach them to an unsharpened pencil or any even stick. Homemade brush is ready. Next, each figure is dipped in paint and stamped on paper. Thus, circles, triangles, rhombuses are obtained. You can make an ornament out of them.

Chalk drawing

Children love to have variety in their lives. This can be done with ordinary chalk or coal. They fit well on asphalt, ceramic tiles, stones, porcelain. It is good to draw capacious images of plots on asphalt.

If the work is not finished, you can continue the next day. Of course, there can be disappointments if it starts to rain and wash away the entire drawing. According to the plots drawn, children make up whole stories. It is convenient to depict small objects, patterns on ceramic tiles. But on large stones - the heads of fabulous animals.


A commonly used material - potatoes - can be depicted on paper as animals. To do this, you need to make a signet out of a vegetable. The potato is cut in half and an animal or object is drawn on the smooth side with a pen. Then, with the tip of a knife, carefully cut along the contour to a height of 1.5 centimeters, attach a handle and the print is ready. The child applies the seal to the foam rubber with paint, then the print is applied to the paper. If the color of the paint needs to be changed, another signet and foam rubber are taken. This drawing technique is especially liked by children. After all, one and the same object can be depicted as many times as possible, and make up a whole composition from it.

leaves prints

Conducting classes with children, you can use a wide variety of non-traditional drawing techniques in preschool educational institutions. In early spring, when young sticky leaves bloom on the trees, and in late autumn, when they change color and fall off, the child watches them with interest. Therefore, when in the classroom children are invited to print a real leaf of birch or maple, they do it with great pleasure. First you need to cover the sheet with paint, and then attach the painted side to white paper. Every time you should take another sheet. So the veins will be better imprinted. If there is no petiole, it does not matter. It can be easily painted with a brush.

Paint blowing

If you need to depict shrubs, trees, unusual fabulous plants or corals, use this technique. You need to drop paint on a sheet of paper and use a cocktail tube to inflate it in accordance with the intended image. The drawing is bright and expressive. This technique is especially suitable for those children who find it difficult to express their creativity through the line.

Drawing on wet paper

The types of non-traditional drawing techniques are so diverse that for each child individually you can choose the most interesting and exciting method for him. One of these is the image of a drawing on wet paper. The fact is that until recently it was considered possible to draw only on dry paper, since paint diluted with water already moisturizes it.

But there are such plots, images, objects in which vagueness and uncertainty must be introduced. For example, fog, a dream, night. However, the paper should not be too wet, otherwise the drawing will not work. It is not necessary to dip all the paper in water. It is enough to wet a piece of cotton wool, wring it out and run it over the surface of the sheet or its individual parts. The paper is ready for work, you can begin to image images.

Drawing with hands

Children of the senior group of the kindergarten are happy to learn this method of non-traditional drawing. Indeed, the work uses fingers, which the child lowers into gouache and begins to draw with them without any brush. Each finger can be dipped in paint of a different color. Thus, a whole set of brushes is obtained. And if you paint a palm with paint and attach it to paper, an imprint will remain on it.

The guys themselves give the image the desired shape. They easily turn him into a dragon, a butterfly, who has enough imagination for what. Performing this task, the children make different movements with their hands: blotting, slapping, smearing.

Drawing with a tissue swab. Master class on the topic

This form of conducting classes in kindergarten attracts children, their parents and educators. With great pleasure, those who wish to attend the master class. Non-traditional drawing techniques are always interesting for their mystery and novelty. If the topic of the master class is drawing a landscape in black and white, then for work you will need gouache of the corresponding color, pieces of cotton fabric, a white sheet of paper, PVA glue, colored cardboard, scissors.

So, let's start working. We crumple the fabric and make a tampon out of it of such a size that it is convenient to hold it. This will be your brush. We dip it in black paint and draw a horizontal line on a piece of paper. It is the horizon, that is, it separates the sky from the earth. The higher this line, the more space opens up to the eye.

We continue drawing with unconventional techniques. We will depict the forest at a remote distance. To do this, with chaotic adjoining movements, we print shrubs and trees from the horizon line upwards. You should always remember that objects in the foreground are always larger and more distinct than those in the background. This rule also applies to non-traditional drawing techniques. Pictures then turn out to be beautiful, the objects depicted on them become similar to real ones.

Now fill in the foreground and draw the line of the coast in the way of drawing from left to right. We print bushes with the same swab, then we draw clouds and clouds in the sky using the smearing method. Next, we depict ripples on the lake, the sun and its reflection in clear water. Drawing with non-traditional technique is finished. The picture is ready.